GP Test #4 Flashcards
UN peacekeeping forces are responsible for
recommending solutions to important global issues.
Which UN organization or agency has the power to veto decisions?
UN Security Council
Which two countries have tested nuclear devices underground?
North Korea and Israel
In 2003, the war on terror spread to the Middle East when the United States invaded
In response to the September 11 terrorist attacks, the United States and its allies
began military action against the Taliban in Afghanistan.
After the genocide in Rwanda, the UN
sentenced the former prime minister to life imprisonment
Religious conflict in Sri Lanka has existed since 1993 between
Sinhalese Buddhists and Hindu Tamils.
What was the cause of the violence in East Timor in 1999?
a vote to become free of Indonesian rule
The debt crisis in Latin America ushered in a movement toward
democratic governments
Sudan experienced ethnic violence when
Arab militias attacked African ethnic groups
Each year, 18 million people die from
poverty-related causes.
More than two-thirds of those infected with HIV can be found on which continent?
In Sudan, 1.3 million people starved when
civil war combatants interrupted the food supply
Dictators and military regimes in countries such as Cuba and Myanmar have
punished people who disagree with their views.
Because women in many developing countries face difficulties,
one of the UN Millenium Development goals is to promote gender equality
Many wealthy nations, including those in Western Europe, are experiencing
a decline in population
Where is the global population most rapidly increasing?
developing nations
It is estimated that by 2050 the world’s most populous nation will be
Nongovernmental organizations, including business groups and foundations
work to solve many different global problems
UNAIDS, and international organizations like it, sponsor initiatives to
prevent HIV infection
Which international organization was established to oversee the global financial system?
Which economic organization provides grants and advice and has the stated goal of creating a “world free of poverty”?
The World Bank
The World Trade Organization
arranges trade agreements and settles disputes between its 150 member nations
One result of the establishment of NAFTA included
increased prosperity in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay
After the establishment of NAFTA
American industrial workers lost their jobs to low-cost Mexican labor
One of the first goals of the European Union was to
create a common currency and a central bank.
In which area has the EU been less successful?
Critics of the World Bank and the IMF claim these organizations
aggravate poverty and debt in developing nations
Which of the following is an example of the dangers of global economic interdependence?
global recession after the collapse of the US housing market
One positive development from the process of globalization is
the rise of citizen groups and transnational organizations
In 1972, the public was introduced to
cellular phones
Text and instant messaging
revolutionized written language
Which developments in the 1990s made Internet access easier for far greater numbers of people?
development of Web browsers and HTTP
Why does the Hubble Space Telescope orbit 375 miles above the Earth’s surface?
to study and discover distant galaxies without atmospheric interference
The Human Genome Project has helped unlock the secrets of DNA and may lead to
new ways to diagnose and treat genetic diseases
While genetically engineered crops may have the ability to solve international hunger crises,
many farmers cannot afford the huge quantities of chemical fertilizers needed to grow these crops.
Although 150 nations signed the Kyoto Protocol, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
the United States failed to ratify this treaty
Some experts predict that by 2050 one-third of electricity could be generated by
wind farms
In an attempt to guarantee that future generations are able to meet their most basic needs, the UN promotes
sustainable development and resource conservation
The book Silent Spring gave rise to a new field of science called