Exam 2 Flashcards
- Flowrate, Motor HP, Power Supply
- Flywheel purpose
- Anti-rotation device purpose. When does it actuate?
- CCW Cooling - What does it cool? CIS valves - what closes them?
- Excess flow values & setpoints
- Interlocks
- 100,200 gpm @ 290 ft of head each, 7000 HP Motor - P/S A-3 PA0107, 0108, 0205, 0204
- Adds inertia to shaft to allow longer coastdown time for Decay Heat Removal. Takes ~4 minutes for pump to coastdown.
- Prevents idle RCP from water wheeling. 70 RPM
- CCW: Cools Thermal Barrier H/X, motor bearings, and motor air coolers.
- CIS: Inlets: EG-HV-71,68 (outer); EG-HV-60,59 (In/Out); EG-HV-62/61 (In/Out). Closed on CIS-B (Hi-3 or manual CSAS)
- Excess flow: If FT-13 thru 16 sense > 50 gpm BB-HV-13 thru 16 will individually close. If FT-62 senses > 206 gpm EG-HV-62 will close isolating all Thermal Barrier H/X’s.
- Will not start unless: Lift oil pump running and oil pressure > 600#
PRT (OTN-BB-00004)
- PRT level restriction prior to degas
- Hydrogen precautions
- Concern for leakage when RCS pressure < PRT pressure
- Concern for draining PRT to CTMT Normal Sumps
- Time to cooldown PRT
- PRT Level > 19% until degassed to prevent PRT atmosphere from going into RCS.
- H2 Precautions:
- Maintain N2 blanket to prevnt H2/02 explosive environment.
- [H2] shall be < 4% prior to venting PRT to atmosphere.
- PRT [O2] content must be < 3% prior to putting H2 on VCT.
- If Rx makeup water pressure > RCS pressure, water may leak into RCS via excess letdown line.
- If draining PRT to containment normal sumps, sump pumps cannot keep up and should only be done in emergency w/o verifying [H2] < 4%.
- PRT Cooling: 1 hr by spraying makeup water, 8 hours by circulating w/ RCDT H/X.
- RVLIS inputs & purpose
- RVLIS - Indicates Rx Vessel level based on D/P between Rx Vessel head & seal table. Adjusted for density based on TH.

- Purpose
- Controls
- Inputs
- Mitigates an overpressure at low temperature.
- COMS must be ARMED
- Block valve opens when in ARM (cannot be closed unless COMS is blocked)
- Auctioneered Low WR Temperature used to calculate Pmax & compared to channels WR Pressure. It’s used to actuate PORVs.

Rod Banks & Groups/Speeds
Control Banks (25 Total)
- A: 4 (2/2) - 1 AC / 2 AC
- B: 8 (4/4) - 1 BD / 2 BD
- C: 8 (4/4) - 1 AC / 2 AC
- D: 5 (2/3) - 1 BD / 2 BD
Shutdown Banks (28 Total)
- A: 8 (4/4) - 1 AC / 2 AC
- B: 8 (4/4) - 1 BD / 2 BD
- C: 4 (one group) - SCDE
- D: 4 (one group) - SCDE
- E: 4 (one group) - SCDE
- Shutdown Banks: 64 SPM
- Control Banks:
- Manual: 48 SPM
- Auto:
- -1.5° to -3°: 8 SPM
- -4°: 40 SPM
- -5°: 72 SPM

RCS Inventory Balance (OSP-BB-00009)
- Frequency
- Acceptance Criteria
- Basic Steps
- Every 72 hours for 1 hour minmum.
- Acceptance:
- Unidentified Leakage < 1 gpm
- Identified Leakage < 10 gpm
- Primary to Secondary Leakge < 150 gpd per S/G.
- Steps:
- Tave controlled within 1°F
- Pressure stable ± 15 psig
- Dilutions and borations avoided during test
RCS WR Temperature
- Number
- Range
- What they provide inputs to.
- 1 TH & 1 TC per loop.
- 0° - 700°F
- Input to:
- Subcooling Monitor
- MCB Indication/Recorders
Power/Logic Cabinet Urgent Alarms
Power Cabinet (Low Low RPM)
- Loose or missing card
Logic error
- Zero current ordered to both Stationary and Movable gripper coils @ same time
Regulation Failure
- Sampling resistor current not expected
Phase Failure
- SCR Bridge not operating properly.
Multiplex error
- More than 1 group of rods in 1 power cabinet try to move at once.
- Power cabinet non-urgent occurs when one instrumentation power supply fails. If caused by main power supply, attempted rod motion will cause urgent.
Logic Cabinet (LIPS)
- Loose or missing card
- Input to slave cycler incorrect
- Pulser failure
- Shutdown Bank C,D,E circuit failure.
- Logic Cabinet urgent failure prevents all auto and manual rod motion.
Urgent Failures:
- Failure alarm locks selected group, energizing both SGC & MGCs.
- “Inhibit signal prevents all rod motion from that cabinet.
- Rx Trip causes regulation and logic errors.
Shutdown Bank Withdrawal (OTG-ZZ-0001A)
- Precautions
- Prerequisites
- Avoid activities that could cause distractions in MCR.
- SR NIs operable per T/S 3.3.1
- Reactivity Management SRO must be designated.
- If counts ↑ x4 withdrawal suspended and rods inserted.
- If critical is acheived befroe S/D banks withdrawn enter OTO-ZZ-00003 for loss of SDM & initiate immediate boration.
- CRS Permission
- Ensure 2 SR NIs operable
- If following refuel, request engineering for ICRR Plot Support
- Designate Reactivity Management SRO.
- Ensure reactivity management brief has been completed.
Rod Control Logic Cabinet Components
- Purpose of:
- Pulser
- Master Cycler
- Bank Overlap Unit
- Slave Cyclers
- Bank Overlap Thumbwheels
- Pulser supplies output pulses to master cycler. (# of output pulses is 6x # of input pulses)
- Master Cycler is a reversible counter that correctly sequence the groups within the rod banks.
- Bank Overlap Unit is a counter that keeps a record of control bank operation, and determines the proper sequence of bank operation for the overlap scheme.
- Slave Cyclers generate the required sequence of current orders to the CRDM coils for rod motion.
Bank Overlap Thumbwheels:
- S1: 115
- A: 115
- B: 0
- S2: 228
- A: 228
- B: 113
- S3: 230
- B: 115
- C: 0
- S4: 343
- B: 228
- C: 113
- S5: 345
- C: 115
- D: 0
- S6: 458
- C: 228
- D: 113
MCB Startup Reset Switch
Resets [POSSUM]:
- Pulse to Analog Converter to 0
- Bank Overlap unit to 0
- MCB Step Counters to 0
- Slave Cycler
- Urgent Alarm Circuits
- Master Cycler
PZR Spray Valves
- Setpoints
- Flowrate and basis
- Bypass valves
- Connection to RCS Loops
- RCP Requirements
- Start Opening: Controller setting + 25 psig (2260 psig nominal)
- Full Open: Controller setting + 75 psig (2310 psig nominal)
Flow Rate:
- 450 gpm each.
- Sized to prevent PORV actuation on 10% setp load change.
- Manual valve allows 0.5 gpm thru spray outlet for chemical mixing (boron) and limits thermal stress.
- Connection to RCS Loops: PCV-455 B ← Loop 1 TC; PCV-455C ← Loop 2 TC
RCP Requirements:
- Loop 1 or 2 RCP must be running to drive flow (D/P between spray line and surge line in Loop 4)
- Most effective if loop 4 RCP is running (due to lower static pressure in Loop 4 hot leg/surge line w/ RCP running)
PZR (code) Safety Valves
- Number
- Setpoint
- Flowrate
- Basis
- Number: 3
- Setpoint: 2460 ± 49 psig
- Flowrate: 420,000 gpm each
- Basis: Prevents exceeding design pressure following 100% load loss to turbine with no dumps or rods.
RCP Seals
- For each seal: How it works, flowrates & Leakoff Paths
- # 1 Seal ΔP limitation
- Standpipe makeup
Seal #1:
- Controlled leakage seal.
- Leakage controlled by ensuring gap b/w seal ring and runner is held constant by balancing hyrostatic forces.
- Seal injection from CVCS flows into space b/w #1 seal & bearing @ 8 gpm.
- 3 gpm flows past #1 seal (5 gpm into RCS) and into the VCT (per pump).
- DO NOT EXCEED 200 psid across the seal.
- Controlled leakage seal.
Seal #2:
- Face rubbing seal.
- Backpressure from #2 seal forces flow into VCT.
- On loss of injection becomes film riding.
- Allows 3 gph to RCDT.
Seal #3:
- Face rubbing w/ double dam.
- Backpressure from #3 seal forces water to RCDT.
- Standpipe leaks 400 cc/hr to RCDT and another 400 cc/hr to CTMT Normal Sump
Standpipe Makeup:
- __BB-LCV-178 thru 181 auto makeup from RMWST to maintain 26.6” - 41.5”.
- Can be manually controlled at RL021.
- Lift setpoint & minimum system pressure
- How they operate
- Solenoid power supply & PORV designators
- Flow rate
- Block valve power supplies & designators
Lift Setpoint:
- 2335 psig (nominal)
- Variable for COMS.
- Minimum 125 psig system pressure to operate
- Reseats 2315 psig.
- 2335 psig (nominal)
- Solenoid opens → Opens pilot → system pressure opens main valve
Designators/Power Supply:
- BB-PCV-455A (‘A’ Train): NK51
- BB-PCV-456A (‘B’ Train): NK44
- Flowrate: 210,000 gpm each
Block Valve Designators/Power Supplies:
- BB-HV-8000A (‘A Train): NG01B
- BB-HV-8000B (‘B’ Train): NG02B
PZR Setpoints
- Design parameters
- Program level Range
- Level Setpoints
- __5%/min load ramp, 10% instant load change, 50% load reject w/ auto rod control & steam dumps w/o Rx Trip, No SI from Rx & Turbine Trip
- 1800 ft³ prevents water hammer thru safeties during loss of load w/ high Pressurizer Level and auto rods/dumps.
- Will not empty on Rx/Turbine Trip.
- Program Level: 25% - 56.17% from 0 - 100%. Corresponds to Tave 557° - 585.3°F
- __92% Rx Trip
- 70% High level Alarm
- Lprogrammed +5%: High Deviation, energizes backup heaters.
- Lprogrammed - 5%: Low Deviation
- 17% Isolates Letdown & Trips PZR Heaters

Pressure Control
- Heater Banks: What each do, power supplies, power consumption
- PZR Pressure Controller: Potentiometer setting, range, what it controls.
- Heater Banks:
- A Bank: Backup, 700 KW from PG21
- B Bank: Backup, 700 KW from PG22
- C Bank: Variable, 400 KW from PG24
- PZR Pressure Controller:
- 1700 - 2500 psig, 10 turn potentiometer => 80 psig/turn
- 2235 psig nominal setting => 6.7 turns (nominal) setting
- Controls:
- Variable Heaters ± 15 psig
- Spray starts opening + 25 psig; Spray full open + 75 psig
- Backup on - 25psig; Backup off -17 psig
RCS Chemistry
- What chemicals are added to RCS? Why?
- What are the RCS T/S Chemistry requirements?
- Li7OH: pH Control
- H2: Oxygen scavenging (hot)
- Zinc: Prevents crud deposition
- N2: Prevents O2 absorption in VCT when H2 not being used.
- Boron: Chemical Shim
- Hydrazine: Oxygen scavenging (Cold)
- H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide): Causes chemical shock leading to crud burst (prior to refuel).
- [O2] < 0.1 ppm (1.0 transient) every 72 hrs
- [Cl-] < 0.15 ppm (1.5 transient) every 72 hrs
- [F] < 0.15 ppm (1.5 transient) every 72 hrs
- [H2] - every 72 hrs
- List the inputs
- Alarm Setpoints (Hi level, Lo Level, Hi Temp, Hi Press)
- 2 PORVs
- 3 Safeties
- RHR Suction Relief
- RCP Seal Return Relief (140°F)
- CVCS Letdown Relief
- Excess Letdown
- Reactor Makeup Water
- N2
- Hi Level: 81%
- Lo Level: 64%
- Hi Temp: 115°F
- Hi Press: 6 psig
RCS Leakage
- State the differential allowable RCS Leakage Rates
- No pressure boundary leakage
- 1 gpm unidentified leakage
- 10 gpm identified leakage
- 150 gpd leakage thru any one S/G
RCP Components and Cooling
- State the purpose & Operation of:
- Thermal Barrier Heat Exchanger
- Flywheel
- Anti-reverse rotation device
- Which system(s) cool RCP components? Which do they cool?
- RCP power supplies and ratings
- Thermal Barrier H/X: Backup cooling supply to seal package
- Flywheel: Increases inertia of RCP shaft to increase coastdown time to approximately 4 minutes to aide in decay heat removal.
- Anti-Reverse Rotation Device: Pawls lower into contact w/ ratchet plate @ < 70 rpm, locks ratchet plate (flywheel) prior to shaft reversing direction. Reduces starting current by preventing reverse rotation.
- CCW cools the motor air coolers, motor bearing oil coolers, and thermal barrier H/X
- (CVCS) Seal injection cools seal package and pump bearing
Power Supplies:
- ‘A’ RCP: PA0107
- ‘B’ RCP: PA0108
- ‘C’ RCP: PA0205
- ‘D’ RCP: PA0204
Pump Ratings
- __100,200 gpm @ 290 ft
- 7000 HP, 6 Pole, 1200 RPM induction motor
NI Fuses and Misc. Switches
- High Flux @ S/D Block Switch
- SR & IR Level Trip Bypass Switch
- Power mismatch bypass switch
- Rod Stop Bypass
- Upper/Lower Section Defeat Swtiches
- Comparator Channel Defeat Switch
- Startup Rate Select
- Block MCB & CTMT Alarm
- Bloc SR Hi Flux / IR High Flux & Rod Stop
- Removes a PR from auctioneering circuit to rod control and FRBV’s
- Removes a failed detector from comparator & clears PR upper/lower deviation alarms
- Removes channel from current comparator preventing alarm from channel
- Selects which channel feeds SUR.
- Operation
- Setpoint
- How to block
- When can you block BDMS?
- SR counts are averaged over one minute & compared to previous nine one-minute samples. If most recent exceeds any of the previous nine one-minute samples by 1.7x it sends a signal to the SSPS system to CVCS to:
- Open BG-LCV-112D/112E (RWST Source for Charding)
- Close BG-LCV-112B/112C (VCT Source for Charging)
** Either train signal will align both valves
- Blocked by depressing block switch SE-HS-11 & SE-HS-12 (train specific) → causes 57B: SR Flux Doubled Byp/Blocked
- Per T/S 3.3.9, BDMS can be blocked:
- During subcritical physics testing.
- M2 < P-6 and M3 during & prior to control bank withdrawal
- M3 during and just prior to shutdown bank movement.
Core Exit Thermocouples
- How many, number of junction boxes
- Range
- OTA-RK-56B: RCS < 50°F Subcool
- OTA-RK-56A: RCS Saturate
- 50, 2 junction boxes, reference junctions monitored by RTDs.
- 0°-700°F linear, can be used up to 2500°F for trending during accident.
- CETCs use in EOPs for SI Termination Criteria
- Uses of MIDS
- Fission Chambers
- How fission chambers positioned in core, including interlocks
- How data used (where does it go?)
- Calculate Fuel Burnup Distribution
- Detect/verify rods out of position
- Calibrate NIs for ΔI (Axial Offset)
- Detector positioned by cable driven drive motor into thimbles located in seal table into 58 locations in core. Position selected via a 6-path transfer device which feeds detector to one of 4 15-path transfer devices. → withdrawal limit switch stops detector from being pulled into drive wheel.
Data used in:
- Excore NI Calibration
- Hot Channel Factor Measurements
- PDMS (Beacon)
Lower/Upper Head and Misc. Internal Components
- Upper head penetrations & purpose
- Lower head penetrations & purpose
- Upper sealing & leak detection
- Purpose of:
- Lower Core Plate
- Upper Core Plate
- Former & Baffle Plates
- Secondary Core Support Assembly
Upper (59 Total):
- 53 CRDM
- 4 incore T/C assemblies
- 1 Rx Vessel Head Vent (RVHVS)
- 1 Rx Vessel level Indication System (RVLIS)
Lower (58 Total):
- Incore instrumentation thimbles.
- Extend 12” into vessel
- Incore instrumentation thimbles.
- __Sealed by two O-Rings attached to head.
- Leak Detection provided by tell tale drain b/w inner and outer o-rings that drains to RCDT w/ temp alarm @ 160°F (BB-TI-401).
- If leakage detected, OTs enter containment to valve in good seal, and operation can continue on one seal.
Lower Core Plate:
- __Supports fuel directly and distributes coolant via 4 holes under each assembly.
Upper Support Plate:
- __Aligns & supports fuel and rod guide tubes.
Former and Baffles
- __Outline periphery of core to make cylinder into square for fuel assemblies.
Secondary Core Support Assembly:
- __Designed to catch lower internals assembly and fuel following failure of core barrel flange.
- Max displacement ~ 1.25”
Subcooling Monitor
- Parameters used & number
- All instruments for each train of SCMM
- T/S LCO 3.3.3 PAMS requirements for CETC
- __2 WR TH RTDs
- 2 WR TC RTDs
- 1 RCS WR Pressure (PT-403, PT-405)
- 25 CETC
- 3 T/C Reference Junction RTDs
- Calculated Tsat based on lowest pressure and compares to highest RTD & TC.
T/S 3.3.3:
- Requires 2 channels with 2 CETC each per quadrant of core.
- 4 total per quadrant
- Modes 1-3
- Monthly OSP-SH-00001
Rx Vessel Construction / Flowpaths
- Design limitations / parameters
- Nozzle sizing & features
- Explain the flowpaths thru the vessel & % + purpose
- 40 year lifetime, 2500 psia (2485 psig), 650°F, hydro pressure 3125 psia
- Inlet nozzles are 27.5” diameter & tapered to reduce velocity entering Rx Vessel.
- Outlet nozzles are 29” diameter and have bosses on inside surfaces that maet w/ outlet nozzles & lower internals to minimize bypass flows.
Flow: 96% for heat removal, 4% bypass flows:
- Nozzle Bypass (1%): Water that flow from inlet to outlet due to small clearance b/w core barrel & outlet nozzle bypass.
- Control Rod & Instrument Thimble Bypass (2%): Water goes into CR guide thimbles and instrument thimble @ bottom of fuel elements and flows out w/o removing heat.
- Baffle Wall Bypass Flow (0.5%): Water passing up between inner perimeter of baffle wall and fuel elements.
- Head Cooling Bypass Flow (0.5%): TC water passing up thru ports in the core barrel support and upper internals to cool head plenum.
Pressurizer and Pressure Control (OTN-BB-00005)
- Aux spray and spray ΔT requirements
- Min Pressurizer Level
- RCS/PZR boron effects from heater operation
- RCS Degas (OTN-BB-00006)
- [O2] limits
- VCT pressure limit w/ RCPs secured
- Aux spray actuation w/ ΔT > 320°F limited 10 cycles
- Aux spray line emeergency use only with ΔT > 300 °
- Spray ΔT shall not exceed 585°F
- LPZR > 17%
- B/U Heaters in service w/ RCS CB near peak value causes RCS boration/dilution different from predicted.
- [O2] shall be < 3% when [H2] > 4% to prevent explosion
- When RCPs are secured, VCT pressure < 5psig to minimzie gas buildup in head.
RCS WR Pressure
- BB-PT-403 / 405 / 406 inputs & purpose
BB-PT-405 (Red) & 403 (Yellow)
- __Off Seal Table
- Input to:
- Subcooling Monitor
- RHR Suction Interlock
- BB-HV-8702 A/B: PT-403
- EJ-HV-8701 A/B: PT-405
- Indication Only
- Inputs to each
- Penalties
- How runback works
OTΔT - 122.6% Nominal
- Inputs:
- Tave
- ΔI
- Lowers If:
- Tave > 585.3°F
- Tave Rising
- PPZR lowering < 2,235 psig
- ΔI out of band
- Rises If:
- Tave Lowers
- PPZR Rises > 2,235 psig
- Tave < 585.3°F
- Runback: 133% for 2.3s, waits 27.7 seconds.
- Inputs:
OPΔT - 110.73% Nominal
- Inputs:
- Tave
- Lowers If:
- Tave > 585.3°F
- Tave rising
- Inputs:
NR Temps (TC, TH, TAVE, ΔT)
- Each temp’s range
- Function of auctioneered high Tave
- Function of auctioneered ΔT
- Annunciator:
- 66C-69C: Loop 1-4 Tavg HI Dev
- 66D-69D: Loop 1-4 Tavg LO Dev
- 65C: Auct Tavg HI
- 65D: Tref/Tauct HI
- 65E: Tref/Tauct LO
- 66A-69A: Loop 1-4 ΔT HI Deviation
- Annunciator 66B-69B: Loop 1-4 ΔT LO Deviation
- TH: 530° - 650°F; TC: 510° - 630°F; Tavg: 530° - 630°F
- Auct High Tave: Rod Control, Steam Dump Control, Pressurizer Level Controller
- Auct High ΔT: Rod Insertion Limit
- Tavg HI Dev: Tavg > 3° above Auct HI Tavg, WHEN defeated
Tavg LO Dev: Tavg > 3.5° below Auct HI Tavg for remaining loops.
- If Tavg fails high, other 3 loops alarm will alarm until defeated.
- Auct Tavg HI: Auct Tavg > 588.3°F
- Tref/Tauct HI: Tref - Tauct > 3°F
- Tref/Tauct LO: Tref - Tauct < -3°F
- ΔT HI Dev: ΔT > 7.41% higher than Auct. HI ΔT for remaining loops WHEN defeated.
ΔT LO Dev: ΔT > 7.41% lower than Auct. HI ΔT fro the remaining loops.
- If ΔT fails high, other 3 loops alarm until defeated.
PZR Master Pressure Controller
- How the Pressure Channel SS works (BB-PS-455F)
- Potentiometer operation & PZR Range of Controller
- Operation of Master Pressure Controller
- Upper Selected → Master Controller (BB PK-455A)
- Lower Selected → Alarms
- 10 Turn Potentiometer, 1700 - 2500 psig range → 80 psig/turn
- In Auto → normally 50% → Variable Heaters energized @ low power
- As P↑, output ↓
- In Manual → move controller the direction you want it to go.
- For Boron equalization, turn on B/U Heaters and manually set controller to 40%
PZR Level Controller
- Which LT can be selected on BB LS-459D? (Lvl Control Selector)
- Upper Selected Controls
- Lower Selected Controls
- LT-459 & 461 can be upper, 460 & 461 can be lower
- Control → BG-LCV_124(121) charging controller
- ± 5% Deviation alarms
- 17% Letdown isolation (BG-LCV-459 only)
- Hi Alarm (70%)
- 17% Letdown isolation (BG-LCV-460 only)
Rod Movement (1 Step) Sequence of Events
- Withdrawal
- Insert
- __SGC starts ON @ 4.4A
- SGC current ↑ to 8A, MGC Turns ON
- SGC turns OFF
- Lift Coil Turns ON (Lifts Rod)
- SGC Turns ON
- SGC ↓ current to 4.4A
- __SGC starts ON @ 4.4A
- SGC current ↑ to 8A, LC turns ON
- MGC turns ON
- SGC turns OFF
- LC turns OFF (Drops Rods 1 Step)
- SGC turns on @ 8A
- MGC turns OFF, SGC ↓ 4.4A
- How many steps per LED
- How many LEDS for SD? For Control?
- Accuracy of DRPI: Normally, Loss of Data A, Data B, & T/S 3.1.7
- Rod Position Urgent Failure Indications/Causes
- Rod Position Non-Urgent Failure Indications/Causes
- Rod Position Deviation Causes
- 6 steps per LED
- Shutdown Bank:
- Bottom, next 3 are 6 steps each, next (middle) on from 24 to 210 steps, last 4 are final 6 step increments (210, 216, 222, 228), and GW - 10 total
- Control Bank
- Bottom, 38 in 6 step increments from 0 to 228, GW - 40 Total
- ±4 steps, +10/-4, -10/+4, ±12 from step counter
- Flashing GW LED, Rod bottom LED; error in data, >6 steps Δ in data, sum of data > 228 steps.
- Error in A or B LEDs, Flashign GW LED; Purity/Data Errors, Accuracy Mode switch not in A & B, Rod Dev Cards disagree or cards removed.
- Any SD rod < 210 steps; Control Bank Rod > 12 steps Δ from any rod in that bank; RPI Urgent Alarm.
RCP Operation (OTN-BB-00003)
- Seal Leakoff operation < 100 psig RCS Pressure/Seal Injection to secured RCPs
- Cooling RCP radial bearing and RCS temperature requirement
- Precautions of seal injection not provided by NCP or if CCP is inoperable
- RCP starting limitations following RCS Cooldown or heatup
- Seal Injection throttle valve D/P limitations
- RCP motor start/stop cycling limitations
- Seal leakoff vavles should be closed w/ PRCS < 100 # and Seal injection maintained to prevent crud migration.
- CCW established to Thermal Barrier H/X or Seal Injection established > 160°F to cool bearing.
- If T> 220°F & CCP inoperable, seal injection should be from NCP. If NCP doesn’t provide seal injection, both CCW trains should be operating w/ service loop from train w/ non-operating CCP.
- Starting Limits:
- If starting RCP after cooldown by RHR > 20°F w/ no RCP running - draw bubble first
- If RCPs stopped > 5 mins during H/U & TRCS > Tseal injection - draw bubble first.
- If TRCS < 275°F, TSG shall be < 50°F above TC prior to starting RCP.
- Max D/P of 1700 psid (erosion) across seal injection throttle valves.
- Stop/Starts:
- If motor did not acheive full speed → no restart for 30 mins
- 2 starts allowed if RCP comes to stop between
- 3 starts allowed if RCP has run 20 mins or been idel for 45 mins
- If 3 starts/attempts in 2 hour period, 4th may be made after 1 hr idle.
RCS Fill and Vent (OTN-BB-00001)
- Definitions Of:
- Limited Inventory
- Lowered Inventory
- Reduced Inventory
- Max RHR Flow during vacuum fill
- RCS P/T limits on venting
- Limited: RCS Level < 110” but > 64” w/ fuel in RV
- Lowered: RCS Level at or below flange w/ fuel in RV
- Reduced: RCS Level < 64” (<3’ below flange) w/ fuel in RV
- 2000 gpm max during vacuum fill to prevent vortexing RHR.
- T < 175°F or Press < 100 psig
Manual RCP Trip Criteria (OTO-BB-00002)
- Frame vibs > 5 mils (If 3-5 mils & > 1 mil/hr = Trip)
- Shaft vibs > 20 mis (If 15-20 mils & 2 mil/hr = Trip)
- Seal Leakoff < 0.8 gpm or > 6 gpm
- # 1 Seal & Bearing inlet temp > 230°F
- Motor bearing temps > 195°F
- Motor stator temps > 311°F
- CCW lost to RCP motors > 10 minutes
- Seal injection and CCW to Thermal Barrier H/X > 6 minutes