Terms Death, Dying and Grief Flashcards
Advanced directive
A legal document that states the person’s wishes for medical treatment in the event that he or she cannot make decisions
Anticipatory grief
A reaction to an expected loss such as in terminal illness. Occurs when a person displays loss and grief behaviors for a loss that has yet to occur.
A state of having sustained a loss
Cheyne-Stokes respirations
Is an abnormal pattern of breathing characterized by progressively deeper and sometimes faster breathing, followed by a gradual decrease that results in a temporary stop in breathing called an apnea.
Do not resuscitate
Or no code, is a legal order written either in the hospital or on a legal form to withhold CPR
Durable power of attorney
The appointing of someone to make one’s wishes known when they can no longer speak for themselves
Deliberate ending of one’s life as well as withholding of treatment
The feeling tone or outward expression of loss
Hospice care
Organized care that provides for the terminally ill person
Living will
A form of advanced directive that states the wishes of a person for life-sustaining treatment in case of serious illness.
The fact or process of losing something or someone
Maladaptive grief
Responses to loss that usually exhibit an exaggerated, lengthy, unpredictable course that results in unresolved conflict.
The natural process that one goes through following a loss
Patient self-determination act
The law that requires that a pt has the right to have advanced directive in place.
Palliative care
Care is provided by and coordinated by an interdisciplinary team; for relief of suffering of the chronically and terminally ill.
Right to die
Belief that persons have the right to refuse medical treatment even through it may result in death.