misli za planet
Take more sustainable approach towards our lifestyle with making greener choices.
Using sustainable means of transport and avoid using our cars.
Take a more sustainable approach with using sustainable energy.
With consuming less we can improve the state of the environment.
Our planet is rushing towards a dark future. We as individuals can improve the state of our planet by making greener choices, on the other hand we need mass population to adapt the same lifestyle to make a difference.
zavedati se
to be conscious
imeti pomen
• Meaningful means something important (imeti pomen)
• Drastic means extreme (velike, ekstremne)
nekaj spremeniti od tal navzgor
• To make changes from the ground up it means from the bottom to the top (nekaj spremeniti od tal navzgor)
kot se zdi
• It turns out means we have discovered next line to get rid of something means to remove come on not use again (kot se zdi)
• Harmful means something that damage environment or our health (škodljivo)
v pripravljenosti
• Stand-by means when devices receive electric power but are not running (v pripravljenosti)
ne moremo zgrešiti
• Unavoidable means that you have to do it layer means another piece of clothing (ne moremo zgrešiti)
dela doma
• Chores means household jobs (dela doma)
led luči
• LED lights means light meaning diode which produces light efficiently (LED luči)
postaviti na prvo mesto
• Prioritise means to make something more important than other things (postaviti na prvo mesto)
popraviti, izboljšati
• to mend something means to repair come on make something usable again (popraviti, izboljšati)
nečemu vdihniti življenje
• to mend something means to repair come on make something usable again (popraviti, izboljšati)
majhen efekt
• Low-impact means having a small effect on the planet (majhen efekt)