Tempromanibular Joint And Infratemporal Fossa Flashcards
What are the articulating parts of the tempromanibular joint?
The condyle of the mandible, the articular tubercle of the temporal bone
What are the three main ligaments that support the temporomandibular joint?
The lateral ligamne between the temporal bone and the manible
The stlyomaibular ligament
The spenomanibular ligament
What muscles are responsible for elevation of the mandible?
Temproal, masseter and the medial pterygoid
What are the muscles responsible for depression of the mandible?
Laterlal pterygoid, the supra and infrahyoid muscles
What are the muscles repsonible for protusion of the jaw?
The laterla pterygoid
What are the muscles responsible for detrusion of the jaw?
The temporal
What are the muscles responsible for lateral movements of the jaw?
The temproal on smae side, the pterygoid on the opposite side and the masseter
What nerve are the muscles the move the jaw supplied by?
The mandibular branch of the tirgeminal
What are some of the features of a TMJ dislocations?
Commonly a sideways blow to the chin when the mouth was opened, and causes anterior dilocation of the same side where the head of the manidble is anterior to the articular tubercule.
What is the superior boundary of the infratemproal fossa?
Inferior greater wing of the spenoid
What are the posterior boundaries of the infratemporal fossa?
The temporal bone
What is the medial border of the infratemporal fossa?
The lateral pterygid and the plate of the spenoid
What are the inferior boundaries of the infratemproal fossa?
The medial pterygoid muscle attahemnet at the mandible
What is the anterior boundary of the infratemporal fossa?
The posterior maxilla
What is the infratemporal fossa?
An irreguurlary shaped space deep and inferior to the zygomatic arch and deep to the ramus of mouth,
What are the contents of the infratemporal fossa?
The inferior part of the temporal muscle, the lateral and medial pterygoid mucles
Maxillar atery
Pterygoid venous plexus
Nerves- the manibular, the inferior alveolar, the lingual, the buccal, the chorda tympani and the otic ganlion
What are some of the important branches that the manibular branch of the tirgmenial gives of in the infratemporal fossa?
The inferior alveloar nerv,e the buccal and the lingular nerve, and the otic gangiliomn
What is the clinical relvance of the infratemporal fossa?
Fossa can be a site for iposolateral infection, and due to the comminucation of the pyeryogid plexus and the cavernous sinus, ther ecould be a risk of cavernous sinus thrombosis