Term Identifications Exam 3 Flashcards
Forum of Caesar
adjacent to original roman forum. Curia Julia attached to the south side.
Temple of Venus Genetrix
at far end of the temple, reminder of Caesars divine lineage. highly decorated
Battle of Pharsalus
temple of venus dedicated on last day of triumph.
Curia Julia
senate building, replaced curia hostiliaa. its location as an appendage to the forum reflects the subordination of the senate.
Forum of Augustus
perpendicular to forum of Caesar. temple to mars Ultor, related to temple of venus but 1.5x larger. chariot of agustus
Summi Viri
“great men”
Temple to Mars Ultor
modeled after temple of venus but 1.5x larger.
Battle of Philippi
battle against the assassins of Caesar.
Forum of Trajan
largest forum. most elaborate. Dedicated after victories in Dacia (Romania) in 106 AD. Two long porticos, basilica in tehmiddle , column of trajan - relief of military exploits in Romania. (Dacia)
Basilica Ulpia
civic building in center of Trajans forum
Column of Trajan
relief of military exploits in Romania. (Dacia), as well as Trajans ashes, which is weird because Romans are buried outside of the city walls typically, but emperors had extra power
Temple of Deified Trajan
dedicated after his death
dedicated after his death
commemorated battle of actium. celebrated victory over parthians. Located between temples of Castor and DivineJulius.
Arch of Titus
sack of jerusalem, built by domitian to celebrate his brother Titus military victories.
like a conquistador in Spain.
Apotheosis of Titus
him turning into a god, its a carving on arch of titus.
Arch of Septimius Severus
In roman forum, commemoratesvictories in parthia. depicts battles, seiges, emperor addressing troops.
Arch of Constantine
near colosseum, built in 315 AD. victory of Constantine over Maxentius (rival for the throne)
Villa of Tiberius at Sperlonga
carving of the death of polyphemus on Scylla.
Domus Aurea
Palace built by evil Nero. Destroyed to make colosseum.
Octogonal Hall
- in the domus aurea
Mausoleum of Augustus
300 ft in diameter. all of his feats.
Mausoleum of Hadrian
Tomb for Hadrian and his imperial family. cylinder with a garden on top
Invocation of the Muse
how all epics begin. “let me tell a great story right now ok here we go”
the greek Muse
King Latinus
ruler of the region
wife of latinus
bethrothed to Turnus
soon to be leader of the Ritulian army. bad guy
Oracle of Faunus
you sleep in a temple on fleeces of slaughtered sheep and the God appears to you in a dream and advises.
Celano’s prophecy
Dont marry your daughter in to a Latin family. A better companion is coming, a stranger, to take the family name to the stars and rule the world.
one of the furies, summoned from hades by Juno. Causes war. convinces Amata (father of Lavinia) not to marry Aeneasin favor of Turnus. Lavinia and Aeneas are fate thooo
goddesses of vengeance
has the pet Stag that Turnus kills to start the war.
Gates of War
Latinus, the keeper of the gate, refuses to open the gate for their war. But juno opens them herself.
Tomb of Eurysaces, the Baker
relief of a baker who showed hiumself baking. made so much money he had a lavish tomb.
Roman “fast food” place
Trajan’s Market -
massive concrete complex attached to trajans forum, network of streets and arcades. shops and administrative offices. Great hall. indoor markets, two stories.
Lex Sempronia
law in 123 bc that set fixed and subsidized price from grain.
passed law in 55bc allowing free monthly distribution of grain. Over 100,000 people recieved free grain.
close to rome, on west coast, and built in lineness of rome
Most important River in Rome. goods unloaded at ostia.
Portus Augusti
river had poor anchorage, so a harbour wass built.
Portus Trajani Felicis
hexagular shaped bay looking thing.
warehouse , rooms around a courtyard.
Piazza of the Corporations
warehouse with 61 rooms, offices of the shipping companies.
orthogonal grid plan. elongated rectangular blocks. wide main streets. n-s or e-w axis.
Hippodamos of Miletus
Thurii, Magna Gaecia
Forum of Pompeii
Two story colonnade on three sides. Temple of Jupiter at N end. religious buildings: Temple of Ju[iter, apollo, Vespasian. Civic buildings: Basillica, municipal offices, comitium
Temple of Apollo
mix of greek and etruscan styles. peripteral corinthian colonnade. Stairs only infront. Portico on all four sides. Ionic columns, Statues off Apollo and Diana.
Temple of Jupiter / Capitolium
triple shrine to Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva. Elongated plan - four columns deep porch. Relief shownig Capitolium druing earthquake of 62 ce, two equestrian statues (castor and Pollux?), and etruscan stuyle temple with corinthian columns.
Relief from House of L. Caecilius Iucundu
shownig Capitolium druing earthquake of 62 ce, two equestrian statues (castor and Pollux?), and etruscan stuyle temple with corinthian columns.
oldest well- preserved basillica. used for public and private business. housed law courts. Tribunal at one end, and an elevated platform
indoor market area, tabernae along sides. Remains of fruits and grains in north. Fish Scales an dBoens in courtyard
Stabian Baths
entire city block, shops on exterior, seperate areas for men and women
city block
hot room
cold bath
Hypocaust system
furnaces, and hollow spaces under teh floor
large open air theater
large open air theater
theatrum tectum “covered theatre”
on outskirts of city, earlist known stone amphitheatre, series of barrell vaults.
Tomb of the Flavii
flavian dynastys resting place. 30-50 bce
Domus Italicus
atrium house, common features and much variation.
Atrium House
etruscan influence
House of Sallust
misnomer - inscription on neighboring house, several phases. earliest dates to 3rd c bce. six shops, rly nice house.
House of the Vetii
early ex of peristyle house, Axiality, two aria, larrge peristyle court and a large dining room.
House of the Faun
House of the Faun
Tiber’s Prophecy
In Aeneas’ dreams… He is shown a sow (pig) with a litter of 30, near a hidden stream. This spot would be his city. Tells Aeneas to seek alliance with King Evander. TIber also tells Aeneas hell slow down the flow of the tiber to allow safe passsgae.
King Evander
greek from Arcadia who are also fighting with the Latins
Festival to Hercules
happening when Aeneas fnds the city
son of Evander, first to address Aeneas
father of Electra and Maia.
Electra and Maia
mother and father of Dardanus and Mercury
Founder of Troy
Ancestor/father of Evander
Hercules and Cacus Digression
annual sacrifices to hercules in forum boararium. shows the cult imporatnce in rome. also shows the juxtaposition of good and evil which is Cacus the Greek “bas man” vs Evander the Greek “Good man”.
Saturn and the Golden Age
Story told suring Aeneas’ tour of Rome. Story of brutes and savages living here till saturn came down adn instilled order. then a golden age sprouted.
a cave beneath a cold cliffside with the arcadian name of Lycean Pan.
homeric allusion , Vulcan makes armor for Achilles in Illiad.
Shield of Aeneas
describes achievements of rome through warfare. history of roman warfare. Aeneas war is first roman war.
Battle of Actium
Naval battle against Marc Antony and Cleopatra. When Ceasar defeats Antony.
volcanic stone
hard limestone
Luna (Carrara) marble
while/blue-grey marble
volcanic ash
opus quadraticum/ashlar masonry
dressed-stone construction. cut-stone clocks of regularly equal size and shape. generally laid without mortar. EX: temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus / servian wall
Opus caementicium / caementa
roman concrete. made of lime mortar, volcanic sand (pozzolana) water, small stones (caementa). Wooden, stone or brick frames/molds. COvered with stucco or marble revetment
Opus incertum
early 2nd to mid 1st c. BCE, opus carmenticium core, faced with irregularly shaped stones
Opus reticulatum
begins in the early 1st c. bce. opus carmenticium core, faced with irregular pyramid shaped tufa stones, in a diamond pattern.
masonry blocks on the corneres of buildings
higher quality stones, travertine, marble. cut into thin slabs, more aesthetically pleasing.
Opus latericium
begins 1st c AD, opus carmenticium core, faced with brick.
roman administrator. wrote De Aquis Urbis Romae (98AD)
curator aquarum
roman administrator
Aqua Appia
(312bc) Built by censor Appius Claudius Caecus, Delivered water to area around Aventine hill, Located mostly underground
Aqua Marcia
(144 BC) Built by urban praetor Quintus Marcius Rex, Best drinking water (cool and clean), 91 kilometers, Very expensive, First to have long expanse elevated on arches
Aqua Julia
(33 BC) During reign of Augustus, built by Agrippa Built on top of Aqua Marcia and Aqua Tepula Creating a triple tiered aqueduct
Aqua Claudia
built during reign of Claudius, smong the longest and largest, source from the anio river valley.
Aqua Anio Novus
built during reign of Claudius, smong the longest and largest, source from the anio river valley.
Constant-flow system
operated by gravity, carefully graded for steady stream. Water passed through ocasional resiviors/settling tanks
water was then distributed to the castella - or storage towers.
Cloaca Maxima
“greatest sewer” ran through roman forum to tiber river
roads outside the city connecting to Rome
Pons Sublicius
linked forum boarium with trantiberium below tiber island
Tiber Island
island in the middle of rome in the middle of tiber river. had bridges crossing the tiber.
Pons Aemilius
179bc) first stone bridge across Tiber River
Pons Cestius
Connected TIber island to east and west banks
Lower divity sent by Juno to Tunus in a dream, tells Turnus to attack the Trojan camp (all while a treaty was being formed to stop the fighting)
Trojans build a makeshift wall, and Turnus beseiges these walls. He is the leader of the attacking army. Killed by Aeneas
Nisus and Euryalus
first seen in book 5 during the funeral games of Anchises. They were kids but they end up trying to sneak out of the war to go tell Aeneas that they were fighting. Both of them get killed getting out of the city.
an example would be the funeral games of Anchises
enemys of the Arcadians
place of battle, aeneas returns to pallanteum with allies
person who Kills Euryalus
Death of Pallas
Turnus kills Pallas, and its alluded that Turnus till die too because of this.
aeneas builds a grand trophy to the God of War
Death of Turnus
Death of Turnus
Aeneas’ Final Act
When turnus tries to plead with Aeneas, Aeneas sees the trophy and Pallas belt on Turnus and stabs his sword into Turnus’ chest.
Anchises Words
“your mission, Roman, is to rule the world. These will be your arts: establish peace, spare the humbled, and to concquer the proud.”