Test #12 Vocab Flashcards
principle of nonalignment
120 developing world states that aren’t aligned with or against any major power bloc
principle of political alliance of all Arab states
AIDs is potentially life-threatening caused by HIV, contracted by an infected person through sex
transfer of a business from public to private ownership and control
a written agreement between belligerent nations
principle of the political union of all indigenous inhabitants of Africa
Mahatma Gandhi
a nationalist leader in religious affairs
Jawaharlal Nehru
1st prime minister of the Republic of India
Achmed Sukarno
1st president of the Republic of Indonesia
Aug San Suu Kyi
Burmese politician, diplomat, and author
Palestine Mandate
League of Nations mandate for British rule over Palestine’s territories
Colonel Gamal Abdel
3rd major partner in Nonalignment Movement
Egyptian leader who nationalized the suez cartel
Six-Day War
June 5th-10th, 1967 led by Israel
Palestine Liberation Organization
founded in 1964, tried to liberate Palestine through armed struggle
Iranian Revolution
1979, overthrow of Iran’s monarchy and the est. of an Islamic Republic
Reza Shah Pahlari
last Shah of Persia
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
the supreme leader of Iran
Persian Gulf War
UN vs Iraq, they got greedy
Islamic fundamentalist political movement
a system of racial segregation
an ethnic group in the Great Lakes region in Africa
former majority of Rwanda, until their genocide
Ida Amin
former president of Uganda
Nelson Mandela
president of S. Africa; famous philosopher
Chinua Achebe
Nigeria critic/novelist/poet
Fidel Castro
Cuban communist revolutionary and politician
alliance for progress
Kennedy’s support for Latin American relations
Cuban revolution
led by Castro to overthrow Batista
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Columbian novelist