Quizzes for Exam 1 Flashcards
literary evidence for the Early Iron Ages
- Livy’s historical accounts in the Foundation of Rome
- Greek authors on Greek colonies in Graecia Magna and the Etruscans
Rex during the Roman Monarchy
- the term of rex was unlimited
- the rex was the military leader of Rome
- rex was now hereditary
where did the Greeks settle in the Early Iron Age?
Sicily and souther Italy
where did the Etruscans settle in the Early Iron Age
where did the Samnites settle in the Early Iron Age?
central and eastern Italy
overthrew his brother and took over the kingship of Alba Longa
Etruscan king who helped Turnus fight against Aeneas
killed his brother
Tarquin the Proud
last king of Rome
Greek City-states
- were politically independent
- individual city-sates had their own army and defense
- most had a fortification wall around their urban center
Tarquin the Proud
last king of Rome
Numa Pompilius
second king of Rome
Servius Tullius
sixth king of Rome
Reasons Livy wrote about the history of Rome
- recount the history of Rome from its earliest beginnings
- provide a more historical (as opposed to poetic) recount of history
- consider the means by which Rome’s power was acquired and expanded
Etruscans were well known for their elaborate ____ and intricate _____
cemeteries; metalwork
True or False: the Regia was located in the Roman Forum
True or False: according to Livy, Romulus established three tribes that contained all the citizens of Rome
provinces of Rome
spain, macedonia, sicily
- were typically without access to the aristocratic offices during the early Republic
- led a succession and established their own assembly
- published the twelve tables
2nd Punic War
King Philip V
Macedonian wars
sack of Rome
important outcome of the fourth Macedonian War
Macedonia became a province of Rome
Cursus honoris (highest to lowest)
consul, praetor, aedile, quastor