Fuel Policy Flashcards
What is the minimum contingency fuel you could carry?
5 minutes holding fuel at 1500’ clean at the planned landing weight at destination.
When can you use contingency fuel?
Any time after you dispatch.
If statistical contingency fuel is available is will normally be provided at what coverage?
If statistical contingency fuel is not available then how is the min contingency fuel figure worked out?
En route alternate available?
Yes - either 3% of trip fuel from dep to destination, or, 20 mins worth of flying time based on planned trip fuel consumption.
No - either 5% of trip fuel from dep to destination, or, 20 mins worth of flying time based on planned trip fuel consumption.
Define trip fuel?
Fuel required from take-off to landing at destination.
Assumes SID planned for runway of departure and STAR for planned runway of arrival.
Define diversion fuel?
Fuel required from Go-around at destination to landing at selected alternate.
On cirrus, normally plans a fuel alternate, which the closest.
If destination is forecast to be below minima an extra dest alt is required.
What are the constituent parts of fuel required for each departure?
Taxi fuel Trip fuel Contingency Diversion fuel, or, (15 mins holding if planned without) Reserve Additional
What are the rules around dispatching without a destination alternate?
The duration of the flight must be no more than 6 hours, and 2 separate runways available and useable at destination.
Weather 1 hour before planned eta - 1 hour after planned eta:
Cloud ceiling 2000’ or circling +500’ whichever greater. And ground viz of 500m
Define reserve fuel
30 mins holding fuel clean at 1500’ @ planned landing weight at the dest alt airfield
Define contingency fuel?
Fuel carried to cover errors in forecasting or changes to clearances. Not to be used until after dispatch.
What is the minimum contingency fuel one can dispatch with?
5 mins holding clean @ 1500’ at destination at planned landing weight.
What is the normal statistical contingency fuel given?
Useful to compare the difference between 99% to see how much more would be required in guiding fuel decisions, if there is a question mark about the need for additional fuel.
How is taxi fuel decided?
It is statistical, it might need reviewing in instances where there is a runway change, or ground delays, or if push and hold procedures are used.
Presumably covers you for fuel on the taxi in too? Although less interested by then!
If the fuel required increased before dispatch, what options could you consider to reduce the requirement for fuel?
Use cost index 0, (very small saving!)
Reduce statistical taxi fuel.
Dispatch without a destination alternate, (subject to flight time, facilities, and weather)
Reduce contingency fuel to a minimum of 5 mins, or 90% statistical cont fuel? (Need to check this?)
What is the additional fuel check carried out by cirrus for all departures? It is used more often on long haul departures.
Sufficient fuel that if an engine failed or a loss of pressurisation occurred at the most critical point on the route, the aircraft would have enough fuel to descend fly to and adequate airfield and hold for 15 mins at 1500’ in standard conditions and make an approach and landing.
Fuel progression chart: 1
For a flight more than 6 hours with max delay and eot not known, (obviously, 6hrs doh!)
What is the required fuel remaining in order to continue towards destination.
Possible to reach at least 2 aerodromes at which landing is assured.
(A landing is assured if, in the commanders judgement, it could be completed in the event of any forecast deterioration in the weather AND plausible single failures of ground and airborne facilities. (E.G.hydraulic failure, so arguably cat 1 min)
What is the penalty in fuel terms, for carrying extra fuel?
3% of extra fuel / hour of flight.
e.g. extra 1000kg carried for 3 hour flight = 9% of 1000
What are your thoughts around the decision to tanker fuel?
Is the take off or landing going to involve a contaminated runway?
Is there a risk of upper wing icing in my experience.
Or, consider:
Is the sector longer than 1 hour 15 mins
Is the wx on arrival wet with a temperature -2 to +10 or is there high humidity (dew and dry pt within 2 degrees)
(If so limit tankering so fuel remaining does not contact upper wing. 6000 in airbus family.)
Consider your cruise level. What is the fuel penalty for flying 4000’ below optimum?
5% of trip fuel for duration maintained. 10% if 8000’ below optimum.
Flying above is relatively less efficient. 2000’ above is rarely efficient unless big benefit in winds.
What is the general rule around the options you should have available in fuel terms at any time?
What should you action if you find yourself outside this rule?
In general the flight should be managed so it is possible to land at two airfields with at least reserve fuel remaining.
If at any time a fuel check shows that the flight will arrive at destination with less than diversion plus reserves, action should be taken to reduce fuel consumption or choose a closer destination alternate.
What are the 3 conditions, 1 of which must be satisfied, to continue to destination when fuel checks show there will be less than diversion plus reserves remaining?
Maximum delay known, or EAT received -
no problem to continue to a single runway even, as long as landing is assured.
Within 2 hours of destination - 2 separate runways at an aerodrome may be considered as two separate aerodromes, as long as likely delays are taken into account.
Within 6 hours of landing - 3 conditions
Arrive with 15 mins holding at 1500’ + reserves
Two separate runways are available at the destination aerodrome
For a period of 1 hour b4 and after eta cloud ceiling is higher of 2000’ or circling + 500 and 5km viz
What does “landing is assured” mean, relating to fuel policy?
That a landing could be completed, taking into account any forecast deterioration of the weather and a single failure of any ground or airborne facilities. So consider CAT 1 as your aiming point. i.e. loss of a hydraulic system.
How do we handle weather forecasts and actuals as we approach an airfield and use them to make decisions?
Within 2 hours flying time we can use the actuals and trends, before then use the forecast.
What does the term “minimum fuel” mean and when should you use it?
It informs ATC that all options have been reduced to a single aerodrome and that any change in the latest clearance may result in landing with less than planned reserves. It is not an emergency condition, but a heads up to the potential for an emergency.
So, use it when that’s the setup. All eggs in one basket and any change to the clearance may end up spoiling your day.
ATC won’t give you preferential treatment but will inform you of any likely additional delays and also pass that information on to other ATC units.
When and how should you declare a fuel emergency?
When you predict that you will land with less than reserves. Declare using “mayday mayday and fuel remains in minutes”