Innervation of Face (week 2) Flashcards
Nucleus for motor innervation of the face (Facial n. CN VII)
Motor Nucleus of VII (pons)
What three branches arise AFTER the Facial nerve (CN VII) exits the stylomastoid foramen?
Auricularis, Occipitalis and Suprahyoid
Suprahyoid branch of the Facial nerve innervates what two muscles?
Stylohyoid and Posterior belly of the Digastric muscle
What is the final structure CN VII passes through before branching?
Stylomastoid Foramen
General Sensation for the face comes from what Cranial Nerve?
Trigeminal (CN V)
All of the motor innervation of the face is done by what cranial nerve?
Facial n. (CN VII)
What are the three divisions of CN V?
V1 (Opthalmic), V2 (Maxillary), V3 (Mandibular)
Sensory cell bodies for General Sensation of the face are found in which ganglion?
Trigeminal Ganglion
Where is the location of branching in CN V - V1?
In the Orbit
What three main nerves branch from the Opthalmic (V1) nerve in the orbit?
Lacrimal Nerve, Frontal Nerve and Nasociliary Nerve
Two smaller branches come from the Frontal nerve. What are they?
Supraorbital nerve and Supratrochlear nerve
What nerve branch from V1 of CN V innervates the bridge of the nose?
External Nasal nerve
Which nerve branch from V1 of CN V innervates the medial upper eyelid and lacrimal sac?
Infratrochlear nerve
The Anterior Ethmoid nerve is a branch from what other branch of V1 from CN V?
Nasociliary nerve
What are the two main branches of the Nasociliary nerve from V1 of CN V?
Infratrochlear nerve and Anterior ethmoid nerve