Healthy lifestyle
physical activity
don’t stress
uravnotežena dieta
balanced diet
sledljiva hrana
• Traceable food (sledljiva hrana)
o Seasonal, locally-produced food (sezonska, lokalno pridelana hrana)
bio hrana, doma pridelana
• Organic food (bio hrana)
• Homegrown food (doma pridelana, vzgojena hrana)
podaljšana življenjska doba in kemikalije ki podalšajo rok uporabe
• Prolonged shelf life (how long is the food edible for) (podaljšana življenjska doba)
• Chemicals exceed/extend the expiration date (kemikalije podaljšajo rok uporabe)
• Nutrients (proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, fibers, carbs) (nutrijenti)
• Avoid food high in empty calories (most of processed foods) but low in nutrients
• To overreact (pretiravati)
o Never as expensive and available
o Emotional overreacting because of stress
uničena dieta
• Food, crash diet (uničena dieta)
o To regain weight because it is not sustainable
o Have a diverse effect on their health
physical activity
• To engage in regular physical activity (redno se ukvarjati s telesno aktivnostjo)
• To stay in shape, to stay fit (ostati v formi)
• Aerobics and strength training (aerobika in trening za moč)
• Boost immune system (izboljšati imunski sistem)
• Stimulate (stimulirati, spodbuditi)
• Strenghten (izboljšati)
• Reduce stress levels (zmanjšati stres)
• Sleep is even more slimportant than a healthy diet
• To take a toll (imeti vpliv)
• To charge your batteries (napolniti baterije)
• Regular sleep patterns (stalni vzorci spanja)
• Erratic sleep patterns (no consistency) (spremenljivi vzorci spanja)
tips for coping with stress
• Organise and prioritise
• Don’t procrastinate (procrastinate — to continue postponing something because it is difficult, horrible or boring)
• Look after yourself
• Breathe
• Remember to have fun
• Stay positive
• Stop worrying about things you can’t change
• Try new things
• Communicate
• Take charge and be pro-active