TERM 4 - UNIT 2 Sustainable use of resources (p76-83) Flashcards
Meets the needs of the present, not compromising the needs of future GENERATIONS
Resources can be used and used, not damaging the ENVIRONMENT
When using resources which are not damaging the environment and it does not compromise the needs of future generations, the following needs to be done:
1) use renewable resources
2) use resources which cause less harm to the
3) reduce, reuse and recycle
What are the THREE conditions which affects the use of SUSTAINABLE resource use?
- Environment
- Economic
What are the 3 most used ENERGY resources in the world?
Natural gas
Explain why it is important to use resources sustainably?
- to use resources so that future generations could
also use it, we should not run out of resources - will have an effect on our lifestyle, if we run out
Forecast what would happen if the developing world used resources at the same rate as the developed world uses them now?
- run out of resources (example: oil)
- Pollution would increasse
What percentage of the world’s energy comes from HYDRO and other renewable sources?
HYDRO electricity - 6,45%
Renewable electricity - 6,45%
Give one example of a renewable resource
wood ; solar ; wind
Which ways can be used to introduce sustainable fishing?
1) Fishing quotas (specific amount)
2) Suspension (ban on fishing)
3) End to subsidies (money paid to sea fisheries)
4) Consumer awareness.
Name 2 organizations that promote public/consumer awareness
SASSI (South African Sustainable Seafood Initiative)
Greenpeace = Defending our oceans
SASSI has 3 main aims
(Using their GREEN / ORANGE / RED list for fish purchases)
- encourage voluntary compliance of the law
- move consumer demand from to sustainable
options - marine conservation
Graze on one area for a short time and then move on
What can you do to live a sustainable life?
3R’s = Reduce
How does the City of Cape Town use the 3R’s to encourage people to life a sustainable lilfe
REDUCE the waste you produce:
Buy in bulk
Buy local products
Repair broken items
Donations of unwanted gifts to charities
Take items to schools for their projects
RECYCLE your waste:
Drop off recyclable waste at drop off points
Separate waste (plastic;glass;paper)
Choose tissues/toilet rolls made from recycled materials
What do you call the effect of our activities on the environment, especially the impact on climate change?
Ie. the activities relates to the amount of greenhouuse gases produced everyday by burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation
Carbon footprint
The carbon footprint is a measurement of …………..we produce and is described in units of tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.
greenhouse gases
What are greenhouse gases?
gases - such as carbon dioxide & methane that
increases global warming
Give a few tips on reducing our carbon footprint
- turn things OFF when not used (TV; lights)
- Fill the kettle with the right amount of water
- Do weekly shopping in a single trip
- hang out washing, not using the tumble drier
- use energy saving light bulbs
What can BUSINESSES do to reduce their carbon footprint?
- only print what is needed
- use email instead
- recycle
- use environmentally friendly cleaning products
- use little electricity
What is e-waste?
electronic waste
… like old computers, screens, printer cartridges
What can the government do to encourage sustainable resource use?
pass laws to - lower carbon footprints
- ban using plastic bags
- recycle programmes