Teaching B 1 Flashcards
How many stretches?
Ashtanga stretching system name?
Active stretch
For 85%
And active release 15%
muscle Stretching proccess?
A muscle that’s being stretched will receive a signal to Release, when the opposing muscle (antagonist) activated
true yogi?
As the Bhagavad Gita explains, “One who outwardly performs his social duties but inwardly stays free is a yogi.”
In yoga, identification with anything that is impermanent is called ignorance (avidya).
yamas goal?
set of ethics, which ensures that the yogi interacts in a harmonious way with the surrounding community.
Niyamas goal
set of observances, which ensure that body and mind are not polluted from environments once they have been purified in Yamas
The observances are physical and mental cleanliness, contentment, simplicity(Tapas),study of sacred texts, and acceptance of the existence of the Supreme Being.
name Yamas?
not to harm others, to be truthful, not to steal, to engage in intercourse only with one’s partner, and to abstain from greed.
asana is the method that releases us from past conditioning, stored in the body, to arrive in the present moment.
our body is the crystallized history of our past thoughts,emotions,actions.
what will happen If we constantly practice self-made sequences?
we create inner limitation through outer freedom.
combines concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana), and absorption (samadhi). In that way, deep knowledge of how things really are can be gained.
mean cultivating a sense of self-discipline, passion and courage in order to burn away ‘impurities’ burning’ away the negative thought patterns and habits we often fall in to.
cultivate understanding and humility. Realising that it does take time to get into a more ‘advanced’ version of a pose doesn’t have to be discouraging at all; having the discipline to practise consistently and the humility to admit when we’re not perfect are both essential to reaping the rewards that ‘discipline’ has to offer.
in life; Having the courage NOT to listen to the voices in our head that tell us we’re ‘not strong enough’ or ‘not good enough’ to attempt a more demanding pose or go for that new job opportunity is also an element of Tapas that ‘burns’ away those ‘impure’ thoughts, and leads to more self trust and inner strength.
non-harming’. (‘Himsa’ = ‘hurt’ and ‘a’ = ‘not’) non-violence in all aspects of life. being mindful of our thoughts. When we act with ‘Ahimsa’ in mind, this means not physically harming ourselves,others, or nature; not by thoughts,words or actions; and making sure that what we do and how we do it is done in harmony, rather than harm.
to don’t push ourselves over the edge; of course we challenge ourselves in order to grow, leaning in to that sometimes scary edge, but never pushing ourselves to the point of harm.
body is a pathway to freedom, not a road-block!
Lao tzo on thoughts
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”