HAZMAT incidents Flashcards
The hazards presented by HAZMAT fall into which categories?
- Chemical
- Physical
- Radioactive
- Biological
The initial IC must consider what when approaching and positioning crews at a HAZMAT incident?
- Upwind
- Uphill
- minimum cordon of 25m
When attending a HAZMAT incident, what information must the IC send to control?
Confirmation of type of incident and hazmat level
Proposed EAC and Decon method
Specific operational procedures implemented
Tactical mode
What are the zones and cordons called at a HAZMAT incident?
7 answers
Hot Zone Warm Zone Cold Zone Inner Cordon Outer Cordon Hazard Zone Decon Zone
What does the Inner Cordon encompass at a HAZMAT incident?
The hot and warm zones
What is a Level 1 HAZMAT incident?
Incident of limited risk to our crews and/or environment including: Small spills under 100 litres (of fuel, engine oil Reported natural gas leak CO detector actuating mercury thermometer spill)
The PDA for a level 4 HAZMAT incident is determined by who?
Brigade control in consultation with duty NILO and /or an HMEPO
When should the use of DIM equipment be used at HAZMAT incidents?
When HAZMATs are unidentified.
What is the recomended maximum time a BA wearer should be in a GTS?
20 mins
When shoud the EA be informed at a HAZMAT incident?
When the spill is larger than 25 litres
How are level 2 HAZMAT incidents defined?
Where the hazard is limited and the second can be achieved using either the dam and brush or safe undress procedure.
How are level 3 HAZMAT incidents defined?
Large HAZMAT incidents where additional resources are required either to deal with the incident or perform Decon using hughes shower.
What is the PDA for an Acid Attack?
1 x pump
1 x pump ladder
1 x RRT
What is is the STEP 123 plus?
ONE casualty and no logical explaination - treat as normal
TWO casualties and no logical explanation - approach with caution
THREE casualties and no logical explanation - hold back do not approach the immediate scene.
PLUS - Refers to the use of the FIRST RESPONDER flow chart
Who is responsible for arranging the recovery of HAZMAT waste?
Transferred to a responsible person before leaving.
What is the Hughes Shower carried on?
On Incident Response Units
How is Hazmat level 4 defined?
Incidents attracting special mobilising criteria and not necessarily large incidents.
What should the IC be aware of at Hazmat level 2 PDAs?
It does not include the IRU which carried the Hughes shower.
It is part of the decon PDA.