naučena stvar
• learned skill —> the ones a student can gain with little effort and practice
nisi sposoben govoriti
• to be unable to speak —> it’s not genetic, we need to learn how to speak
glasilke potrebujejo trening
• to speak your vocal cords need training
usvojitev jezika
• language acquisition
možgani izgubijo svojo moč
• brain looses plasticity
do kdaj se morajo otroci naučiti jezika
• by the age of 5 children should learn their mother tongue
kdaj se je težje naučiti novega jezika
• it’s harder to learn a language after early puberty, after that age brain looses plasticity
• intrinsic (innate, inherent, basic)
naravno vs naučeno
• nature vs nurture (if it is genetic or we need to be tought to know it)
• to beguile (fascinate)
divji otrok
feral child
• untainted by something (not touched by)
nič manj kot šokantno
• nothing short of sensation
nepopisan list
blank slate
posvetiti se nečemu
• to devote yourself to something
naravne zahteve
• restrain your urges
vocal cords
razumeti glasove
• articulate sounds (razumeti glasove, he’s very good with sounds, words) (to be articulated)
okno, da se jezika naučimo
• a window for language acquisition
naučiti se jezika
• to acquire language
• psychological trauma (maybe it is the trauma fault he never learned a language)
osnovano na primeru enega otroka
• It’s based on one case
5 ways of learning a foreign language:
• watching cartoons, movies (being exposed)
• listening to songs
• reading books in foreign language (listening to someone reading them to you)
• listening to native speakers and talking to native speakers
• living abroad —> total immersion (exposed to a language 24/7, you are basically forced to learn it, you are immersed)
naučiti se jezika
• acquire (learn) language (naučiti se jezika)
pomembno je da govorimo z novorojenčkom
• It’s important to talk to your newborn baby
materni jezik
• mother tongue/first language/dominant language/native speech/native language (materni jezik)
kako se lahko naučimo jezika
• by listening —> learn through exposure/interaction/communication
• by being surrounded by language —> learn language instinctively —> to pick up a language
jezik ki se ga hočemo naučiti
• target language —> language we are trying to learn
postati tekoč
• to become fluent (you can speak it, write in a certain language and you understand it)
ko se jezika naučimo se naučimo še
• By learning a language we learn some skills:
o Speaking
o Writing
o Reading
o Listening
faze učenja jezika
• The first stage is to be understood (to get a message across), next stage is fluency (vocabulary) and accuracy (grammatically correct) and the last stage is native like communication (mastery, proficiency)
namigovati na
• Alluding —> suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at
obvaladati jezik
• To master a language you need to be proficient and have a proper accent to top it off
uradni ejziki
• Official language (Slovene, Italian and Hungarian in minorities)
mednarodno poznavani jeziki
• Lingua franca (international language)
dominantni jezik
• Dominant language —> English in the world of finance, internet, literature, commerce, education
formalni jezik
• You should try to use formal language, national media and schools keep the standard of language to a certain level of formality
zborni jezik
• Standard language (zborni jezik) or RP (receive pronunciation), Queens language
tuje besede uničujejo jezik
• Foreign words are invading a language
accents (how wo pronounce a word)
ljudje iz vseh vetrov
• People from all walks of life
degenaritvna bolezen
• Degenerative diseases (elderly people —> dementia, Alzheimers disease)
predstavljati grožnjo
• To pose a threat
manjšinski jezik
minority language
to die out
• Advantages and disadvantages of learning a foreign language in school
o You are forced to study it —
o Broaden your vocabulary (higher level) +
o Accuracy +
o Opportunity to speak it +
o Not personalised —
o Rush in learning —
o Limited by matura —
samostojno se naučiti jezika
• Self-study a language (depends on motivation, persistence, diligence)
prevedeno, sinhronizirano
• Bilingual —> you have two mother tongues
neločljivo povezana
Intrinsically linked —> culture and language (neločljivo povezana)
nebesedna komunikacija
• Non-verbal communication
benefits of learning a new language
1) Foreign language study creates more positive attitudes and less prejudice toward people who are different.
2) Studying a foreign language will improve your chances of getting a job.
3) To get the goodwill of the people.
4) Learning a language means finding more about yourself by learning about others (culture and language are intrinsically linked).
5) Studying a new culture helps you meet new and interesting people.
6) Good for your brainpower (it alters grey matter, stimulate your brain).
7) It shows the ability to think beyond your immediate cultural and linguistic assumption.
8) Developing skills such as negotiating, analysing and presenting are transferable skills for many careers.
9) Dealing with another culture enables people to gain a more profound understanding of their own culture.
10) The study of foreign languages boots confidence.
11) International travel is made easier and more pleasant through knowing a foreign language.
12) Skills like problem solving, dealing with abstract concepts, are increased when you study a foreign language.
13) Foreign language study enhances one’s opportunities in government, business, medicine, law, technology, military, industry, marketing, etc.
14) Analytical skills improve when students study a foreign language.
prihajajoča knjiga
forthcoming book
klima večinske kulture
climate of mass culture
• Herd (čreda)—> climate of popular commercialised cultures (klima popularnih kultur)
vreme nas je obdržalo noter
the weather kept us in
globok sram
deeply shaming
butec, kmetavz
• Country bumpkin —> someone who is despised
povzročiti zamero
to cause resentment
kako poskrbeti da bodo manjšinski jeziki preživeli
• How to ensure the survival of minority languages? By legislation and raising awareness.
manjšinski jeziki
minority languages
sprejemati zakone
to legislate