Exam 3 Flashcards
- Signals
- What happens on SLIS?
- 615 psig (2/3 PTs on 1/4 S/Gs)
- 100 psid drop in 50 sec when < P-11 w/ low Pstm SI blocked (2/3 PTs on 1/4 SG/s)
- CTMT Hi-2 (17 psig on 2/3)
- Low Point Drain IVs
- TDAFP Warmup Valves
SGBSIS (Steam Generator Blowdown Sample Isolation Signal
- Causes
- Valves Closed
Causes (SUM)
- SI
- UV on NB01 or NB02
Valves Closed
- BD Isolation Valves: BM-HV-01 thru 04
- Sample Isolation Valves:
- BM-HV-35 thru 38 (Lower)
- BM-HV-19 thru 22 (Upper)
- Outer Sample CIS Valves: BM-HV-65 thru 68
Main Feed Pump Speed Controller
- Operation in following modes:
- Auto
- Manual
- Valve Control
- Overspeed
- Controls steam admission valves based on speed demand
- Setpoint comes from master controller
- Low Stop - 3650 rpm
- High Stop - 5712 rpm
- Controls speed setpoint input by operator
- Controls from 0-5712 rpm (no low speed stop)
Valve Control
- Operator contols steam admission vale position (%)
- No speed feedback
- Speed demand set using arrows.
- Controls from 0-6225 rpm (no low speed stop)
Aux Steam Loads
- Steam Seal System
- MSR Tube Blankets
- Plant Heating
- Various Storage Tank Heating
- Main Condenser Sparging
- Decontamination System
- Aux Feed Pump Turbine (TDAFP)
- Main Turbine Shell Warming
- Laundry Dryers
Main Feed Annunciators
- MFP suction pressure low
- Bearing oil strainer DP
- MFT/MFP oil pressure low
- ACC Tank N2 pressure low
- MFP LO Cooler Temp Hi
- MFT Turbine Bearing Hi Oil Temp
- Setpoint: 325 psig. Suction pressure must be > 240 psig for 2 MFPs, > 300 psig for 1 MFP.
- 15 psig
- 5.5 psig
- TKA02-TKA05: 625 psig, TKA06: 450 psig
- 135°F
- 180°F
Heater Drain Tank & Pumps
- Inputs to Tank
- Pump Flow
- Pump Cooling
- Motor Cooling
- Recirc Valve Operation
- Trips
- # 5 Heaters
- # 6 Heaters
- MSDTs (Normal)
- SGBD Flash Tank Vent
- SGBD RHX Condensate Outlet
- Reboiler Drain Tank
- HDP Recircs
- SUFP Recircs
- 50% flow
- Pump cooled by flow
- Motor cooled by Closed Cooling Water (CLCW)
- Recirc valve opens @ < 1250 gpm
- Fails open on loss of air
- ‘A’ trips on Low-Low Level (5” from bottom of sightglass)
- ‘B’ Trips on Low Level (17” from bottom of sightglass)
Main Feed Water System Bypass Switches
- S701 on SB029D/SB032D
- FC HIS-82/182 on RP068
- FC HS-25/26 on RL028
- Bypasses P-4/564 FWIS to prevent actuation when opening RTBs during normal shutdown.
- MFP A/B FWIS trip block: Permits emergency start of MFPs during FR-H.1 (EOP Add 30 & 31)
- AFP ESFAS Train A/B Block - prevents inadvertant AFAS when tripping both MFPs in Mode 3 during normal shutdown.
- CST Volume & Basis (T/S 3.7.6 Requirements)
- Connections to pumps/systems
- CST temperature band & heat trace supply
- Purpose, Size & Mission Time
- Swap-over setpoint
- Temperature control
CST Volume & Basis (T/S 3.7.6 Requirements)
- __450,000 gallons
- Insulated & vented
- Has floating cover & N2 purge to minimize O2 intrustion.
- 281,000 gal T/S requirement.
- Applicable in MODES 1-3
- (~60%) allows 4 hours in HSBY and 4 hours to Cooldown to RHR entry conditions.
- Includes volume to prevent ESW swap over and minimum AFP NPSH.
Connections to pumps/systems
- __Suction to AFPs, NSAFPs, AFP Mini-Flow returns, makeup & reject, NSAFP Recirc return (via reject), Condenser Vacuum Pumps, seal water makeup, Demin makeup, N2, overflow to LSW.
CST temperature band & heat trace supply
- __55-70°F
- Heat trace maintained by Aux Steam
- Makeup 85-89%
Purpose, Size & Mission Time
- __450,000 gal, enough to supply AFPs after loss of CST & ESW for 30-36 hours.
Swap-over setpoint
- __1/2 at 11.5 psig AFPs suction auto swaps to HCST
Temperature control
- __Maintained > 50°F by submersible heaters
- Lift Setting
- Flowrate & MS System Rated Flow
- Operation Locations (Controllers & Manual)
- 1125 - 1185 psig
- 594,000 lbm/hr, ~3.7% per valve, total MS Flow 16x106 lbm/hr
- MCB or ASP.
- Transfer switch on ASP
- B&C ASDs have local controllers in Area 5
- All ASDs may be operated with handwheel.
(Blowdown Sample Process Isolation Signal)
- Causes
- Valves Closed
Causes (BSPIS Sounds like Urinae, Closed Valves 1 thru 8)
- Blowdown Process Surge Tank Hi Level
- Blowdown Flash Tank Hi Level
- BD isolates BM-HV-01 thru 04
- Outer Sample CIS Valves BM-HV-05 thru 08
Feed Pump Master Controller
- Operation in Auto-High Power & Low Power
- Operation in Manual
- How to transfer between MFRV & MFRBVs, Timing, and how to cancel
- High - Controls D/P on progam
- D/P is difference between Median Feed Pressure (AE-PT-0508A/B/C) vs. Median Steam Pressure (AB-PT-507A/B/C).
- Steam Flow is sum of 4 loops averaged density compensated steam flow.
- Low - Maintains D/P at 215 psid, arrows control setpoint.
- Used when using MFRBVs, which requires a fixed D/P
- Up/Down arrows control MFP Speed deman to adjust D/P
How to Transfer, Timing, and Cancelling:
- To Transfer, hit Xfer button as appropriate provided permissives are met.
- Starts 720 second cycle timer
- To cancel, hold manual on valve controller for 3 seconds until manual button lit & not blinking.
Aux Boiler
- Power Supplies to:
- Forced Draft Fan
- Fuel Oil Booster Pumps
- Aux Steam FW Pumps
- Major & Minor Paths
- Guns & when they are used
- Role of instrument and service air in Aux Boiler
- Control Systems
- Trips
Power Supplies
- Forced Draft Fan: PG11
- Fuel Oil Booster Pumps: PG19G/20B
- AS FW Pumps: PG11/12
Major/Minor Paths
- Major: Fuel; Combustion Air; Feedwater; Steam
- Minor: Blowdown; Atomizing Airstream
- Aux Gun: Up to 22% Load
- Main Gun: With Aux Gun above 22% Load
Role of Instrument and Service Air in Aux Boiler
- Service Air: provides atomizing air to Aux Gun (main uses atomizing air)
- Instrument Air: provides aspirating air to clean & seal gun not in service.
Control Systems
- Furnace Safeguards Supervisory System: provides Trips and controls for S/U & S/D.
- Combustion Control System: Controls inputs (fuel, air, feed, stm) & Outputs
- Loss of Fan
- No Pumps
- Low Drum Level (~5.25”)
- Lo atomizing pressure (75 psig)
- Hi Steam Pressure (145 psig)
- Oil Supply Pressure Low (20 psig)
- Loss of Flame (2/2 sensed)
- Both Trip Buttons
- Gun not engaged
Instrument Air Compressors
- Power Supplies to each, Rating
- Cooling to each
- How ‘C’ is different from ‘A’ & ‘B’
- Operation of KA-PV-0011
- Sequential Loading
- Compressed Air Pressure Low Alarm (92A) setpoint
- Instrument Air Dryer Pressure Low (91A) setpoint
- Unloadded Operation
- ‘A’ - NG03, ‘B’ NG04, ‘C’ - PG15; 845 scfm @ 125 psig
- ‘A’ & ‘B’ cooled by ESW; ‘C’ cooled by Chilled Water
- ‘C’ doesn’t have coolign water PCV, doesn’t have booster pump.
- KA-PV-0011 closes on 110 psig which isolates Service air.
- Compressor Loads Unloads
Lead 119 # 128 #
Lag 117 # 126 #
Standby 115 # 124 #
Positions: ABC, BCA, CAB
- 112 psig (92A)
- 105 psig (91A)
Instrument Air Dryers
- Cycle Time
- Dryer response to low pressure
- 10 minutes
- 5 minutes drying
- 5 minutes recharging
- At 105 psig on the lead dryer will cause low pressure alarm and open inlet/outlet to lag dryer & place it in service.
Reboiler Operation
- When to transfer from Aux Boiler to Reboiler & vice-versa
- Reboiler to Steam Supplies
- Feed preheating alignment
- Startup: to Reboiler between 20-30%; Shutdown: to Aux Boiler from 10-15%
- 5th Stage Extraction & Main Steam
- Extraction supplies 3-9 psig, if high load, MS supplies 9-15 psig.
- Extraction & MS isolated to reboiler, MS @ 9-15 psig si sent thru FB-HV-81 to preheat #6A/B FW Heater.
Main Feed Pump
- Nominal speed, exhaust & recircs, seal water supplies, max power on 1 MFP
- LP and HP supply and how its switched.
- How much valve position is controlled from each in “Valve Control”
- MFP Oil System Setpoints
- Turning gear controls/setpoins
- Bearing oil temp limits. Min temp to roll MFP turbine
- 5,560 RPM, A to IP B to LP exhaust, Recirc A to HP B to IP, condensate pumps (Norm) demin (Backup/Startup), 65% max power on one.
- “Low press” stem from ‘B’ MSR hot reheat line, “High press” from Main Steam cross-tie header.
- Switches to “LP” as power increases since hot reheat pressure increases. At ~40%, all steam flow is from LP.
- In valve control, first 20% attempts to use LP. To get to HP, must open past 20%.
- AP control oil (220#) to stop control valves, LP control oil (55#) to wear device, 20 # LO to pump, 12# LO to bearing. Pumps powered from (A) PG13Q/12J (B) PG12J/11K. Standby starts at 175#. Emergency at 20#. Oil Cooled by CLCW.
- Turning gear auto engages/disengages @ 2 rpm. LO @ 5 seconds. If LO Pressure < 4 psig will trip.
- Oil outlet < 180°F and ΔT < 50°F. 60°F min temp for startup.
Extraction Steam & Heater Drains (AF)
- HP Heater flow rating.
- Effect from high-high level.
- LP Heater & Extraction Steam MOVs.
- Which heaters have BTVs?
- How do other heaters prevent overspeed?
- 1st Stage Reheater DT/MSDT Interlocks?
- 2nd Stage RDT Interlocks
- Arrangement of MSR/Reheate Drain Tanks?
- Max power with LP or HP Heaters Isolated?
- 50% flow
- Extraction steam have MOVs that shut on high-high level
- Extraction steam lines to #3/#4 Htrs have MOVs that shut on Hi-Hi Level
- 3/4/6/7 have BTVs.
- Close on Hi-Hi Level
- # 5 prevented by CIVs
- # 2 has check valv
- # 1 has baffles in heater.
- Dump valve opens @ 10% power to pull air & gases to Condenser.
- Dump valve opens @ 20% power to pull air & gases to Condenser.
Extraction Steam Stages & Where they go:
Condenser Vacuum Pumps
- Power Supplies
- Connections to HVAC & What happens on SIS & Startup Alignment
- Standby Features
- Seal Water makeup and overflow
- Seal Water cooling
- Interlock
Condenser Vacuum Pumps
Power Supplies
- __A & C: PG11
- B: PG12
Connections to HVAC & What happens on SIS & Startup Alignment
- __Discharges to TB HVAC, which exhausts thru filter absorber unit on 2047’ AB. GE-RE-92 monitors exhaust for SBTR.
- On SIS dampers close -> hoggers trip. Dumpers & hoggers may be restarted on w/o resetting SI.
- On Startup, valved to exhuast to TB Atmosphere = unmonitored release & samples must be taken.
Standby Features
- Standby auto starts @ 5.6” HgA (23.5” HgV)
Seal Water makeup and overflow
- __Makeup: CST
- Overflow: Misc. Condensate Drain Tank
Seal Water cooling
- Service Water
- __Prevents opening suction valve unless D/P < 1.5” HgA (ensures that you don’t break vacuum).
- Additionally interlocked pump w/ filter absorber discussed above.
CSDs (Condenser Steam Dumps)
- Capacity
- Where the dumps go/groups
- How to Cool Down < 550°F
- Controls
- Purpose of AC-PT-505, 506, & 507
- 528,000 lbm/hr (3.3% Steam Flow), 12 total CSDs
- 3 CSDs per Group, 4 Groups (7 CSDs to LP; 4 CSDs to IP; 1 CSD to HP)
- Group 1 & 2:
- 3 to LP
- Group 3:
- 1 to LP
- 2 to IP
- Group 4:
- 2 to IP
- 1 to HP
- Group 1 & 2:
- Pstm mode, Once Temp < P-12 (550°F), blocks CSDs, Place Stm dump bypass interlock AB-HIS-63/64 in BYP/Interlock.
- Stm Dump selector (AB-US-5002) selects:
- Tavg (Load Reject OR Plant Trip)
- Pstm
- PT-505: Make Tref for CS Control
PT-506: Feeds C-7 (10% stop or 5%/min for 2 min)
- Reset -> Resets C-7 (PT-506)
PT-507: Feeds steam pressure controller (AB-PK-507)
- 10 Turn Pot from 0-1500 psig (150psig/turn)
- 1092 psig = 7.28 turns
- 10 Turn Pot from 0-1500 psig (150psig/turn)
LP FW Heaters
- Flow rating, efficiency rise
- Extraction Point for each heater
- Max power with 1, 2, or 3 htr strings out of service
- Nominal ΔT across each heater
- Isolation Valve operation & interlocks
- Location of the heaters and arrangment
LP FW Heaters
Flow rating, efficiency rise
- __50% Condensate Flow
- ~15% efficiency rise
Extraction Point for each heater
- #1 from 16th Stage
- # 2 from 14th Stage
- # 3 from 12th Stage
- # 4 from 9th Stage
Max power with 1, 2, or 3 htr strings out of service
- __One: 1125 MWe
- Two: 770 MWe
- Three: 414 Mwe
Nominal ΔT across each heater
- __126° into #1 Heater
- 183° into #2 Heater (ΔT 57°)
- 218° into #3 Heater (ΔT 35°)
- 284° into #4 Heater (Δ 66°)
- 319° out of #4 Heater (Δ 35°)
Isolation Valve operation & interlocks
- __Strings have MOVs.
- Operate in pair
- High shell side level in #1 or #2 HTR will close
Location of the heaters and arrangment
- __Located in “Neck” of condenser
- A in LP
- B in IP
- C in HP
Hotwell Level Control & Exhaust Spray
- LT-114
- LT-79
- Hotwell makeup setpoints & process
- Condenser reject process
- Hi Hotwell Setpoint & Control
- Lo Hotwell Setpoint
- Lo-Lo Hotwell Level Setpoint & Control
- Exhaust Hood hi-temp alarm & Trip.
- Hood Spray Operation
- LT-114: __Indication on RL024
LT-79 Controls:
- __AD-LV-79A: to open reject @ 81” (85%)
- AD-LV-79BB: 3” Valve starts making up @ 72” (70%)
- If level continues to go down when AD-LV-79BB is full open, AD-LV-79BA (10”) opens to restore level.
Hi Level @ 79.5” -> Annunciator 106C
- Isolates HF-HV-62 SLW return.
- Lo level @ 55.5” -> Annunciator 106B
Lo-Lo level @ 49.5” -> Annunciator 106A
- 1/3 actuates alarm
- 2/3 trips all condensate pumps.
Exhaust Hood Spray:
- Alarm 176°F
- Trip 225°F
- Spray Full Open from 900 RPM to 10% Load
High-High Level in Heaters
- MCB Hi-Hi Level Alarm
- Close extraction steam MOVs (#1 & #2 have no MOVs)
- Bleeder Trip Valves (BTVs) close (#3/4/6/7)
- Extraction Steam Dain Valves (to condenser) Open
- Close Inputs from Reheat Drain Tanks (#6/7)
- Close Cascade drains from associated heaters
- 7 -> 6
- 4 -> 3
- 2 -> 1
- Isolates scavenging steam from MSR to #6/#7 Heaters
- Condensate isolates to LP Heater Train for Hi-Hi Level in a #1 or #2 Heater Only.
Condensate Pumps
- Power Supplies
- Bearings & Cooling
- Capacity & Power Limit
- Precautions
- Mini-flow valves & fail position
- Vents & seal water
- Pump shutoff head & feeding SG w/ Condensate Pump
Power Supplies
- A & C: PB03
- B: PB04
Bearings & Cooling
- Upper: Oil cooled by CLC
- Lower: Cooled by grease
Capacity & Power Limit Precautions
- Do not exceed 55 psig @ pump suction, it may rupture expansion joint.
- Maintain Polisher D/P 12-50 psid
- Condensate pumps require <155°F and 15’ Head at suction for NPSH.
Mini-flow valves & fail position
- Mini-flow valves start to open @ 2400 gpm.
- Linearly ramp from 0-2400 gpm.
- A to LP; B to HP; C to IP
Vents & seal water
- Pump suction & casing vented back to HP condenser to remove vapor.
- Startup vent on discharge returns to IP condenser
- Seals provided by pump discharge.
- Backup/startup supply from demin water.
Pump shutoff head & feeding SG w/ Condensate Pump
- Shutoff head 630 psig.
- To feed SG w/ Condensate pump, need SG Pressure < 553.4 psig (accounts for losses)
- Pressures
- Interbottom “Rain” Curtains in each
- Number of tube bundles per shell & hotwell division
- Why use 3 pressures (3 reasons)
- Connections to each hotwell
- 2/2.5/3” HgA Respectively
- LP: 3 Curtains; IP: 2 Curtains: HP: 1 Curtain
- 3 tube bundles per pass, 2 passes per shell (6 total); hotwells divided to allow for leak detection.
- Why use 3 Pressures?
- Lower average pressure seen by turbines = more work extracted.
- Less Condensate depression when MFP exhaust reheats condensate in highest pressure area.
- Warmer Condensate rquires less reheating steam = higher turbine work.
MS Safeties
- Purpose
- Lift Setpoints and tolerances
- Maintain MS integrity by limiting Pstm to < 110% design pressure with 105% design steam flow. Additionally limits RCS < 110% design.
- 1185, 1197, 1210, 1222, 1234 psig.
- Setting shall be +3/-1%, must be set to ± 1% after lift check surveillance.
Condensate Xfer Pumps; Deaerator Feed Pumps; Aux Steam Feed Pumps
- Trips/Interlocks
- Power Supplies
- Operation of FB-PV-29 (Isolation to RW Aux Steam Loads)
Condensate Xfer Pumps: PG17L/18L
- Trip on Hi activity on FB-RT-50, Hi conductivity, or Hi Level in Condensate Recovery & Storage Tank.
Deaerator Feed Pumps: PG19G/20G
- Trip on Lo-Lo Level in Condensate Recovery & Storage Tank
Aux Steam Feed Pumps:
- Trip on Lo-Lo Level in Deaerator
- FB-PV-29: Auto Closes on Hi Conductivity or Rads in Condensate Recovery Tank
SG Blowdown System
- Min. Flow thru throttle valves
- BD flash tank pressure
- When will PV-42 open to vent flash tank to atmosphere?
- Where can BD Flash Tank Steam be sent? Concern for sending to Htrs?
- What happens on high high flash tank level? Hi-Lo Level?
- Interlock b/w RHX outlet to HDT (BM-TV-40) and SUFP Suction (AE-HV-102)?
- Demin max flow rate, where can demins be sent?
- What will trip the discharge pump?
- What will close the discharge pump flow control valve?
- 5800 lbm/hr
- 170 psig
- 200 # (Uncontrolled release path)
- FW Htr 5A/5B, condenser atmoshpere, or HDT. If turbine secured can sauce it to turn at low speed.
- Hi-Lo Level generates BSPIS -> Closes BM-HV-1-8
- (Hi-Hi 76%)
- (Hi-Lo 63%)
- Prevents starting SUFP unless BM-TV-40 is closed. If SUFP suction or discharge is opened BM-TV-40 closes.
- 20 psid, 75,000 lbm/hr thru demin, 125,000 lbm/hr thru parallel demins. Condenser (Normal), CST, or Surge Tank.
- Low Surge Tank Level, and high rad on RE-25.
- Low dilution flow on plant discharge and high rad on RE-25.
Inputs & Outputs of Each Drain Tank & Heater
- MSDT (A/B/C/D)
- 1st Stage Reheat Drain Tand (A/B/C/D)
- 2nd Stage Reheat Drain Tank (A/B/C/D)
- # 7 Heater
- # 6 Heater
- # 5 Heater
- # 4 Heater
- # 3 Heater
- # 2 Heater
- # 1 Heater
Blowdown Isolation System - not be be confused w/ SGBIS)
- Causes
- Valves
- SGBD Non-Regen H/X outlet > 140°F by BM-TSH-73
- Blowdown Isolation Valves BM-HV-01 thru 04
Startup MFP
- Flow, current, and power rating
- Flowpath
- Cooling
- Power Supply
- 600 gpm, 39A (46A for short duration), ~1%
- Suction from SGBD Regen H/X & discharges to feed header. SGBD Regen H/X outlet may only be aligned to either SUFP OR HDT.
- SW cools the SUFP bearings & Seal Water H/X
MFP Trips
- Single Pump Trips
- Dual Pump Trips
Single MFP Trips (LLLOW)
- Low LO Press (pump) - 4 psig
- Low LO Press (turbine) - 4 psig
Low Exhaust Vacuum - 2/2
- 15.32 HgV (14.6 HgA)
- 14.32 HgV (15.6 HgA)
- Electrical: 5880 RPM
- Mechanical: 6098-6222 RPM
- Wear on Thrust Bearing - 2/2 +30/-40 Mils
Dual MFP Trips (FLASH)
- Feedwater Isolation Signal (FWIS)
- Level Hi-Hi in S/G (P-14) - 91% on 2/4 LTs on 1/4 SGs
- All Condendsate Pumps Trip
- Safety Injection Signal (SIS)
- Hi MFP Discharge Pressure - 1900 psig on 2/3 PTs
Instrument Air Componenets
- Operation of KA-PV-0011
- Operation of KA-FV-0029
- Flow Orfices
- When will AOVs fail closed (at what pressure)?
- Closes at 110 psig sensed on outlet of dryers, isolating service air from instrument air. Must be bypassed until > 115 psig and jacked open.
- Supplies instrument air to CTMT. Closes on CIS-A signal or loss of air (~80 psig). Branches off supply line to Aux Bldg.
- Each branch supply is equipped with an orifice to limit flow to 525 scfm to ensure a break stays within the capacity of one compressor.
- AOVs fail at approximately 80 psig.
Instrument Air System Response on Lowering Pressure
As air pressure lowers from 120 psig:
- Lead compressor starts at 119 psig
- Lag compressor starts at 117 psig
- Standby compressor starts at 115 psig.
- KA-PV-11 closes @ 110 psig to isolate service air header
- Standby air dryer in service at 105 psig downstream of dryer
- Valves fail to “fail” position at ~ 80 psig.
- EF-HV-33/34 fail closed isolating ESW to Instrument Compressors ‘A’ & ‘B’, whic must be manually restored.
** Heater drain recircs fail open to avoid SG low level trip, reduce power to < 80%.
** Eventually a Pressurizer High Level trip will occur from a loss of letdown.
N2 Accumulators (Instrument Air)
- What each accumulator does.
- Mission Time
- T/S 3.7.3 and 3.7.4 requirements
- Normal pressure setting
- Five Total:
- One accumulator for each ASD & associated TDAFP flow control valve (4 total)
- One for the MFRVs (1 Total)
- Also supplies the MFP Recric valves
- ASD/TDAFP: T/S minimum 600 psig for 5 hr supply. Check valve leakage < 47.2 psig per T/S 3.7.4 in Modes 1-3.
- MFRVs: T/S minimum 400 psig per T/S 3.7.3 in Modes 1-3 for a 4 hour supply.
- 700 psig for ASDs/TDAFP
- 700 psig for MFRVs
- Causes
- How to Reset
- What a FWIS does
- Lo-Lo SG Level - 17% 2/4 LTs on 1/4 SGs
- P-4/564 - P-4 and 2/4 Tavg 564°F
- P-14 Hi-Hi SG Level - 91% on 2/4 LTs on 1/4 SGs
How to Reset
SI and P-14: FWIS Sealed in by P-4
- Initiating condition clear/reset and RTBs must be closed to reset.
- SG Lo-Lo Level: FWIS resets once SG Low Level condition clears
- P-4/564: Reset Button on RL018 (Initiating condition not required to be clear)
What an FWIS Does:
- FW Chemical Injection Valves
- Trips Both MFPs