Terms Flashcards
Proper Nouns
Dysfunctional Auerbach’s plexus, “bird beak”, may be assoc. with Chagas disease (T. cruzi infection)
Proper Nouns
Great anterior segmental medullary artery; L-sided in 65% of people; reinforces blood flow to 2/3 of anterior spinal cord
Artery of Adamkiewicz
Proper Nouns
Primary adrenal insufficiency
Addison disease
Proper Nouns
Arteriohepatic dysplasia; PS, butterfly vertebrae, long nose, 20p12-
Alagille syndrome
Proper Nouns
Albers-Schonberg disease
Proper Nouns
Transmits pudendal nerve and internal pudendal a.
Alcock’s canal
Proper Nouns
Childhood leukodystrophy; macrocephaly, seizures, spasticity; GFAP mutation
Alexander disease
Proper Nouns
Amniotic rupture with secondary entanglement and tearing/amputation of developed parts (usually digits)
Amniotic band disruption sequence
Proper Nouns
Collagen IV mutation; Basement membrane splitting; nephritic syndrome; lens defects, deafness
Alport syndrome
Proper Nouns
“Happy puppet” inappropriate laughter; mental retardation, seizures, ataxia, 15q11-13 (maternal)
Angelman’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Activated histiocytes; pathognomonic of RHD
Anitschkow’s cells
Proper Nouns
Restless legs syndrome
Anxietas tibiarum
Proper Nouns
Turribrachycephaly, syndactyly, ankyloses, progressive synostoses, mental retardation; FGFR-2 gene; paternal
Apert syndrome
Proper Nouns
“Prostitute’s pupil”, accommodates but does not react; seen in neurosyphilis
Argyll-Robertson Pupil
Proper Nouns
Tubular deposition of glycogen, seen in DM
Armanni-Ebstein lesion
Proper Nouns
Small posterior fossa; downward displacement of cerebellum Chiari I: low-lying cerebellum; tonsils descend through foramen magnum; medullary compression, asymptomatic Chiari II: vermis and medulla descend through foramen; fatal
Arnold-Chiari Malformation
Proper Nouns
Granuloma with giant cells; classic finding in RHD
Aschoff bodies
Proper Nouns
Intrauterine adhesions, assoc with D&C; amenorrhea
Asherman’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Primitive neuroectodermal tumor, related to Ewing’s, small cell thoracopulmonary tumor
Askin’s tumor
Proper Nouns
Peroxidase (+) granulocyte/myeloblast inclusions; M3 leukemia; may cause DIC
Auer rods
Proper Nouns
Projection of SA node to L atrium
Bachmann Bundle
Proper Nouns
Atrial stretch increased heart rate
Bainbridge Reflex
Proper Nouns
Infantile scurvy
Barlow’s disease
Proper Nouns
Mitral valve prolapse
Barlow’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Squamous metaplasia at least 3cm into esophagus; assoc with adenoCA
Barrett’s Esophagus
Proper Nouns
Greater vestibular glands, homologous to Cowper’s
Bartholin’s glands
Proper Nouns
TAL ion transporter mutation; mimics loop diuretics, Salt wasting, hypercalciuria, hypoMg, hyperrenninemia, PGE2
Bartter’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome
Proper Nouns
aka Spielmeyer-Vogt-Sjogren-Batten disease, neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis; childhood neurodegenerative disorder
Batten disease
Proper Nouns
Less severe muscular dystrophy than Duchenne’s
Becker’s muscular dystrophy
Proper Nouns
Hemihypertrophy, macroglossia, organomegaly, neonatal hypoglycemia, embryonal tumors, Wilms tumor, omphalocoele
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
Proper Nouns
First strained food given to infant
Proper Nouns
Openings of pyramids to minor calyces (through area cribosa)
Papillary ducts of Bellini
Proper Nouns
Fat embolization; neurodysfunction, respiratory insufficiency, petechiae
Bergman’s triad
Proper Nouns
Defect of platelet adhesion ( GP Ib)
Bernard-Soulier disease
Proper Nouns
Superior suspensory ligament of thyroid
Ligament of Berry
Proper Nouns
Projections of renal cortex between medullary pyramids
Columns of Bertin
Proper Nouns
IV local anesthetic for upper/lower ex anesthesia
Bier block
Proper Nouns
Irregularly irregular breathing with abrupt starts/stops, in dorsomedial medullary lesions
Biot’s breathing
Proper Nouns
Pearly, triangular, conjunctival spots; in Vitamin A deficiency
Bitot spots
Proper Nouns
Full-thickness esophageal tears
Boerhaave syndrome
Proper Nouns
Benign ovarian tumor; resembles bladder tissue
Brenner tumor
Proper Nouns
Allergy to A. fumigatus
Brewer’s lung
Proper Nouns
Avascular segment between anterior and posterior kidney; used for longitudinal sections when removing staghorn calculi
Brodel’s white line
Proper Nouns
Diminished INa current in RV epicardium; ST elevation V1-V3, ventricular arrhythmia, sudden cardiac death in young asian males
Brugada Syndrome
Proper Nouns
Submucosal duodenal glands
Brunner’s glands
Proper Nouns
White spots on periphery of iris; seen in Down syndrome
Brushfield spots
Proper Nouns
X-linked agammaglobulinemia; reduced all five Igs; recurrent infections after 6 mos of life
Bruton’s disease
Proper Nouns
Portal hypertension 2° to hepatic vein occlusion
Budd-Chiari disease
Proper Nouns
EBV; “Starry-sky” appearance
Burkitt’s lymphoma
Proper Nouns
Diver’s disease; Nitrogen embolism
Caisson’s disease
Proper Nouns
Granulosa Cell Tumor
Call-Exner bodies
Proper Nouns
Demyelinating disease of infancy; metachromatic leukodystrophy, arylsulfatase A deficiency, AR
Canavan disease
Proper Nouns
Divides liver into R and L lobes (drawn between gallbladder, just left of IVC)
Cantle’s line
Proper Nouns
Cystic duct, common hepatic duct, liver margin
Calot’s triangle
Proper Nouns
RA and Coal worker pneuomoconiosis
Caplan syndrome
Proper Nouns
TR murmur increased with inspiration, decreased by Valsalva
Carvallo’s sign
Proper Nouns
Benign lymph node tumors; hyperproliferation of B cells, sometimes assoc with HHV-8
Castleman’s disease
Proper Nouns
Biopsy of aortopulmonary window nodes
Chamberlain procedure, modified
Proper Nouns
Nystagmus, intention tremor, scanning speech
Charcot triad
Proper Nouns
Jaundice, fever, RUQ pain
Charcot triad of cholangitis
Proper Nouns
Seen in intraparenchymal hemorrhage
Charcot-Bouchard aneurysms
Proper Nouns
Eosinophilic debris, seen in bronchial asthma
Charcot-Leyden crystals
Proper Nouns
Peroneal muscle atrophy, stork-like appearance, pes cavus, foot drop, claw hand
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
Proper Nouns
A=T and G=C (in DNA/RNA)
Charkof’s Rule
Proper Nouns
Defective microtubular function; partial albinism, peripheral neuropathy, recurrent infections
Chediak-Higashi syndrome
Proper Nouns
Regularly irregular breathing with cyclic apnea, in bilateral hemispheric/diencephalon dysfunction
Cheyne-Stokes breathing
Proper Nouns
Talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joint; where eversion and inversion occur
Chopart’s joint
Proper Nouns
Factor IX deficiency
Christmas disease
Proper Nouns
Forearm AVF; uses native blood vessels (radial artery, cephalic vein) (contrast with Scribner shunt)
Cimino-Brescia fistula
Proper Nouns
Flushing, dizziness, tinnitus, BOV, impaired hearing, nausea, diarrhea
Proper Nouns
Deep inguinal node
Cloquet’s node
Proper Nouns
Primary hyperaldosteronism
Conn syndrome
Proper Nouns
Mycobacterium infection; responsible for weight loss (releases cachectin and TNF-alpha)
Cord factor
Proper Nouns
Uteroplacental apoplexy; bleeding from abruptio into myometrium into peritoneum
Couvelaire uterus
Proper Nouns
Associated with herpetic infections
Cowdry Type A inclusion bodies
Proper Nouns
Yellow fever; viral hepatitis
Councilman bodies
Proper Nouns
Palpable nontender gallbladder (pancreatic head CA)
Courvoisier sign
Proper Nouns
Calcinosis, Raynaud phenomenon, Esophageal dysfunction, Sclerodactyly, Telangiectasia; ANA with anticentromere activity
CREST syndrome
Proper Nouns
Subacute Spongiform Encephalopathy; prion disease; 2 variants: Brownell-Oppenheimer (cerebellar ataxia) and Heidenhain (visual disturbances)
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
Proper Nouns
Microcephaly, severe mental retardation, cat-like cry, hypertelorism
Cri-du-chat syndrome (5p deletion)
Proper Nouns
Regional enteritis; cobblestoned mucosa with skip lesions; segmental narrowing, “string sign”
Crohn disease
Proper Nouns
GI polyposis, alopecia, hyperpigmentation, nail atrophy
Cronkite-Canada syndrome
Proper Nouns
Premature craniosynostosis, midface hypoplasia, shallow orbits, proptosis
Crouzon Syndrome
Proper Nouns
Periumbilical ecchymoses (acute pancreatitis)
Cullen sign
Proper Nouns
Congenital sacral deformity, presacral mass, anal malformation
Currarino triad
Proper Nouns
Pathologic finding in asthma; from shed epithelium
Curschmann spirals
Proper Nouns
Gastric ulcer associated with burns
Curling ulcer
Proper Nouns
Cushing’s syndrome caused by 1° pituitary adenoma
Cushing’s disease
Proper Nouns
Cortisol (any etiology), HTN, trunal obesity, moon facies, buffalo hump, hyperglycemia, osteoporosis, amenorrhea, libido, immunocompromise
Cushing’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Hypertension, bradycardia, respiratory depression
Cushing’s triad
Proper Nouns
Gastric ulcer associated with brain injury
Cushing’s ulcer
Proper Nouns
Empty RLQ in intussusception
Dance’s sign
Proper Nouns
Large posterior fossa; absent cerebellum
Dandy-Walker malformation
Proper Nouns
Morning hyperglycemia not associated with nocturnal hypoglycemia
Dawn phenomenon
Proper Nouns
Idiopathic EPB and APL inflammation; more common in women
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis
Proper Nouns
Subacute/granulomatous/giant cell thyroiditis, may be 2° to viral infxn, granulomatous inflammation
De Quervain’s thyroiditis
Proper Nouns
Origin of lateral vestibulospinal tract
Deiter’s nucleus
Proper Nouns
Rectoprostatic fascia
Denonvilliers’ fascia
Proper Nouns
Wilms tumor, intersexual disorders, nephropathy [WT-1 gene abnormalities]
Denys-Drash syndrome
Proper Nouns
Congenital pure red cell aplasia; HbF, RBC ADA, retic, triphalangeal thumbs
Diamond-Blackfan syndrome
Proper Nouns
For scarlet fever
Dick test
Proper Nouns
CATCH-22 syndrome
DiGeorge syndrome
Proper Nouns
Perisinusoidal space
Disse’s space
Proper Nouns
IgG antibodies in hemolytic anemia
Donath-Landsteiner antibodies
Proper Nouns
Occurs when membrane is permeable to several (but not all) ions; not an osmotic equilibrium
Donnan equilibirium
Proper Nouns
Autoimmune post-MI fibrinous pericarditis (weeks post-MI)
Dressler’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Black liver; conjugated hyperbilirubinemia; benign
Dubin-Johnson syndrome
Proper Nouns
Deleted dystrophin gene; proximal limb weakness muscle breakdown; pseudohypertrophy of calves
Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
Proper Nouns
Progressive shortening, thickening, and fibrosis of palmar fascia and aponeurosis (MCP and PIP flexion of 4th and 5th digits).
Dupuytren’s contracture
Proper Nouns
Seen in cerebral malaria; with ring hemorrhages
Durck’s granuloma
Proper Nouns
Elongation of styloid process/calcification of stylohyoid; neck/face pain, dysphagia; CN IX compression
Eagle’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Prune-belly syndrome
Eagle-Barrett Syndrome
Proper Nouns
Tricuspid displacement into RV; assoc with WPW
Ebstein’s anomaly
Proper Nouns
Micrognathia, rocker-bottom feet, congenital heart disease (trisomy 18)
Edward syndrome
Proper Nouns
“Waiter’s tip” deformity, C5-C6 palsy, may involve diaphragm (via phrenic nerve)
Erb-Duchenne Palsy
Proper Nouns
Inherited multiple pterygium syndrome
Escobar syndrome
Proper Nouns
IVC valve at RA
Eustachian valve
Proper Nouns
Early-onset calcification of basal ganglia and cerebellum
Fahr syndrome
Proper Nouns
Aplastic anemia, short stature, risk of CA; AR
Fanconi anemia
Proper Nouns
Proximal tubule dysfunction; (+) urine glucose, amino acids, phosphates
Fanconi syndrome
Proper Nouns
RA, splenomegaly, neutropenia
Felty’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Asbestos bodies; dumbbell-shaped
Ferruginous bodies
Proper Nouns
Perihepatic gonorrheal infection; “violin-string” adhesions
Fitz-Hugh-Curtiss syndrome
Proper Nouns
Bilateral renal hypoplasia, displacement of nipples to MCL, polymastia
Fleischer syndrome
Proper Nouns
Flexner-Wintersteiner rosettes
Proper Nouns
Frontal lobe tumor; inappropriate behavior, ipsilateral optic nerve atrophy, contralateral papilledema, anosmia
Foster-Kennedy syndrome
Proper Nouns
Necrotizing soft tissue perineal/scrotal infection, assoc with DM
Fournier’s gangrene
Proper Nouns
Flushing and sweating in reaction to taste of food; follows auriculotemporal nerve injury
Frey’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Ataxia before 10yrs, explosive speech, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Friedrich ataxia
Proper Nouns
S: Internal oblique and transversus abd, M: Rectus muscle and sheath, L: Iliopsoas, I: Pecten pubis, lined by transversalis fascia; anatomic etiol. of hernia
Fruchaud’s (myopectineal) orifice
Proper Nouns
Fx of distal 3rd of radius, dislocation of radioulnar joint
Galeazzi fracture
Proper Nouns
Deep perineal/investing fascia
Gallaudet’s fascia
Proper Nouns
Murmur of AS reflected to mitral area (sounds like MR)
Gallavardin’s phenomenon
Proper Nouns
Adenomatous polyps + osteomas
Gardner syndrome
Proper Nouns
Autoerythrocyte sensitivity, large ecchymoses on erythema
Gardner-Diamond syndrome
Proper Nouns
Iliotibial tract attachment
Gerdy’s tubercle
Proper Nouns
Prion disease; familial; cerebellar ataxia, dysarthria, corticospinal tract signs, nystagmus. AD, late-onset
Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease
Proper Nouns
Na-Cl cotransporter mutation; similar to Bartter’s but milder; resembles thiazide diuretic effect
Gitelman’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Defect of platelet aggregation (GP IIb-IIIa)
Glanzmann’s thrombasthenia
Proper Nouns
Branchial cleft anomalies, biliary atresia, CHD
Goldenhar’s complex
Proper Nouns
ptch mutation; basal cell nevus syndrome; basal cell CA, medulloblastoma, jaw cysts
Gorlin’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Use of upper limbs to stand; seen in Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
Gower’s maneuver
Proper Nouns
Cause of recurrent ulceration post-vagotomy; from posterior vagus
[Criminal nerve of] Grassi
Proper Nouns
Gull disease
Proper Nouns
Compression of ulnar nerve at the wrist (between pisiform and hook of hamate); hypoesthesia of 4th and 5th digits; intrinsic hand muscle weakness
Guyon’s canal syndrome
Proper Nouns
Pigmentary degeneration of globus pallidus, substantia nigra, red nucleus, corticospinal and EP signs, “eye of the tiger” sign
Hallervorden-Spatz Disease
Proper Nouns
Mediastinal “crunch” assoc with emphysema
Hamman sign
Proper Nouns
Peripheral triangle near pleural edges, in PE
Hampton’s hump
Proper Nouns
Chronic progressive histiocytosis; skull lesions, DI, exophthalmos
Hand-Schuller-Christian disease
Proper Nouns
Infundibulum of gallbladder; common site for gallstone impaction
Hartmann’s pouch
Proper Nouns
Impaired tryptophan absorption
Hartnup disease
Proper Nouns
Thymic medullary bodies
Hassal’s bodies
Proper Nouns
Painless DIP nodules in osteoarthritis
Heberden’s nodules
Proper Nouns
G6PD Deficiency
Heinz bodies
Proper Nouns
Cystic duct valve (maintains patency)
Valve of Heisler
Proper Nouns
Childhood disintegrative disorder
Heller dementia
Proper Nouns
Area at cardia where middle circular and innermost oblique gastric muscular fibers blend
Collar of Helvetius
Proper Nouns
Small-vessel vasculitis due to IgA-dominant immune-complex deposition; affects skin, joints, GI
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
Proper Nouns
Periportal bile ductule
Canal of Hering
Proper Nouns
Carotid sinus nerve (CN IX); baroreceptor
Hering’s nerve
Proper Nouns
Intrinsic platelet defect and partial albinism
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome
Proper Nouns
Secretory granules in posterior pituitary
Herring bodies
Proper Nouns
Inferior epigastric artery, Lateral border of rectus abdominis, Inguinal ligament
Hesselbach’s triangle
Proper Nouns
Medial striate artery (from ACA; A2 segment)
Recurrent artery of Heubner
Proper Nouns
Spontaneous breakdown of atracurium, forms laudanosine (epileptogenic)
Hoffman elimination
Proper Nouns
Thumb anomalies, ASD (secundum) or VSD, phocomelia; T-box (TBX5) mutation
Holt-Oram syndrome
Proper Nouns
Calf pain with foot dorsiflexion, in DVT
Homan’s sign
Proper Nouns
Homer-Wright pseudorosettes
Proper Nouns
Temporal arteritis
Horton’s disease
Proper Nouns
Nuclear remnants (Splenectomy)
Howell-Jolly bodies
Proper Nouns
Interstitial chronic cystitis, transmural fibrosis, ulceration
Hunner ulcer
Proper Nouns
Adductor canal
Hunter’s canal
Proper Nouns
α-L-iduronidase deficiency, similar to Hurler’s but no corneal clouding
Hunter’s disease
Proper Nouns
Avulsion of ischial tuberosity at the attachment of biceps femoris and semitendinosus
Hurdler’s injury
Proper Nouns
α-L-iduronidase deficiency; heparan and dermatan sulfate accumulation; gargoyle facies; corneal clouding, stubby fingers, death by 10 years
Hurler syndrome
Proper Nouns
Prolonged QT, hearing loss
Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome
Proper Nouns
IFN-γ deficiency; coarse Facies, cold Abscess, retained primary Teeth, IgE, Dermatoses (FATED)
Job’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Congenital anosmia, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism; X-linked
Kallman syndrome
Proper Nouns
Flexion, swelling, pain on passive extension, tenderness over tendon sheath
Kanavel’s four signs of tenosynovitis
Proper Nouns
Dynein dysfunction; bronchiectasis, sinusitis, situs inversus
Kartagener syndrome
Proper Nouns
Hemangioma and thrombocytopenia and fibrinogenopenia
Kasabach-Merritt syndrome
Proper Nouns
Mitochondrial DNA disorder; progressive ophthalmoplegia, pigmentary retinopathy, 3rd-deg AV block, ataxia, myopathy, CSF protein
Kearns-Sayre syndrome
Proper Nouns
Circular intestinal folds
Valves of Kerckring
Proper Nouns
Congestive cardiomyopathy 2° to selenium deficiency
Keshan disease
Proper Nouns
Intercapillary glomerulosclerosis seen in DM nephropathy
Kimmelstein-Wilson lesions
Proper Nouns
“Cloverleaf” skull secondary to premature closure of all sutures
Proper Nouns
Episodic somnolence (>18h/day), overeating, cognitive disturbances; possibly hypothalamic in origin
Kleine-Levin syndrome
Proper Nouns
Atrophic testes, tall stature, gynecomastia
Klinefelter syndrome (XXY, XXXY)
Proper Nouns
Congenital cervical vertebral fusion; short, immobile neck
Klippel-Feil syndrome
Proper Nouns
Thoracic outlet syndrome (C8-T1)
Klumpke’s palsy
Proper Nouns
Amygdala lesion; hypersexuality, hyperorality, hyperphagia, hyperdocility
Klüver-Bucy syndrome
Proper Nouns
Psoriatic lesion eruption at sites of trauma
Köbner phenomenon
Proper Nouns
Avascular necrosis of navicular bone
Köhler bone disease
Proper Nouns
Memory impairment and confabulation
Korsakoff’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Congenital neutropenia
Kostmann syndrome
Proper Nouns
Urea cycle/ornithine cycle
Krebs-Henseleit cycle
Proper Nouns
Gastric CA metastatic to ovaries
Krukenberg tumor
Proper Nouns
Liver macrophages
Kupffer cells
Proper Nouns
Acidotic breathing, deep, rapid breaths
Kussmaul’s breathing
Proper Nouns
Pulsus paradoxus
Kussmaul’s pulse
Proper Nouns
Distension of neck veins with inspiration (cardiac tamponade)
Kussmaul’s sign
Proper Nouns
Lentigenes, Atrial myxomas, Mucocutaneous myxomas, Blue nevi/Nevi, Atrial myx., Myxoid neurofibroma, Ephelides (freckles)
LAMB/NAME syndrome
Proper Nouns
NMJ disease, Anti-presynaptic Ca2+ channel, proximal muscle weakness improving with use (contrast with MG); assoc with small cell lung CA
Lambert-Eaton Syndrome
Proper Nouns
8q24.1; Multiple cone-shaped epiphyses, multiple cartilaginous exostoses, upturned nares, bulbous nasal tip, large ears
Langer-Giedion syndrome (Tricho-rhino-phalangeal type II)
Proper Nouns
Ulcerative colitis
“Lead pipe” appearance of colon
Proper Nouns
Mitochondrial DNA disorder; subacute bilateral central vision loss; retinal microangiopathy
Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy
Proper Nouns
Idiopathic avascular necrosis of femoral head
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease
Proper Nouns
Subacute necrotizing encephalopathy, mitochondrial disorder
Leigh disease
Proper Nouns
Lentigenes, ECG abn., Ocular hypertelorism, Pulm. stenosis, Abnormal genitalia, Retardation of growth, Deafness
LEOPARD syndrome
Proper Nouns
Radial growth phase of melanoma
Lentigo maligna
Proper Nouns
HGPRT deficiency; hyperuricemia, gout, self-mutilation, choreoathetosis, aggression
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Proper Nouns
Seborrheic keratosis associated with visceral malignancy
Leser-Trelat sign
Proper Nouns
Acute disseminated Langherhans cell histiocytosis; hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, pancytopenia, infections, pulmonary involvement
Letterer-Siwe disease
Proper Nouns
Parkinsonism with dementia; hallucinations; α-synuclein defect
Lewy body disease
Proper Nouns
Electric shock-like pain radiating down the spine or legs with neck flexion (in MS)
Lhermitte’s sign
Proper Nouns
p53 mutation Familial cancer syndrome; increased incidence of soft tissue sarcomas and other malignancies
Li-Fraumeni syndrome
Proper Nouns
Cardiac lesion in SLE
Libman-Sacks endocarditis
Proper Nouns
Pigmented iris hamartomas in von Recklinghausen’s
Lisch nodules
Proper Nouns
Tarsometatarsal joint
Lisfranc’s joint
Proper Nouns
Pulmonary ascariasis and hepatitis
Loeffler’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Endomyocardial fibrosis with eosinophilic infiltrate
Löffler’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Sacrcoidosis, erythema nodosum, hilar lymphadenopathy, anterior uveitis, polyarthritis
Löfgren syndrome
Proper Nouns
Calcaneal fracture, usually involves subtalar joint
Lover’s fracture
Proper Nouns
Toxic epidermal necrolysis (>30% involvement)
Lyell’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
HNPCC, high risk for malignancy
Lynch syndrome
Proper Nouns
Transverse cervical ligament
Cardinal ligament of Mackenrodt
Proper Nouns
Blue lesions, dyschondroplasia, osteochondromas
Maffucci’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Periportal space
Mall’s space
Proper Nouns
Alcoholic hepatitis
Mallory bodies
Proper Nouns
Mucosal and submucosal esophageal tears
Mallory-Weiss tears
Proper Nouns
Juvenile multiple sclerosis
Marburg disease
Proper Nouns
Ankylosing spondylosis
Marie-Strumpell disease
Proper Nouns
Fibrillin deficiency; arachnodactyly, ectopia lentis, aordic dissection/dissecting aneurysm, MVP
Marfan syndrome
Proper Nouns
Mullerian agenesis; absent cervix, uterus, vagina, but normal hormones
Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome
Proper Nouns
In onchocerciasis (from dying organisms): Fever, rash, ocular damage, joint pains, lymphangitis, hypotension, pyrexia, respiratory distress, prostration
Mazzotti reaction
Proper Nouns
RHD; White plaques in posterior LA from turbulent flow
McCallum plaques
Proper Nouns
Persistent vitelline duct; 2 in. long, 2ft from ileocecal valve, 2% of pop., 1st 2 yrs of life, 2 epithelial types
Meckel’s diverticulum
Proper Nouns
Bilateral ovarian fibroma; hydrothorax, ascites
Meig’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Orofacial dystonia; dystonia and tardive dyskinesia
Meige’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Recurrent facial paralysis, swelling of lips, development of tongue folds
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome
Proper Nouns
Chemical pneumonitis caused by aspiration during anesthesia; assoc with obstetric anesthesia
Mendelson’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Gastric hypertrophy with protein loss, parietal cell atrophy, and mucous cells. Precancerous
Menetrier’s disease
Proper Nouns
Tinnitus, hearing loss, vertigo
Meniere’s disease
Proper Nouns
“Kinky hair disease; X-linked-recessive Cu deficiency; hypotonia, sagging facial features, MR, brittle hair, metaphyseal widening
Menkes disease
Proper Nouns
Rare, potentially lethal neuroendocrine tumor
Merkel cell CA
Proper Nouns
Lacrimal and salivary gland enlargement 2° to leukemia, sarcoid
Mikulicz syndrome
Proper Nouns
17p13.3-; microcephaly, lissencephaly, pachygyria, seizures, MR
Miller-Dieker syndrome
Proper Nouns
Primary biliary cirrhosis
Mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase autoantibodies
Proper Nouns
Extrinsic obstruction of common hepatic duct by cystic duct stone
Mirizzi syndrome
Proper Nouns
Calcifications of tunica media; esp. radial/ulnar; “pipestem” arteries
Monckeburg’s arteriosclerosis
Proper Nouns
Thrombophlebitis of superficial breast veins
Mondor’s disease
Proper Nouns
Ulnar fx with dislocation of radial head
Monteggia fracture
Proper Nouns
Mucopolysaccharidosis (Type IV), urine keratin sulfate, dwarfism, short neck, protruding sternum, kyphosis, flat nose, prominent upper jaw, waddling gait, multiple fractures
Morquio syndrome
Proper Nouns
Tender neuroma between 3rd and 4th toes; caused by high-heeled pointed shoes
Morton neuroma
Proper Nouns
Basal cerebral rete mirabile; segmental stenosis of ICAs
Proper Nouns
Acute guttate parapsoriasis / Pityriasis lichenoides at varioliformis acuta; Papulonecrotic papules
Mucha-Habermann disease
Proper Nouns
Urticaria, deafness, amyloidosis, episodic fever
Muckle-Wells syndrome
Proper Nouns
Associated with psoriasis
Munro’s abscesses
Proper Nouns
Cutaneous t-cell lymphoma; resembles psoriasis
Mycoses fungoides
Proper Nouns
Neural intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions; seen in rabies
Negri bodies
Proper Nouns
ASIS to ischial tuberosity; passes over greater trochanter
Nelaton’s line
Proper Nouns
Post-adrenalectomy overgrowth of pituitary adenoma
Nelson’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Turner-like syndrome affecting males, short stature, MR, webbed neck, PS, pectus excavatum
Noonan syndrome
Proper Nouns
Cecal dilatation in bedridden/critically ill patients
Ogilvie syndrome
Proper Nouns
Idiopathic hypoventilation syndrome
Ondine’s curse
Proper Nouns
Hoarseness; Enlarged LA impinges on recurrent laryngeal nerve
Ortner’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Traction apophysitis of tibial tubercle; overuse injury
Osgood-Schlatter disease
Proper Nouns
Painful nodules at pads of fingers and toes; in IE
Osler’s nodes
Proper Nouns
Polycythemia vera
Osler-Vaquez disease
Proper Nouns
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (nosebleeds, skin discoloration)
Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome
Proper Nouns
Ovarian enlargement, ascites, hypovolemia, shock (side effect of ovulation induction)
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Proper Nouns
Osteitis deformans, unknown etiology; bone pain, high-output failure, hearing loss, osteosarcoma
Paget disease of bone
Proper Nouns
Small intestine; base of crypts of Lieberkuhn; prominent eosinophilic apical granules; defensive cells; long-lived
Paneth cells
Proper Nouns
Neoplastic T-cells in epidermis; Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
Pautrier microabscesses
Proper Nouns
Iron granules
Pappenheimer bodies
Proper Nouns
Assoc with cat-scratch disease, tularemia, unilateral conjunctivitis with preauricular LAD
Parinaud conjunctivitis
Proper Nouns
Pineal tumor; sunset eyes, loss of upward gaze
Parinaud syndrome
Proper Nouns
Junctions of: cystic/common bile duct, 2nd/3rd part of duodenum, neck/body of pancreas; most common location of gastrinomas
Passaro’s triangle
Proper Nouns
Palatopharyngeal sphincter
Passavant’s ridge
Proper Nouns
Microphthalmia, microcephaly, brain abnormalities, CLAP, polydactyly, rocker-bottom feet, CHD
Patau syndrome (trisomy 13)
Proper Nouns
Night terror; stage 3-4 sleep; seen in children
Pavor nocturnus
Proper Nouns
Facial suffusion, syncope on arm-raising due to retrosternal goiter
Pemberton’s sign
Proper Nouns
Thyroid organification defect, hearing loss
Pendred syndrome
Proper Nouns
Benign polyposis; perioral hyperpigmentation
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Proper Nouns
Bent penis; acquired fibrous tissue formation
Peyronie’s disease
Proper Nouns
Turribrachycephaly, syndactyly, broad thumbs and 1st toes; autosomal dominant
Pfeiffer syndrome
Proper Nouns
Frontotemporal dementia; intracellular tau protein
Pick’s disease
Proper Nouns
Hypertension, cor pulmonale, polycythemia, OSA, obesity
Pickwickian syndrome
Proper Nouns
Micrognathia, glossoptosis, cleft palate
Pierre-Robin sequence
Proper Nouns
Hyperthyroidism, nodular goiter, absence of exophthalmos
Plummer disease
Proper Nouns
Atrophic glossitis, esophageal webs, IDA
Plummer-Vinson syndrome
Proper Nouns
Amastia, rib defects, chest wall hypoplasia, brachysyndactyly
Poland syndrome
Proper Nouns
Portal vein (posterior), common bile duct (ant. R), hepatic artery (ant. L) in hepatoduodenal lig.
Portal triad
Proper Nouns
Eversion injury; avulsion of medial malleolus, fibular fx
Pott’s fracture
Proper Nouns
Bilateral renal agenensis; oligohydramnios; limb and facial deformities; pulmonary hypoplasia
Potter’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
Inguinal ligament
Poupart’s ligament
Proper Nouns
Obesity, hypogonadism, hypotonia, mental retaradation, 15q11-13
Prader-Willi syndrome
Proper Nouns
10mmHg in BP on inspiration (cardiac tamponade, OSA, asthma, pericarditis, croup)
Pulsus paradoxus (Kussmaul’s pulse)
Proper Nouns
Aortic stenosis; delayed upstroke of carotid pulse
Pulsus parvus et tardus
Proper Nouns
Sudden loss of vision in Pt with acute pancreatitis; cotton-wool spots/hemorrhages at macula
Purtscher’s retinopathy
Proper Nouns
Quincke’s edema
Proper Nouns
Herpes Zoster; Facial palsy, ageusia in anterior 2/3 of tongue, vesicles in EAC
Ramsay-Hunt syndrome
Proper Nouns
Ghon focus + perihilar lymph node
Ranke focus
Proper Nouns
CD30+ and CD15+ giant B-cells, “owl’s eye,” characteristic of Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Reed-Sternberg cells
Proper Nouns
Defect in phytanic acid oxidation; AR; Neuropathy, retinal pigmentation, ataxia, anosmia, deafness, skin lesions, CSF proteins
Refsum disease
Proper Nouns
Stapes, styloid, lesser horn of hyoid, stylohyoid lig.
Reichert’s cartilage
Proper Nouns
Found in Leydig cells in adults; function unknown
Reinke’s crystals
Proper Nouns
Inhibitory cells in ventral horn of spinal cord; inhibited by tetanus toxin
Renshaw cells
Proper Nouns
Common in girls, midline handwringing, regression, sighing, ataxia, bruxism, seizures
Rett syndrome
Proper Nouns
Retropubic space
Space of Retzius
Proper Nouns
Charcot’s triad plus hypotension and mental status changes
Reynold’s pentad
Proper Nouns
Tyrosine aminotransferase deficiency (Type II tyrosinemia)
Richner-Hanhart syndrome
Proper Nouns
Thyroid replacement by fibrous tissue, unknown etiology
Riedel thyroiditis
Proper Nouns
Familial dysautonomia
Riley-Day syndrome
Proper Nouns
SMA and IMA collateral
Arc of Riolan
Proper Nouns
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Ritter’s disease
Proper Nouns
Long arms of two acrocentric chromosomes join with common centromere with loss of short arms
Robertsonian translocation
Proper Nouns
Onchocerciasis/”river blindness”
Robles disease
Proper Nouns
Gallbladder mucosa penetrating into muscularis layer; early indicator of pathologic change, seen in chronic cholecystitis
Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses
Proper Nouns
PIlocytic astrocytoma; eosinophilic corkscrew fibers in astrocytes
Rosenthal fibers
Proper Nouns
Nodes between pectoralis major and minor
Rotter’s nodes
Proper Nouns
16p13-; Microcephaly, ptosis, beaked nose, low philtrum, broad thumbs, large toes, MR
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
Proper Nouns
Intramural portion of ureter (ureterovesical valve)
Valve of Sampson
Proper Nouns
Nasal polyp, ASA sensitivity, asthma
Samter’s triad
Proper Nouns
Lipid metabolism disorder, hexaminidase a and b deficiency
Sandhoff disease
Proper Nouns
Progressive pigmented purpuric dermatitis
Schamberg disease
Proper Nouns
Submucosal ring in lower esophagus; assoc. w/ drug intake; not assoc. with CA
Schatzi’s ring
Proper Nouns
Laminated concretions of Ca and proteins, seen in sarcoidosis
Schaumann bodies
Proper Nouns
Dialysis access procedure; uses Teflon tube with 2 needles
Scribner shunt
Proper Nouns
Hematogenous invasion of mycosis fungoides
Sezary-Lutzner syndrome
Proper Nouns
Piebaldism, Hirschsprung’s disease
Shah-Waardenburg syndrome
Proper Nouns
Multiple systems atrophy; Parkinsonism; UMN/LMN, cerebellar, autonomic dysfunction
Shy-Drager syndrome
Proper Nouns
Dry eye, dry mouth
Sicca syndrome
Proper Nouns
Pituitary cachexia; generalized panhypopituitarism
Simmonds disease
Proper Nouns
Sipple Syndrome
Proper Nouns
Dry eye, dry mouth, (sicca syndrome), plus autoimmune disease (commonly RA)
Sjogren syndrome
Proper Nouns
Paraurethral glands (homologous to prostate); lateral and inferior to urethral meatus
Skene’s glands
Proper Nouns
Deep fibular nerve entrapment
Ski-boot syndrome
Proper Nouns
17p11.2; Brachycephaly, midface hypoplasia, prognathism, myopia, short stature
Proper Nouns
Hyperglycemia following hypoglycemia (as in post-breakfast)
Somogyi effect
Proper Nouns
LGA, MR, hydrocephalus, pointed chin
Sotos syndrome
Proper Nouns
Hernia along the lateral border of rectus abdominis
Spigelian hernia
Proper Nouns
Nevus with cytologic atypia; resembles hemangioma; always benign
Spitz nevus
Proper Nouns
Hepatic dysfunction as paraneoplastic syndrome of Renal Cell CA
Stauffer syndrome
Proper Nouns
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Stein-Leventhal syndrome
Proper Nouns
Parotid duct
Stensen’s duct
Proper Nouns
Lymphangiosarcoma in post-mastectomy, post-RT patients
Stewart-Treves sydrome
Proper Nouns
Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis
Still disease
Proper Nouns
Syncope and convulsions 2° to complete heart block, HR<40
Stokes-Adams syndrome
Proper Nouns
“Port wine” stain on face, leptomeningeal angiomatosis
Sturg-Weber disease
Proper Nouns
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis; Red plaques/nodules on head, neck, UE; neutrophilic infiltrate
Sweet’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
SCID; T and B cell deficiency; severe infections, failure to thrive, GvH disease
Swiss-type agammaglobulinemia
Proper Nouns
Takahara’s disease
Proper Nouns
Familial α-lipoprotein deficiency, low HDL, orange/yellow tonsils
Tangier’s disease
Proper Nouns
Type VII glycogen storage disease, muscle PFK deficiency, least common; hemolytic anemia, muscle weakness
Tarui disease
Proper Nouns
Gastrocnemius strain
“Tennis leg”
Proper Nouns
Coronary sinus valve at RA
Thebesian valve
Proper Nouns
Myotonia congenital; tonic muscle spasms
Thomsen’s disease
Proper Nouns
Aseptic costochondritis of rib cartilage
Tietze’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
RSBI (rapid shallow breathing index); freq/TV, if 105, 80% failure
Tobin index
Proper Nouns
Sebaceous adenomas, multiple GI CA, laryngeal, GU, endomet CA
Torre syndrome
Proper Nouns
Mandibulofacial dystosis (also known as Franceschetti syndrome)
Treacher Collins syndrome
Proper Nouns
Migratory thrombophlebitis; pancreatic/visceral CA
Trousseau’s phenomenon
Proper Nouns
Muscle spasm from pressure applied to upper ex.; due to hypocalcemia
Trousseau’s sign
Proper Nouns
TSC-1 and -2 mutation; angiofibroma and renal angiomyolipoma
Tuberous sclerosis
Proper Nouns
Adenomatous polyps + gliomas
Turcot syndrome
Proper Nouns
Flank ecchymoses (acute pancreatitis)
[Grey]-Turner sign
Proper Nouns
Female hypogonadism, short stature, webbed neck, shield-like chest
Turner syndrome (XO)
Proper Nouns
Secretes smegma; preputial gland
Tyson’s gland
Proper Nouns
Retinitis pigmentosa, hearing loss
Usher syndrome
Proper Nouns
VIPoma; WDHA syndrome, Watery Diarrhea, Hypokalemia, Achlorhydria
Verner-Morrison syndrome
Proper Nouns
Supraclavicular nodes
Virchow’s nodes
Proper Nouns
Stasis, hypercoagulability, endothelial damage
Virchow’s triad
Proper Nouns
Vitiligo, aseptic meningitis, uveitis, tinnitus, dysacusis
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome
Proper Nouns
Forearm muscle contracture 2° to supracondylar fracture of the humerus and subsequent brachial artery spasm
Volkmann’s contracture
Proper Nouns
Lingual glands
[serous glands of] Von Ebner
Proper Nouns
Failure of upper eyelid to follow downward gaze; in Graves
Von Graefe’s sign
Proper Nouns
Hemangioblastomas of retina/cerebellum/medulla; assoc with Renal Cell CA; deleted VHL gene; chromosome 3p
Von Hippel-Lindau disease
Proper Nouns
Von Recklinghausen’s disease
Proper Nouns
Osteitis fibrosa cystica, “brown tumor”
Von Recklinghausen’s disease of bone
Proper Nouns
Psoriasis variant; Fever, generalized sterile pustules
Von Zumbusch pustular psoriasis
Proper Nouns
Piebaldism, congenital SNHL, dystopia canthorum, heterochromic irises, broad nasal root
Waardenburg syndrome
Proper Nouns
Wilms tumor, Aniridia, GU malformations, mental Retardation
WAGR Syndrome
Proper Nouns
Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma, related to multiple myeloma
Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia
Proper Nouns
Papillary cystademona lymphomatosum, usually in parotid
Warthin tumors
Proper Nouns
Multinucleate giant cells; seen in measles
Warthin-Finkeldy cells
Proper Nouns
Septic shock 2° to meningococcemia (MRS); Adrenal hemorrhage in meningococcemia (1st Aid)
Waterhouse-Friedrichsen syndrome
Proper Nouns
For urinary porphobilinogen; Acute intermittent porphyria
Watson-Schwartz test
Proper Nouns
Friction-induced ischial bursitis
Weaver’s bottom
Proper Nouns
Necrotizing granulomas in lung and upper resp., focal necrotizing vasculitis, necrotizing GN; c-ANCA
Wegener’s granulomatosis
Proper Nouns
Store P-selectins
Weibel-Palade bodies
Proper Nouns
Infantile spinal muscular atrophy; “floppy baby;” AR
Werdnig-Hoffman disease
Proper Nouns
Wermer syndrome
Proper Nouns
Encephalopathy due to thiamin deficiency; common in alcoholics
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Proper Nouns
Diminished pulmonary vascular markings, in PE
Westermark’s sign
Proper Nouns
Malabsorption syndrome; Tropheryma whippelii (G+), PAS-positive macrophages in lamina propria, mesenteric nodes; idiopathic steatorrhea
Whipple’s disease
Proper Nouns
Symptomatic fasting hypoglycemia, FBS <50mg/dL, relief of symptoms with glucose admin; seen in insulinoma
Whipple’s triad
Proper Nouns
Lichen planus, white plaques
Wickham striae
Proper Nouns
Friendly, talkative; elfin facies; MR, AS, hypercalcemia
Williams syndrome
Proper Nouns
Omental foramen (communication bet. greater and lesser sac)
Foramen of Winslow
Proper Nouns
Enlargement of posterior auricular nodes seen in T. gambiense infection
Winterbottom’s sign
Proper Nouns
X-linked IgM defect; recurrent infections, thrombocytopenic purpura; eczema; IgA
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
Proper Nouns
4p-; “Greek helmet” facies, ptosis, strabismus, nystagmus, hypospadias, MR
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome
Proper Nouns
Inhibition of thyroid hormone organification by excess I-
Wolff-Chaikoff effect
Proper Nouns
Type 1 DM, DI, optic atrophy, SNHL, bladder dysfunction
Wolfram sydrome
Proper Nouns
Seen in mature arterial thrombi
Lines of Zahn
Proper Nouns
Neuroectodermal round/oval chief cells; in carotid body tumors
Zellballen nests
Proper Nouns
Cerebrohepatorenal syndrome; absent peroxisomes in all tissues
Zellweger’s syndrome
Proper Nouns
False diverticulum above cricopharyngeus; mucosal herniation; halitosis, dysphagia, obstruction
Zenker’s diverticulum
Proper Nouns
Paraaortic ganglia/bodies (can be a site of pheochromocytoma)
Zuckerkandl’s bodies