Test 1 + Test 2 materials - From Ike Flashcards
How do changes in the size of the bypass flow chamber and vaporizing chamber in a modern vaporizer help prevent backflow and improve performance?
Increasing the size of the bypass flow chamber helps by reducing resistance to gas flow, minimizing backpressure effects, and stabilizing internal flow, which prevents backflow into the vaporizing chamber.
Also, reducing the size of the vaporizing chamber makes the vaporization process more controlled, decreasing fluctuations in anesthetic concentration.
Together, these design modifications improve vaporizer performance by ensuring stable anesthetic delivery and precise concentration control, even under varying ventilation pressures.
What is the most common site for disconnections in the anesthesia breathing circuit?
the junction between the tracheal tube connector and the Y-piece adapter, or HME site
Soda lime that has changed color from purple to white:
○ indicates the pH has increased.
○ is most common at the end of the day.
○ is normally observed during periods of nonuse.
○ has regenerated.
There are two problems that occur with CO₂ absorbents:
It exhausts its ability to neutralize CO₂.
It dries out and becomes desiccated.
Soda lime is a strong base. As CO₂ consumes the basic substrate, the pH of the soda lime decreases, making it more acidic. When the pH falls below 10.3, an indicator dye (ethylene violet) changes from colorless to purple. This indicates that the soda lime should be replaced.
Color reversion occurs when soda lime that was previously purple turns back to white. This commonly happens during periods of nonuse, but it does not mean that the soda lime has regenerated. In fact, once it is exposed to CO₂ again, the canister will quickly turn purple. Additionally, the indicator dye does not indicate whether the absorbent has become desiccated.
What happens when the CO₂ absorbent granule size decreases?
When the granule size decreases, the surface area increases, leading to improved CO₂ absorption efficiency. However, the smaller granules pack more tightly, causing increased airway resistance, which can increase the patient’s breathing effort or require higher pressure in mechanical ventilation.
The DISS system is used to:
○ diagram the pathway of gas through the anesthesia machine.
○ filter and exchange air in the operating room.
○ prevent misconnections of gas hoses.
○ prevent misconnections of gas cylinders.
Correct Answer:
Prevent misconnections of gas hoses
The DISS (diameter index safety system) is designed to prevent accidental misconnections of gas piping. Each gas pipe and connector are uniquely sized and threaded at the back of the anesthesia machine to avoid serious errors.
The PISS (pin index safety system) is used to prevent incorrect connections of gas cylinders.
The SPDD model is used to understand the gas flow pathway within the anesthesia machine.
Which agency regulates the purity of oxygen tanks?
FDA regulates the purity of medical oxygen. According to United States Pharmacopeia (USP) standards, medical-grade oxygen must be at least 99.0% pure.
O₂ cylinder is most likely to be mistakenly replaced by which cylinder?
CO₂ cylinder
What nerves are responsible for the gag reflex?
CN 9 and 10
Afferent (sensory) limb: Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
Efferent (motor) limb: Vagus nerve (CN X)
What are the three major airway emergencies?
Hard to ventilate
Hard to intubate
Cannot ventilate, cannot intubate
What is denitrogenation?
Denitrogenation is the process of replacing nitrogen in the lungs with oxygen before induction of anesthesia.
Achieved through preoxygenation (100% O₂ for ~3-5 min).
Which one is NOT an indication of a difficult airway?
A. Mallampati Class III-IV
B. Small mouth opening
C. Short thyromental distance
D. Neck immobility
E. Wheezing
What special considerations are needed for abdominal surgery?
Risk of aspiration
Increased intra-abdominal pressure