Tell me about yourself Flashcards
How many years of IT experience do you have?
Over 10 years
Describe most recent role
developed an implementation model to mitigate risks and unforeseen challenges to ensure successful deployments and positive end-user experiences.
Reviewed and analyzed new and revised federal, state and industry requirements for information privacy and security specific to “Data Sharing Guidance for First Responders” and identified potential risks and ways to mitigate those risks to the organization.
About …
Performed a Privacy Impact Assessment per The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate established for the Next Generation First Responder (NGFR) technologies.
Mobility4Public Safety
Identified and recommended process improvements to drive implementation for the Bridge4PS platform.
Mobility4Public Safety
Assessed the inventory of personal information throughout the enterprise for Fed Ramp certification & DHS S&T grant award.
M4PS Federal Partners
Department of Homeland Security (DHS),
First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet),
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
and TAMU Internet2 Technology Evaluation Center as well as industry organizations such as the National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC), International Wireless Communications Expo (IWCE) and International Public Safety Association (IPSA).
What are the different technical certifications that you hold?
What are the domain areas that you are familiar with
Healthcare Insurance Education Government Asset Management and Supply Chain
Well, my resume is in the reverse chronological order starting with my most recent experience but let me start from the beginning and go forward
From there, i was promoted to X position where i have accomplished Y
From there, i went to ABC client where i have accomplished DEF
Bridge4PS’s cloud-based data storage is fully compliant with transparency, retention and other legal requirements and mitigates the need for users to surrender their phones during an official investigation. Bridge4PS has also been designed from the ground up to provide a much higher level of security than consumer-grade alternatives.
The app contains a single nationwide directory of authorized public safety users and allows the rapid setup of channels for large user groups. Red Grasso, Program Director for State of North Carolina FirstTech, has found the directory to be the app’s “most powerful” feature. Other features include picture and file sharing, communicating with entire teams, and Secure Web Conferencing, which includes screen sharing.
For the responder community looking to adopt this application, careful planning, coordination and training are essential. In coordination with S&T, the M4PS team is preparing to provide training to new teams of users in the form of webinars and from within the app itself – using Bridge4PS’s Secure Web Conferencing feature.
What are the compliance- and/or ethics-related challenges you face most frequently in your current role?
This question provides information on several important aspects of a compliance program. First, it may highlight risks that the compliance officer was unaware of or didn’t fully appreciate (risk assessment). Second, it assesses how well employees are able to apply corporate policies in the context of their role (policy comprehension/retention and training effectiveness). Third, it reiterates and reinforces the employee’s understanding of risks and policies specific to them (training). Interviewees frequently struggle with this question initially and the interviewer may need to provide an obvious example of such a challenge to help the interviewee get started (i.e. gift policy, etc).
How can the company’s compliance policies be improved and/or better applied, communicated and enforced?
Compliance policies should be accessible to all employees, well communicated, and easy to understand and apply. Responses to this question can provide valuable end-user feedback in this regard. The additional area of “enforcement” may provide some insight into an organization’s ethical tone and employee perceptions about fairness and equality. A quality compliance program will assure that all violators are treated fairly, but equally. If employees perceive that management or others are “above the law,” the compliance program loses credibility.
- How can employees report concerns, issues, or potential violations of laws, regulations and/or the code of conduct and/or compliance policies?
§8B2.1(5) (C) of the USSGs requires that an organization have and publicize a system whereby employees can anonymously or confidentially report or seek guidance about potential or actual criminal conduct without fear of retaliation. Responses to this question can help a compliance officer assess the effectiveness of their hotline or other reporting system publication efforts. It may also help the compliance officer assess employees’ knowledge of the organization’s policy regarding employee complaints (i.e. first report to supervisor, etc.) and any training that was conducted regarding such a policy. This question can also be used to explore employees’ perceptions about the credibility of the organization’s non-retaliation policy.
- Are you aware of anyone who has not complied with or is not complying with the company’s code of conduct and/or compliance policies?
his question is directly associated with the compliance officer’s “monitoring” efforts to detect potential criminal conduct as per §8B2.1(5) (A) of the USSGs. It can also test compliance by managers and supervisors with internal policies requiring that any complaints from employees concerning compliance or ethics violations be reported to the compliance officer.