Term 2 Topic 2.5 - Professionalism and ethics Flashcards
Provide a term for the following:
A moral set of values / principles that guide behaviour
Provide a term for the following:
Ethics that relate to how a company and the individual workers conduct their business
business ethics
Provide a term for the following:
A set of behaviours that is expected in the business environment
Provide a term for the following:
A set of rules outlining the social norms, rules and responsibilities of a business.
code of conduct
Provide a term for the following:
A DOCUMENT that outlines the mission and values of the business and how management should approach problems
Code of ETHICS
Name some of the 12 ETHICAL business principles
1) Be honest
2) Have integrity
3) Keep promises
4) Be loyal
5) Be fair
6) Be concerned for others
7) Respect others
8) Obey the law
9) Commit to excellence
10) Lead well
11) Uphold morale
12) Be accountable
There are 4 theories of ETHICS in business. Name them.
1) Utilitarianism
2) Kantian deontology
3) Rights theory
4) Ethical relativism
Theory that actions are right if they are useful and for the benefit of the majority
Judges how moral an action is based on how well that action sticks to the rules
Theory relating to the legal and social rights that form the rules of what people are allowed to do
Theory that actions can be right OR wrong depending on the society in which they take place
GOOD decisions are …
-good for the majority
-saves money
-achieve what needs to be done
-can ease stress and worry
-consider the rights of others
BAD decisions are…..
*only favour a few
*can cost a lot of money
*don’t achieve what should have been done
*causes stress and worry
*ignore the rights of others
-Prevent work time and resources being
used for …(a)… use
-Follow a code of ethics and a code of ..(b)..
-Management makes …(c)… decisions
-Provide all info, being … (d.)..
-Act strongly against sexual ..(e)
-Create a …(f) working environment
-Offer ..(g) .. prices in all areas
-Clamp down on fraud, ..(h).. and bribes
- Avoid nepotism and promote from …(i)
a) personal
b) conduct
c) ethical
d) transparent
e) harassment
f) safe
g) fair
h) corruption
i) within the company
What are the ADVANTAGES of ethical business practices?
Build a GOOD reputation
Create LOYAL customers
Keep staff MORALE high
Boost INVESTOR confidence
Give any 2 differences between GOOD and BAD decisions
-good for the majority
-saves money
-achieve what needs to be done
-can ease stress and worry
-consider the rights of others
*only favour a few
*can cost a lot of money
*don’t achieve what should have been done
*causes stress and worry
*ignore the rights of others
Read question 4 (4.1 - 4.4) and say whether the behaviour is ethical OR unethical. Give a reason for your answer.
Read pg 165. Answer is 4 (4.1 - 4.4)
Describe how ETHICAL business practices benefit a business
Read pg 165. Answer is number 3
What are these theories of:
1) Utilitarianism
2) Kantian deontology
3) Ethical realtivism
4) Rights theory
These are all theories of ETHICS