Tech Specs Flashcards
3.1.4 - Rod Group Alignment Limits
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
All shutdown and control rods shall be Operable and DRPI shall be within 12 steps of group step counters.
Applicable in Modes 1 & 2
One or more rods inop. or more than 1 rod out of alignment:
- Verify SDM within 1 hour; OR
- Borate to SDM requirement within 1 hour.
Exactly one rod not within alignment:
- Restore alignment within 1 hour; OR
- Verify SDM or Initiate Boration to restore SDM within 1 hour.
One or more rods inop. or more than 1 rod out of alignment:
3.1.5 - Shutdown Bank Insertion Limits
- Applicability
- < 1 Hour Actions
Each shutdown bank shall be within their COLR insertion Limits
Note: N/A during rod freedom of movement surveillance
Applicable in Mode 1 & Mode 2: w/ any control bank not fully inserted.
One or more shutdown banks not w/in limits:
- Verify SDM or initiate boration to restore SDM within 1 hour.
One or more shutdown banks not w/in limits:
3.1.6 - Control Bank Insertion Limits
- Applicability
- < 1 Hour Actions
The control banks shall be within their COLR insertion, sequence, and overlap limits.
N/A during rod freedom of movement surveillance.
Applicable in Mode 1 & Mode 2 (Keff > 1.0)
Control Bank Insertion Limits not met:
- Verify SDM OR initiate boration to restore SDM within 1 hour.
Control Bank Sequence or overlap not met:
- Verify SDM or initiate boration to restore SDM within 1 hour.
Control Bank Insertion Limits not met:
Key Insertion Limits:
- __0% Power - 46 Steps on C, 161 on B.
- 100% Power - 161 Steps on D.
3.1.7 - Rod Position Indication
- Applicability
- < 1 Hour Actions
DRPI and demand position indication system shall be operable
Applicable in Modes 1 & 2
More than 1 DRPI per group inoperable for one or more group:
- __Place rods in manual - IMMEDIATELY; AND
- Monitor and record Tavg once per hour.
More than 1 DRPI per group inoperable for one or more group:
3.2.1 - Heat Flux Hot Channel Factor (FQ(Z))
- FQ(Z) Definition
- Fuel Design Criteria
- FQ(Z) shall be w/in COLR Limits
- Mode 1
FCQ(Z) not w/in limits:
- Reduce power > 1% for each % that FCQ(Z) exceeds limit within 15 minutes.
FCQ(Z) not w/in limits:
Fuel Design:
- __Tclad < 2200°F on LOCA
- 95% probability at 95% confidence (95/95 criteria) that the hot rod has no DNB on loss of forced flow accident.
- Avg fuel pellet enthalpy < 200 cal/gm on rod ejection.
- Control/Shutdown banks shutdow Rx with required SDM with most reactive rod stuck.
3.2.2 - Nuclear Enthalpy Rise Hot Channel Factor (FNΔH)
- What is (FNΔH) Measuring?
- FNΔH shall be within limits of COLR
- Measure of max total power produced in a fuel rod.
- Mode 1
3.2.3 - Axial Flux Difference
- FSAR 16.2.1 AFD Monitor requirements
Definition: AFD Shall be the Δ between the top & bottom halves of an excore NI.
The AFD in % flux difference units shall be maintained within limits specified in COLR.
Note: AFD is outside limits when 2 or more operable excore channels indicate AFD Outside Limits.
Applicable in Mode 1 w/ Power > 50%
AFD not in limits
- Reduce Power < 50% within 30 minutes
AFD not in limits
Note: AFD Monitor is not available if MUX E or Plant Computer down.
- FSAR 16.2.1 - AFD Monitor also must be available whe LCO 3.2.3 applies, if inoperable, perform OSP-SE-00002 at least once per hour for 24 hours, then 30 mins thereafter. Not required if restored within 15 minutes.
3.2.4 - Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio
- Applicability
- < 1 Hour Actions
QPTR shall be < 1.02
Applicable in Mode 1 w/ Power > 50%
No < 1 hour Actions.
3.3.1 - Rx Trip System Instrumentation
- Think NIs and P’s
- The RTS instrumentation for each Function in Table 3.3.1-1 shall be OPERABLE.
One SR Channel Inoperable - M2 < P-6
- Suspend operations involving (+) ρ additions IMMEDIATELY
Two SR Channels Inoperable - M2 < P-6 and M3-5 w/ Rods capable of withdrawal or group/rod out.
- Open Rx Trip Breakers - IMMEDIATELY
Two IR Channels Inoperable - M1 < P-10 and M2 > P-6
- Suspend operations involving (+)ρ addition - IMMEDIATELY
One SR Channel Inoperable - M2 < P-6
- One or more P-10 (PR) channels Inoperable - M1 & M2
- One or more P-6 (IR) Channels Inoperable - M2 < P-6
One or more channels of P-7, P-8, P-9, or P-13 Inoperable - M1
- All 3 verfity interlock is in required state for existing conditions - 1 hour.
3.3.5 - Loss of Power DG Start Instrumentation
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
- Basis Notes
4 channels of instantaneous UV Function and 4 channels of degraded voltage function shall be OPERABLE per bus.
Applicable in Modes 1-4, when DG required to be operable per 3.8.2 (Modes 5-6 & during movemement of irradiated fuel)
One or more functions w/ two or more channels per function inoperable:
- Declare associated LSELS Inoperable
- Basis: Closing NG tie breaker in Modes 1-4 renders all 4 degraded voltage channelsw inoperable.
One or more functions w/ two or more channels per function inoperable:
3.3.9 - BDMS
- Applicability
- < 1 Hour Actions
Two trains of BDMS shall be operable and one RCS Loop shall be in operation.
Applicable in M2 < P-6, M3-5
- May be blocked when appropriate:
- Subrictical physics testing.
- M3 during SD Bank Movement
- M2 Prior to & after control bank movement.
Two Trains Inoperable:
- __Suspend operations involving (+)ρ additions - IMMEDIATELY
Two Trains Inoperable:
3.4.1 - RCS Pressure, Temp, and Flow DNB Limits
- Requirements
- Applicability
- < 1 hour action statements
- RCS DNB parameters for PPZR, RCS Tavg, and RCS flowrate shall be:
- PPZR > 2,195 psig
- Tavg < 590.1°F
- RCS Flow > 382,630 gpm
- Mode 1 (Note PPZR limit doesn’t apply during power ramp > 5%/min or step > 10%)
- No < 1 hr actions.
3.4.2 - RCS Minimum Temp for Criticality
- LCO Statement
- Applicability
- < 1 hour action statement
Each Operating Loop Tavg shall be > 551°F
Applicable in Mode 1 & Mode 2 w/ Keff > 1.0
Tavg in one or more loops outside limit:
- __Be in Mode 2 with Keff < 1.0 in 30 minutes.
Tavg in one or more loops outside limit:
3.4.3 - RCS P/T Limits
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
RCS Press, Temp, H/U Rate & C/D Rate shall be within the limits of the PTLR.
- Applicable at all times.
- Limits exceeded in M1-4: Restore parameters to limits in < 30 minutes
- Limits exceeded in M5-6: Initiate action to restore parameters to w/in limits IMMEDIATELY
3.4.4 - RCS Loops: Modes 1 and 2
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
Four RCS Loops shall be operable & in operation.
Applicable in MODES 1 & 2
No < 1 hour actions
Basis Notes:
- 4 Loops required to be in compliance w/ safety analysis for DNB at power.
3.4.5 - RCS Loops - Mode 3
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
When rod control is capable of W/D: 2 Loops Operable and in Operation.
When rod control is not capable of W/D: 2 Loops Operable and one in operation.
Note: All RCPs may be secured for < 1 hour/8 hour period, provided:
- No water admitted to RCS with CB less than required for SDM.
- Core outlet maintained at least 10°F subcooled.
One of two required RCS Loops not in operation w/ Rods capable of W/D:
- __Restore loop to operation - 1 Hour; OR
- Place rods in condition incapable of withdrawal - 1 hour.
Required RCS Loops inoperable or NO RCS Loops in Operation:
- Make rods incapable of withdrawal - IMMEDIATELY; AND
- Suspend operations that could cause dilution - IMMEDIATELY; AND
- Initiate action to restore a RCS Loop to operable and in operation - IMMEDIATELY
One of two required RCS Loops not in operation w/ Rods capable of W/D:
3.4.5 - RCS Loops: Mode 4
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
2 of 6 loops in operation, 1 of 6 in operation.
- All RCPs may be secured for < 1 hour/8 hour period, provided:
- No water admitted to RCS with CB less than required for SDM.
- Core outlet maintained at least 10°F subcooled.
- No RCP Shall be started w/ Tavg < 275°F unless SG Water temp is < 50°F above all the RCS TC Temps.
Applicable in Mode 4
One required loop inoperable
- __Initiate action to restore 2nd loop to operable IMMEDIATELY
With no loops Operable or no loops operating:
- __Suspend operations that culd cause a dilution - IMMEDIATELY; AND
- Initiate actions to restore one loop to operable and in operation.
3.4.7 - RCS Loops: Mode 5, Loops Filled
- Applicability
- < 1 Hour Action Statements
Two RHR Loops shall be operable & one in operation
One RHR Loop shall be operable and in operations with 2 SGs > 86% WR Level
- All RCPs may be secured for < 1 hour/8 hour period, provided:
- No water admitted to RCS with CB less than required for SDM.
- Core outlet maintained at least 10°F subcooled.
- No RCP Shall be started w/ Tavg < 275°F unless SG Water temp is < 50°F above all the RCS TC Temps.
- All RHR Loops may be removed from operation during planned heatup to Mode 4 when at least one RCS Loop is in operation.
- No RCP shall be started w/ TC < 275°F unless SG temp < 50°F above all TC’s
- One req’d RHR Loop may be inoperable for up to 2 hrs for surveillance provided the other RHR loop is operable and in operation.
One RHR Loop in Operation and Req’d SG Level < 86% WR:
- __Initiate action to restore second RHR Loop to operable - IMMEDIATELY; AND
- Initiate action to restore required S/G Levels - IMMEDIATELY
Not enough RHR Loops Operable OR no RHR Loop in operation:
- __Suspend operations that could cause RCS dilution and lead to loss of SDM - IMMEDIATELY; AND
- Initiate action to restore one RHR Train to operable status & in operation - IMMEDIATELY
3.4.8 - RCS Loops - Mode 5, Loops not filled
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
Two RHR Trains shall be operable & one in operation.
Note: All RHR pumps may be secured < 1 hour provided:
- No water is allowed into RCS w/ CB less than required for SDM.
- Core outlet temp is maintained at least 10°F subcooled
- No draining operations to further reduce inventory is permitted.
One RHR Loop Inoperable:
- Initiate action to restore RHR Loop to Operable - IMMEDIATELY
With No RHR Loops Operable and no RHR Loops in operation:
- __Suspend operations that could cause introduction of coolant with less than required CB for SDM - IMMEDIATELY; AND
- Initiate action to restore one RHR Loop to operable and in operation - IMMEDIATELY
3.4.9 - Pressurizer
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
The PZR shall be operable with:
- LPZR < 92%
- Two groups of backup PZR htrs operable w/ at least 150 KW.
Applicable in MODES 1-3
- Operable heaters can maintain RCS near NOP. Capable of being powered from offsite or emergency source.
- Operation of PZR in M3 is included to prevent solid operation during heatup and cooldown to avoid pressure transients caused by normal operations such as RCP Startup.
3.4.10 - PZR Safeties
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
Three safeties operable with lift settings of 2460 ±49 psig
Applicable in Modes 1-3 & Mode 4 w/ TC > 275°F
Note: Lift settings not required to be in limits during Mode 3 & 4 to allow setting safeties under hot conditions. Allowed for 54 hours following entry into M3 provided a prelim cold setting was made prior to H/U.
One safety inoperable:
- Restore to operable in 15 minutes.
- Designed to prevent SL of 2735 psig (110% of 2485 psig design limit)
- Min relief capacity (420,000 lbm/hr @ 2485 psig + 3% accumulation) based on transient from loss of stem flow to turbine @ 100%.
3.4.11 - PORVs
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
Each PORV and block valve shall be operable.
Applicable in MODES 1-3
Seperate entry condition is allowed for each PORV and each block valve
One or More PORVs inoperable solely due to seat leakage:
- __Close & maintain power to block valve - 1 hour
One PORV valve inoperable (not seat leakage):
- __Close and remove power to block valve - 1 hour
One block valve inoperable:
- __Place associated PORV in manual - 1 hour
Both PORVs inoperable (not seat leakage):
- __Close and remove power to both block valves - 1 hour
3.4.12 - COMS
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
Coms shall be operable with:
- No SI pumps capable of injecting
- One CCP capable of injecting
- SI Accumulators isolated
One of the following relief paths:
- Two PORVs w/ lift settigns IAW PTLR
- Two RHR suction releifs (450 ±13.5 psig)
- One PORV & one RHR Suction Relief as above)
- RCS depressurized w/ vent > 2 in2
Applicable in M4 w/ TC < 275°F; M5; and M6 w/ head still on. (LCO 3.0.4.b N/A when entering M4)
Any SI pump capable of injecting:
- __Initiate action to make them incapable - IMMEDIATELY
Two CCPs capable of injecting:
- __Initiate action to make it so only one is capable - IMMEDIATELY
Accumulator not isolated whose pressure > max allowed per PTLR:
- __Isolate affected accumulator - 1 hour
3.4.13 - Operational Leakage
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
RCS Operational leakage shall be limited to:
- No pressure boundary leakage
- 1 gpm unidentified leakage
- 10 gpm identified leakage
- 150 gpd primary to secondary thru any one S/G
Applicable in Modes 1-4
3.4.14 - RCS Pressure Isolate Valve Leakage
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
Leakage thru each PIV* shall be < 0.5 gpm per inch of valve size up to a max of 5 gpm at 2235 ±20 psig.
Applicable in Modes 1-3, & Mode 4 except for valve in RHR flowpath.
*PIVs are any two N.C. valves in series withing the RCPB which seperate the high from low pressure system.
*PIVs listed in TSBs w/ max allowable leakage
3.4.15 - RCS Leak Detection Instrumentation
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
Three forms of RCS leakage instrumentation shall be operable:
- CTMT Sump & Flow Monitoring alarm
- One CTMT Atmosphere rad monitor (GT-RE-31 or 32)
- CTMT Cooler Condensate monitoring system
Applicable in MODES 1-4
If ALL monitoring methods inop:
3.4.16 - RCS Activity
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
RCS I-131 & Xe-133 activity shall be:
- I-131 < 1.0 µCi/gm
- Xe-133 < 225 µCi/gm
Applicable in MODES 1-4
3.4.17 - SG Tube Integrity
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
S/G tube integrity shall be maintained, AND all S/G tubes meeting repair criteria shall be plugged.
Applicable in MODES 1-4
- A Tube must be plugged if cracks or flaws are found that have a depth > 40% of tube wall thickness.
3.6.3 - CTMT Isolation Valves
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
Each CTMT isolation valve shall be operable:
- Pen. flow paths (except for CTMT S/D Purge) may be unisolated intermittently under admin controls.
- Enter LCO for systems made inoperable by CTMT isolation.
- Enter 3.6.1 if leakage exceeds overal CTMT leakage rate.
Applicable in MODES 1-4
One or more pen. flowpaths with 2 of 2 CTMT isolation valves inoperable (except CTMT purge):
- __Isolate the affected pen. with at least one closed & de-activated auto valve, closed manual valve, or blind flange - 1 hour.
3.7.1 - MS Safeties
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
Five MSSVs per S/G shall be operable.
Applicable in MODES 1-3
Lift settigns 1185, 1197, 1210, 1222, 1234 psig (+3%/-1%)
- Based on transients @ 100%
- Relieve 105% of rated flow at 110%
- SR requires setpoints ±1% (as left)
3.7.2 - MSIVs
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
Four MSIVs & their actuators must be operable.
Applicable in MODES 1-3 unless they are closed, deactivated, and isolated.
Two actuator trains for ONE MSIV inoperable:
- __Declare affected MSIV Inoperable - IMMEDIATELY
Three or more actuator trains inoperable:
- __Declare affected MSIVs inoperable - IMMEDIATELY
- Closure times of MSIVs must be within limits of Fig. B 3.7.2-1: ~10-11 seconds.
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
Four FRVs, FRV Bypasses, and FWIVs shall be operable.
Applicable in MODES 1-3 unless they are closed, deactivated, and isolated.
- Closure time for FRVs & FRBVs shall be < 15 seconds.
- FWIVs must close w/in limits of Figure 3.7.3-1 (T/S Basis) ~ 10 seconds.
- Only closing function needed to be OPERABLE
- N2 accumulator must be > 400 psig to be OPERABLE
3.7.4 - ASDs
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
Fours ASDs shall be OPERABLE.
Applicable in MODES 1-3
One or more required ASDs inoperable because of excessive seat leakage:
- __Initiate action to close associated manual isoaltion valve(s) - IMMEDIATELY
- Valves will pass sufficient flow to C/D @ 50°F/hr at all pressures
- Total capacity of 4 ASDs is ~ 15% rated steam flow @ no load pressure
- OPERABLE when capable of providing controlled relief of MS Flow & is not experiencing excessive seat leakage.
3.7.5 - Aux Feedwater
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
All three AFW trains shall be OPERABLE.
Applicable in Modes 1-3
Three Trains Inoperable:
- __Initiate action to restore one train to operable - IMMEDIATELY
3.7.6 - CST
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
CST Shall contain 281,000 gallons
Applicable in Modes 1-3
- 4 hours in HSBY & 4 HRS to C/D to RHR entry conditions (50°F/Hr to 350°F)
3.7.18 - Secondary Activity
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
Secondary activity shall be < 0.1 µci/g dose equivalent of I-131
Applicable in Modes 1-4
Not within limits:
- __M3 in 6 hours
- M5 in 36 hours
- Limits consequences of DBA Loca to small Fraction of limit @ 2 hr exclusion area for 10CFR100.
3.7.19 - Secondary System Isolation Valves
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
The SSIVs shall be OPEABLE.
Applicable in Modes 1-3 unless they are closed, deactiviated, and isolated.
BM-HV-1 thu 4; 19 thru 22; 35 thru 38; 65 thru 68
AE-HV-128 thru 131 (SG Chem Injection Valves)
3.8.1 - AC Sources - Operating
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
The following AC Sources shall be OPERABLE:
- 2 qualified circuits between offsite transmission network and onsite Class 1E
- 2 EDGs capable of supplying onsite Class 1E
- 2 Trains of LSELS
Applicable in MODES 1-4
One offsite source inoperable:
- __Perform offsite source verification for operable circuit - 1 Hour
One EDG inoperable:
- __Perform offsite source verification - 1 Hour
One train of LSELS inoperable:
- __Declare the associated EDG and offsite source inoperable - IMMEDIATELY
With 3 or more AC Sources inoperable:
- __Enter LCO 3.0.3 - IMMEDIATELY
- A circuit may be connected to both busses provided actions are entered for loss of one offsite circuit.
3.8.2 - AC Sources - Shutdown
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
Shall be OPERABLE:
- One qualified circuit between offsite transmission network and onsite Class 1E
- One EDG capable of supplying one train of onsite Class 1E
- The shutdown portion of one LSELS train associated w/ the required AC/DC Train
Applicable in Modes 5-6 and during movement of irradiated fuel.
The required offsite source inoperable:
- __Declare affected required features w/ no power inoperable - IMMEDIATELY; OR
- Suspend core alteraions - IMMEDIATELY; AND
- Suspend movement of irradiated fuel - IMMEDIATELY; AND
- Suspend operations involving (+)ρ additions that could lead to loss of SDM - IMMEDIATELY; AND
- Initiate action to restore offsite source to Operable - IMMEDIATELY
The required EDG Inoperable:
- ____Declare affected required features w/ no power inoperable - IMMEDIATELY; OR
- Suspend core alteraions - IMMEDIATELY; AND
- Suspend movement of irradiated fuel - IMMEDIATELY; AND
- Suspend operations involving (+)ρ additions that could lead to loss of SDM - IMMEDIATELY; AND
- Initiate action to restore EDG to Operable - IMMEDIATELY
LSELS Inoperable:
- __Declare EDG and Offsite Source Inoperable - IMMEDIATELY
- __Declare EDG and Offsite Source Inoperable - IMMEDIATELY
3.8.3 - EDG Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
The stored fuel oil, lube oil, and starting air systems shall be within limits for each required EDG.
- Fuel Oil > 80,900 gal w/ no water
- Lube Oil > 750 gal
- Starting Air:
- 2 receivers > 435 psig
- 1 receiver > 610 psig
Applicable when EDG Required to be OPERABLE
Fuel Oil 69,800 - 80,900 gallons, lube oil 685 - 750 gallons, or air pressure 250-435 psig in two receivers or 300-610 psig in one receiver:
- __Restore w/in 48 hours
Time not met or outside these limits:
- __Declare EDG Inoperable - IMMEDIATELY
- Cross connecting fuel oil systems renders both EDG’s inoperable unless in MODE 5 or 6 IAW LCO 3.8.2 they may be cross-connected under Admin Controls.
3.9.3 - NIs - Refueling Operations
- Applicability
- < 1 hour actions
Two SR monitors shall be operable
Applicable in MODE 6
One SR inoperable:
- __Suspend core alterations - IMMEDIATELY; AND
- Suspend operations which would cause dilution - IMMEDIATELY
Two SR Inoperable:
- __Initiate action to restore one SR monitor to operable - IMMEDIATELY