Study Guides Exam 1 Flashcards
polygot world
referred to as “polygot” due to the many different people and cultures, all speaking different languages, i.e. those from Latium spoke Latin, Etruscans spoke Etruscan
Villanovan culture
provided early iron age archaeological evidence through their use of bi-conical urns and also urns in the model of huts to bury remains from cremations
Magna Graecia
means “Great Greece”, most city-states were here
most powerful Greek city-state at the time, founded by Corinth, controlled most of Sicily, and came into conflict with Carthage
best preserved Greek temples
Tomb of the Diver
located in Magna Graecia, showcasing Greek symposium scenes along with a scene of man leaping into water (could symbolize him leaping into his death/afterlife)
located in Etruria, spoke their own unique language of Etruscan, drew from Greek city-states. Known for “Bucchero” pottery which took inspiration from Greek art and consisted of shiny, black metal prototypes, usually served as elite drinking vessels
Dionysius of Halikarnassus
came up with the theory that Etruscans didn’t really originate from a specific group of people, they were just always there due to their strange language
came up with the theory that Etruscans originated from modern-day Turkey (Lydia). The king of Lydia divided his people up into two groups, one who stays in Lydia and the other moves elsewhere. The king’s son was named Tyrrhenian, so that is the origin of why the Etruscans are called Tyrrhenians by the Greeks
Cerveteri (ancient Caere)
cemetery located at Cerveteri, showcases typical Etruscan cemeteries with tombs covered with earth; hill-like
Tomb of the Reliefs
a unique Etrsucan tomb showing art draw on the sides inspired by the Greeks, also contains sarcophagi unique to the Etruscans at the time
Tomb of the Ship
shows an Etruscan banquet (symposium) scene, including women, meaning the Etruscans did not discriminate against women like the Greeks did
son of Anchises/Troy. He fought in the Trojan War and eventually established Lavinium after allying with King Latinus and marrying his daughter Lavinia
Romulus and Remus
they were born to Rhea Silva after she was raped by the god Mars. They were raised by she-wolves until Faustulus found them and raised them. They decided to found a new settlement on the spot where they were left to drown (later Rome) after overthrowing Amulius and reinstating Numitor. However, the twins had a dispute as to who was older and would be king since they were twins and it was impossible to determine. Thus, the pair decided to interpret the will of gods through flight of birds. They received mixed signals, so Romulus killed Remus (another version is that Romulus angrily killed Remus because he jumped over Romulus’ half-built settlement walls).
Rape of the Sabines
Romulus needed women for his newly founded city of Rome, so he attempted to get women over with diplomacy. That didn’t work, so he threw a festival to deceive the Sabines and stole their women while they were distracted
Roman Forum (Forum Romanum)
area between the holy Palatine and Capitoline hills, later drained and paved to make room for important government and religious buildings
building associated with the 7 kings, has a complicated, unknown history
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
temple to the Roman god Jupiter built on the Capitoline w/ Etruscan influences
Roman term for king, had an indefinite term, did not have to be hereditary, elected and ratified by senators
power invested in an individual (the king in this case) by the state to do whatever he feels is in the best interests of the state
30 curiae in total, 10 curiae each tribe, citizens would fight in their curiae, they decided war and peace, and it was essentially an assembly of citizens
Numa Pompilius
2nd king, known for religious institutions
Flamen Dialis
high priest of Jupiter
Servius Tullius
6th king, known for the Servian Constitution