Middle Ear (week 3) Flashcards
What two branches of the External carotid artery supply blood to the External ear
Posterior Auricular and Superficial Temporal
What innervates the external ear
- Cervical Plexus - Great Auricular
- CN V3 - Auriculotemporal nerve
- CN VII, X - Small auricular branches
What branch of the Maxillary artery supplies blood to external ear
Deep Auricular
All branches of arteries that supplies blood to external ear
Deep Auricular, Superficial Temporal and Posterior Auricular
two parts that make up the tympanic membrane
Flaccid part and Tense part
Where is the flaccid part of the tympanic membrane in relation to the tense part?
What innervates the external portion of the tympanic membrane
- Cervical Plexus - Great Auricular
- CN V3 - Auriculotemporal n.
- Cn VII, X - Small auricular branches
What innervates the internal portion of the tympanic membrane
CN IX - Tympanic Plexus
What does the Tegmen Tympani do?
Separates middle ear from middle cranial fossa
What does the floor of the middle ear do?
Separates middle ear from internal jugular vein
What is in the lateral portion of the middle ear
Chorda Tympani, Tympanic membrane and Epitympanic recess
What is contained in the medial wall of the middle ear
Promontory, Tympanic Plexus, Oval (vestibular) window and Round (cochlear) window d
What is in the Anterior portion of the middle ear wall
Auditory Tube and Canal for Tensor Tympani
Which auditory ossicle is attached to the tympanic membrane?
What are the three auditory ossicles
Incus, Malleus and Stapes