Terrorist Related Incidents Flashcards
What are the UK threat levels for terrorism?
5 answers
- low
- moderate
- substantial
- severe
- critical
What is the advice from the Counter Terrorism Command?
“If you suspect it, report it”
What colour tabard does the National Inter-agency Liasion Officer wear?
The NILO is the London Fire Brigades Tactical advisor for what?
- counter terrorism
- CBRN terrorism
- Firearms related incidents
- public disorder
- Crisis management
If involved in a firearms situation, at the earliest opportunity crews should communicate with Brigade control or police and provide as much information as possible as to the nature of the threat. Key information would include what?
- the number and exact location of armed assailants
- description of the weapons being used
- description of the armed assailants and information on hostages and victims
Who is notified of all suspected terrorist incidents involving driving vehicles into crowds of people?
The duty NILO
What does the Step Plus process in a CBRN incident?
- evacuate
- communicate and advise
- disrobe
- decontaminate
At an terrorist related incident what will the fire brigade IC (Fire Silver) and the police IC (Police Silver) be responsible for?
Firefighting and Rescue operations.
What are the minimum cordons when dealing with IEDs?
- 100m - up to suitcase size
- 200m - car size
- 400m - HGV/lorry size
In the event that FF find themselves involved in a situation where firearms are being used, FFs should take substantial cover. What is classed as substantial cover?
- concrete or structural elements of a building
* an engine block of a vehicle may also provide ballistic protection
If involved in a firearms situation, at the earliest opportunity crews should communicate with Brigade control or police and provide as much information as possible as to the nature of the threat. Key information would include what?
- the number and exact location of armed assailants
- description of the weapons being used
- description of the armed assailants and information on hostages and victims
What talk-group should be used by Silver and Bronze commanders at a terror related incident?
Interagency Voice Communication
If attending an incident involving a suspected Terrorist attack what considerations should be made when siting the appliance?
- not in direct line of sight
- away from glass
- away from possible secondary hazards
- behind hard cover
- upwind
- request police
What might be utilised as a RVP at a terror related incident?
The nearest fire station
What are the 5 Cs the Explosive Ordinance Disposal officers will expect FF to follow?
- confirm
- clear
- cordon
- control
- check
What are the 5 Ws the EOD officer will expect the answers to when attending a incident involving an IED?
- what is it?
- where is it?
- when was it found?
- why is it suspicious?
- who are the witnesses and informants
If there is a risk of IEDs what is the minimum distances when transmitting from the hand held radio and the appliance main scheme radios?
50m - appliance and main scheme radio
10m - hand held radio
A call to a bomb or terrorist related incident would normally fall into what categories?
No warning - device actuated
Warning given - device actuated
Warning given - device not actuated
At a terror related incidents of those involving IEDs, all personnel, LFF and ICs in particular are to think what…..?
Think - Secondary devices
Think - Safety cordon distances
Think - Safety! Do not touch
When is the only time brigade personnel should be expected to search for a suspect device?
If it is reported to be on a fire station or premises to which the personnel undertaking the search are attached.
How should appliances be sited on arrival to a Terror related incident involving an IED?
Facing away fromthe IED with the windows open and under the direction of the police.
If the police are not in attendance on arrival to a terror related incident how should IC establish their command point?
In such a way as to make it readily movable should the police request this.
At an incident identified as having Terrorist origins, who will be responsible for the overall control and co-ordination of the incident?
Police Incident Commander.
What influences a the path of the blast wave and debris from an explosion?
Locaton of device
Adjacent buildings
Structure of the buildings
Under which circumstances would additional crews be committed within the hazard zone before and area has been declared safe?
safe gaurd the means of escape
At terrorist related incidents, who is responsible for liaising with the media?
The Police
At terrorist related incidents what must brigade control be kept aware of during the incident?
Appliance movements