Test #11 Flashcards
Adolf Hitler’s aggression was fueled by
his theory of racial domination.
Why did other states allow Hitler to send troops into the Rhineland
The Rhineland was a German territory.
Germany became allied with
japan and Italy
Why did Hitler take over Austria?
Hitler’s native land was Austria
Hitler made an agreement with Joseph Stalin because
he wanted to invade Poland without interference.
Unlike Germany, Japan waged wars to gain
natural resources
Which countries and areas was Japan determined to seize and control?
North China and Manchuria
Why did Japan want to establish a New Order in Asia?
to become prosperous by controlling the resources of its neighbors
Great Britain allowed Hitler to invade Czechoslovakia because British leaders thought
Germany would be satisfied with its reasonable demand and become peaceful.
What did the Western nations hope to gain from the Munich Conference?
Germany’s “lightning war” was known as the
The bombing of British cities backfired because
British military targets were not being hit
What stopped German troops from winning in the Soviet Union?
an early winter and fierce Soviet resistance
Japanese leaders miscalculated American intent and thought that the United States would accept
Japanese domination of the Pacific.
Hitler’s lightning war early in the war gave him control of
much of western and central Europe.
How did Japan treat the Pacific nations that it liberated
as conquered lands
Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor
to destroy the U.S. fleet in the Pacific and make the United States accept Japanese domination of the Pacific.
What was one result of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?
The United States unified its resolve to enter and win the war.
The turning point of the war in Asia that established U.S. naval superiority over Japan in the Pacific was the Battle of
Midway Island.
The Allied powers were able to win because their unity of purpose
made it impossible for Hitler to divide them.
How did the Japanese use people from the territories it conquered?
To serve in the local Japanese military units
In 1942 the Nazi regime stretched from
English Channel to Moscow
The German resettlement plans in the countries to the east called for
The Slavic people to move out and German people to move in
When the Germans conquered a country, they
Forced many local peoples to work
Why did Japan want to conquer countries in Southeast Asia?
It needed raw materials for it war machine
Japan had conquered Southeast Asia during World War II by using the slogan
Asia for asiatics”
Nearly ______ European Jews died in the Holocaust.
Two out of three
What kind of a society did Hitler want to have in Germany?
A society limited to Aryans
What was the biggest priority for the Allies in Europe?
Ending the war
A few foreign diplomats tried to save the Jews by
Issuing exit visas