Temporal and Infratemporal Fossa (week 2) Flashcards
Two major branches of arteries that supply blood to the temporal fossa
Superficial Temporal and Maxillary arteries
What muscles are found in the Temporal Fossa?
Temporalis muscle
Three specific nerves that innervate temporal fossa
Deep Temporal nerves (Motor V3), Auriculotemporal nerve (GS V3) and Zygomaticotemporal nerve (GS V2)
What are the three branches from the superficial temporal artery that help supply blood to the temporal fossa?
Anterior Temporal, Middle Temporal and Posterior Temporal arteries
What is the branch of the Maxillary artery that helps supply blood to the Temporal fossa
Deep Temporal arteries
All nerves in the Infratemporal Fossa (except chorda tympani and fibers of otic ganglion) are branches of what cranial nerve?
Branches of V3
Name the four nerve branches that come off of the main trunk of V3 before it divides into anterior and posterior divisions?
Recurrent Meningeal Nerve, Nerve to Tensor Tympani, Nerve to Tensor Veli Palatini and Nerve to Medial Pterygoid.
The Recurrent Meningeal nerve supplies what type of innervation and where?
General Sensory to the dura in Middle cranial fossa
Nerve to Medial Pterygoid branches off what portion of V3?
The Main Trunk of V3 before it divides into anterior and posterior divisions
What nerve branches make up the Anterior Division of the V3
Nerve to Lateral Pterygoid, Nerve to Masseter, Nerve to Temporalis and Long Buccal Nerve
What nerve in the Anterior Division of the V3 provides sensory innervation?
Long Buccal nerve
Where does the Long Buccal nerve provide innervation to?
Cheek and Mandibular Buccal gingiva
Name the three main nerve branches off of the Posterior Division of V3
Auriculotemporal, Inferior Alveolar nerve and Lingual nerve
Lingual nerve provides what type of innervation to where?
Sensory, Floor of mouth, lingual gingiva and anterior 2/3 of tongue