podcenjevati, norčevati se
to put somebody down
imeti razlog za življenje
to have a purpose to live
se vdati v usodo ali pa nadaljevati z življenjem
to give up or to keep on going
osredotočiti se
to concentrate
pomilovati nekoga
To feel sorry for somebody, pity somebody
biti kos nezmožnosti, motnji ,
To cope with having a disability
nezmožnost, motnja
(severe) disability, disabled
karte, ki so mu bile usojene
The cards he was dealt
sprijazniti se z nečim
Come to terms with something
se roditi z “napako” ali pa te to prizadane kasneje v življenju
Born with a disability or be afflicted later on in life
Deaf (hearing impaired), mute
blind, visually impaired
paralimpijske igre
Paralympic (olympics for the disabled)
prizadeti, ovirani
Handicap (wrong side of political correctness) = impairment
Development, developmental
Limitation (people with disabilities have certain limitations)
vrste omejitev
• Physical, mental, intellectual (disability)
čuten, senzoričen
sensory, senses
kognitiven, spoznaven
Cognitive (brain)
umetni deli telesa
Prosthetic limbs: artificial arms or legs
rampe, klančine
Ramps: artificial slopes
Beg: ask for food or money because you are poor
Ostracised: avoided or prevented from taking part in group activities
Clumsy: awkward in movement
On the grounds of: because of
Self-esteem: belief and confidence in your own ability and value
Bawdy: containing humorous remarks about sex, indecent
Burdens: difficult people you have to worry about
plaziti se
Crawl: move slowly on hands and knees
Breadwinner: person who earns the money that their family needs
Outcast: person who is refused a place in a society or group
Stampede: sudden, uncontrolled movement of many people because of fear
Tactile: touching other people a lot
Paralysed: unable to move
ne smemo diskriminirati
You musn’t discriminate against somebody
dvigniti in vzhajati
• Raise (dvigniti, needs a noun afterwards, raise a hand) ≠ rise (vzhajati, object before the verb, the sun rises)
potisniti v ozadje
vključiti, integrerati
bsojeni na zaprte tipe institucij
confined to institutions
idiom, skriti od oči, skriti od srca
out of sight, out of mind
biti odvisen od nekoga
depend on somebody
cussed aside
šokiran negativna konotacija
• Repulsed by something (even stronger than disgusted, šokiran)
• Disfigured face (popačen)
• Disfigured face
temporary disability
ostane za vedno
permanent disability
težka ali blaga
severe or mild disability
sprijazniti se z …
To come to terms with one’s disability
biti prizadet zaradi poškodbe
To be left disabled as the result of an injury
obnašati se pokroviteljsko
Patronize someone
ožigostai, stigmatizirati
občutiti predsodke
to feel prejudice
nerad početi kaj
• Term accessible is used when talking about places with accommodation for disabled people: accessible building/parking space/bathroom, access symbol
Public bathrooms for disabled, wide aisles, ramps, oversized bathrooms, accessible bathroom stalls/elevators/entrances with automatic sliding doors, railings and handrails (allow them the same access and independence)
equality act
• Equality Act (if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse (negative) effect on your ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities you can use Equality Act to protect you against discrimination in education, work and services. It can require employer, colleges, venues and service providers to make reasonable adjustments, provide support and make things accesible).
sovraštvo proti prizadetim
• Disability hate crimes —> Disability hate crime is a form of hate crime involving the use of violence against people with disabilities. This is not only violence in a physical sense, but also includes other hostile acts, such as the repeated blocking of disabled access and verbal abuse.
premagovati ovire
Overcome many obstacles
osebna uresničitev, zmaga
personal accomplishment
premagati stigme
to beat the odds
imajo namen
to give purpose
prevail something
using appropriate language with the list of disabilities
Disability Respectful language
Blind or visual (vision) impairment Blind/visually impaired, person who is blind/visually impaired
Deaf or hearing impairment Deaf or hard-of-hearing, person who is deaf or hard of hearing
Speech/communication disability Person with a speech/communication disability
Learning disability Learning disability, cognitive disability, person with a learning or cognitive disability
Mental health disability Person with a psychiatric disability, person with a mental health disability
Mobility/physical disability Wheelchair user, physically disabled, person with a mobility or physical disability
Short stature, little person Someone of short stature, little person
Health conditions Survivor, someone “living with” a specific disability (i.e. someone living with cancer or AIDS)
attitudes towards disabled people
o They want acceptance and want to be treated with respect
o Still very negative attitudes of general public: people feel uncomfortable talking to disabled people, concerned they will say the wrong thing, don’t know what expressions to use because things change all the time, awkwardness about disability still prevails (še vedno ostaja), often people pity them, talk down to them (patronize them, speak condescendingly to them), symphatize with them, feel sorry for
possible solutions of attitudes towards disabled people
o More everyday interactions
o Greater public education
o Raising awareness
o Starting early, positive attitudes can be shaped from an early age
o More public awareness campaigns
o Seeing disabled people on TV and in mainstream could help
• Why are the Paralympic Games important?
o They have to push their borders and overcome fear
o It gives them purpose
o Exercise is good for them
• Why are we reluctant to watch Paralympic games?
o We feel uncomfortable
o Feel sorry for them