Tech Log Flashcards
How long is a daily check valid for, and what is the difference between short and longhaul checks?
Short haul valid for 48 hours, to be completed once each calendar day.
Long haul to be completed at each main base visit, a maximum of once each calendar day.
Which Sheets do you remove from the tech log at main base?
The yellow airworthiness copy, the white station copy and the White fuel copy. Basically all the sheets.
Which sheets do you remove from the tech log away from base?
Only the white station copy.
When filling in the de-icing box in the tech log, what is important to remember?
The start time is always in local time.
Which box must you remember to tick if you raise an ASR, or an incident form?
The incident box at the top right of the defect entry box
For info entries can be made and do not need to be certified, however what should you be careful of?
Not to, “for info” about an existing ADD.
What should you do to rectify an entry made in error in the tech log?
Delete the entry using a diagonal line across the text, then in the next box, (action taken box) print entered in error and your BA staff number.
If there are no cabin defects for a sector, do you need to fill in the cabin log?
No, simples!
Post flight, what needs reviewing and filling in?
Check hydraulic quantity, if no uplift needed and you’re flying the next sector, enter 0 in the uplift boxes and fill in name and staff number.
Do the same with the oil quantity.
When do you tick the auto land box in the tech log?
Whenever a coupled approach to touchdown was attempted.
If satisfactory tick box, if not make an entry as to why not.
If you perform an autoland in LVP’s what must you also remember to do in the tech log?
Tick the lvops box, and also make an entry. See OMA.
For info LVO/AWOPS etc.
Make a for info entry in the tech log with:
The type of approach, airport and runway, last wind info, TDZ and MidPt RVR and the decision height used.
If the auto land wasn’t satisfactory there are some additional features you should include in the comments.
For a short haul aircraft you have cabin defects, do you need the entries resolved, (ADD’d or cleared before your next flight?
Non airworthiness defects with no commercial implications entered in the cabin log may be left open until the next daily check. Cool!
Do you ever need to transfer items from the cabin log to the main log?
On longhaul flights, only when the Mel shows an (O) or a (P) symbol by the reference implying a performance penalty.
On short haul, it would be a good idea to transfer important items because the engineer can leave open entries and release the aircraft to service.
If you get on an aircraft and the cabin log has an open entry in it. What do you do?
On short haul aircraft, non air worthiness cabin entries may remain open until the next daily check.
How long is a daily check valid for on the airbus?
The daily check is valid for the period quoted on the daily check sheet, starting from the time the last daily was carried out.
If there is any doubt over the validity of a daily check, contact Maintrol!
In signing the Captains acceptance box in the tech log, what is the captain actually communicating?
That is is for for service, and that the pre flight inspection has been carried out.
Now he can,
(Main base) remove all three sheets from the tech log part 1, and the sheets from part 2 cabin log if they have been used.
(Down route) remove the white station copy from part 1, and part 2 if it has been used.
If you come across a for info entry in the tech log how do you deal with it? And what mustn’t you communicate under that heading?
Just write noted in the action taken box.
Don’t include information about an existing ADD.
There are a number of things one should check and enter in the log after landing. What are a few of the more difficult things to remember?
Check the hydraulic quantities. If they are acceptable for flight record 0 in the uplift boxes.
Review the cabin entries and (in short haul) transfer them to the aircraft log if they are operationally significant.
What would you do if you landed with less than reserve fuel?
File an ASR
Where engineering are unable to reproduce a defect on the ground, they may out in an entry, “report further.” Where does the Captain do so?
The Captain fills in the action taken box beside the report further request and annotates the action taken by, in his own name.
When you pick up the tech log it has the entry, “nil defects”
What would you do?
Write “noted” in the box next to it.
There should never be any open entries left without a signature or some confirmation that you have checked it.
What are the rules regarding the iPad fuel log?
Commander must ensure it has been completed before each departure.