Terms Reproduction/Fetal development Flashcards
The interlude surrounding menopause in which changes in reproductive functions takes place. A transitional time in a women’s life marked by declining ovarian function and decreased hormone production prior to menopause
Originating from 2 zygotes (fraternal twins)
Corpus luteum
A yellow body that forms after ovulation from the remnants of the follicle
Ectopic Pregnancy
A pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus
The vascular mucosal layer of walls of the corpus and fundus that changes under hormonal influence every month in preparation for possible pregnancy. (Lining of the uterus).
The developing conceptus, from weeks 2-8
An intricate network of coiled ducts on the posterior portion of each testis that is approximately 6 m (20 ft) in length.
Term for the organism after it has reached the 8th week of life and acquires a human likeness.
A mature male or female reproductive cell (sex cells)
The formation and development of gametes or germ cells by the process of meiosis
Initial menstrual period
Identical twins that are derived from one zygote
The muscular middle layer of the walls of the corpus and fundus that is responsible for the contractions of labor
Solid mass of cells, resembling a mulberry, following 3 days after fertilization.
Releasing the mature ovum into the abdominal cavity, which occurs on day 14 of a 28 day cycle.
Substances that adversely affect normal cell development in the embryo/fetus
Seminiferous Tubules
Tiny coils of tissue in the lobes of the testis in which spermatogenesis occurs
Wharton’s Jelly
A clear white gelatinous substance that gives support to the umbilical cord and helps prevent compression of the cord.
Vas deferens
The muscular tube in which sperm begin their journey out of the body
Or conceptus, results when the ovum and a spermatozoon unite. Has the full complement of 46 chromosomes, arranged in 23 pairs.
The thick fibrous lining made up of several layers, that helps to protect the fetus and forms the inner part of the sac in which the fetus grows.
A type of cell division that results in 2 daughter cells that are the same as the original cell and contain the same amount of chromosomes (somatic cells).
A cell division process by which cells divide and decrease their chromosomal number by half.
The developing mass of cells at the point of implantation following the morula
A second layer of thick fibrous tissue that surrounds the amnion
Chorionic villi
Fingerlike projections that extend out from the chorion giving it a rough appearance.
The process of mitotic division performed by the zygote
The endometrium that has changed to support a pregnancy