Test 1 Flashcards
Know the different styles of Leadership and the difference between Management, Leading, & Following, and what is the difference between transactional, transformative, and complexity leadership.
Lazzae fare
Includes the group when making decisions, motivates by supporting achievements, Communication goes up and down the chain of command
Makes decisions for the group, Staff output is high, Uses coercion (gets people to do things via force or threats), Communications goes down a chain of command.
Means “leave it alone”, Leaders make few decisions, Little planning, rely on staff to get jobs done, Communication may go up and down chain of command Decreased work output.
: motivation to reach goals is incentivized by a trade-off…by identifying what follower’s want
Empowers followers to assume responsibility for a shared vision or goal, Personal development is secondary.
leadership paradigm that focuses on enabling the learning, creative, and adaptive capacity of complex adaptive systems (CAS) within a context of knowledge producing organizations
A person who demonstrates/exercises influence/power over others.
Person who holds accountability for a group of people
Person who contributes to a group’s outcomes by implementing activities and providing feedback. Followers decide whom they want to follow and when they want to follow (important for leaders to know who their followers are).
Have influence on leaders success
Still an equal participant
- Know key traits of leading, managing, following in nursing.
. *Effective leaders and managers must have these attributes:
i. Focused energy and stamina, Critical thinking skills, Responsibility and follow up, personal accountability, People skills, Trustworthiness, Ability to motivate others, Competence, Well rounded coping skills.
b. Makes a good follower
i. Provides a complimentary set of actions to support the leader.
- Work as a team
- Basic level of skills, knowledge and attitudes
- Must understand the organizational functioning of the workplace
- Understand why Nursing is not always viewed as a Profession and what nurses can do to change that image.
a. -is High intellectual level
- High level of individual responsibility and accountability
- Specialized body of knowledge
- Knowledge that can be learned in institutions of higher education
- Public service and altruistic activities
- Public service valued over financial gain
- Relatively high degree of autonomy and independence of practice
- Need for a well-organized and strong organization representing the members of the profession and controlling the quality of practice
- A code of ethics that guides the members of the profession in their practice
- Strong professional identity and commitment to the development of the profession
- Demonstration of professional competency and possession of a legally recognized license
- Be able to explain Emotional Intelligence and its impact on nursing decisions.
-Insight into emotions of members of the team
-Understands perspectives of others
-Encourages constructive criticism
-Is open to new ideas
-Able to focus while multi-tasking
-Manages emotions and channels them into positive direction
-Committed to the delivery of high level of care
-Refrains from judgment in controversial and emotionally charged situations until facts are gathered
-Emotional intelligence is developed through understanding the concept and applying it to practice
in everyday situations
- Be familiar with the ANA code of ethics and with Key Ethics Terms found in Module I.
Concerned more with the quality of nursing practice in the daily healthcare setting.
- Know the difference between Quality Improvement and Quality Management.
What is nursing’s role in both?
a. Quality improvement (performance improvement, quality control) is the process used to identify and resolve performance deficiencies.
Quality management includes measuring performance against a set of predetermined standards.
b. -Serve as unit representative on committees developing policies and procedures. Use reliable resources for information (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, professional journals, evidenced-based research).
c. -Enhance knowledge and understanding of the facility’s policies and procedures.
d. Provide client care consistent with these policies and procedures.
e. Document client care thoroughly and according to facility guidelines.
f. Participate in the collection of information/data related to staff’s adherence to selected policy or procedure.
g. Assist with analysis of the information/data.
h. Compare results with the established benchmark.
i. Make a judgment about performance in regard to the findings.
j. Assist with provision of education or training necessary to improve the performance of staff.
k. Act as a role model by practicing in accordance with the established standard.
l. Assist with re-evaluation of staff performance by collection of information/data at a specified time.
- How do Economics affect the U.S. Healthcare system? How are QI measures impacted by Economics?
a. Resource management includes budgeting and resource allocation. Human, financial, and material resources must be considered.
b. Budgeting is usually the responsibility of the unit manager, but staff nurses may be asked to provide input.
c. Resource allocation is a responsibility of the unit manager as well as every practicing nurse.
d. Providing cost-effective client care should not compromise quality of care.
* *Resources (supplies, equipment, personnel) are critical to accomplishing the goals and objectives of a health care facility, so it is essential for nurses to understand how to effectively manage resources.
e. Financial thinking skills are the cornerstone of cost-conscious nursing practice and are essential for all nurses. Nurses must also determine whether the services they provide add value for patients. Services that add value are of high quality, positively affect health outcomes, and minimize costs.
f. Understanding what constitutes profit and why organizations must make a profit to survive is basic to financial thinking. Knowing what is included in operating, capital, and cash budgets; how they interrelate; and how they are developed, monitored, and controlled is also important. Considering the ethical implications of financial decisions and collectively managing the cost-care dilemma are imperative for cost-conscious nursing practice.
- What is the role of Risk Management?
What should nurses do if an error is encountered?
a. Risk management is a process that identifies, analyzes, and treats potential hazards within a given setting.
The object of risk management is to identify potential hazards and eliminate them before anyone is harmed or disabled. Risk management activities include writing policies and procedures. Written policies and procedures are a requirement of TJC. These documents set standards of care for the institution and direct practice. They must be clearly stated, well delineated, and based on current practice.
b. Nurse managers should review the policies and procedures frequently for compliance and timeliness.
If policies are absent or outdated, the nurse manager must request the appropriate person or committee to either initiate or update the policy.
- Review priority nursing care and delegation from your Nursing II and Nursing III courses. Everything you have learned to this point is fair game!
i. E: Evaluate
ii. A: Assess
iii. T: teach
Priorities- ABCs; breathing