Brody Central Nuclei Flashcards
The parasympathetic nucleus for CN VII?
Superior salvatory nucleus
Where is the branchial motor nucleus for CN XII?
No where. Trick question
The cell bodies of the pre-ganglionic parasympathetic neurons for CN VII are located where?
Superior salvatory nucleus
Where the LMN originate to innervate the muscles of facial expression?
Motor Nucleus of VII
Where the first order neurons for relay to second order sensory for special sense of taste or visceral sensory neurons?
Nucleus solitarius
Where do the cell bodies for the special sensory neurons reside?
Superior inferior glossopharyngeal
Special or visceral nuclei for CN VII or X
nucleus solitarius
Where do pre-ganglionic neurons relay with post-ganglionic neurons for the submandibular and sublingual glands?
Submandibular ganglion