TBI and GCS Flashcards
Fasciculus cuneatus:
sensory tract for trunk, neck, and UE proprioception, vibration,
two-point discrimination, and graphesthesia
Fasciculus gracilis:
sensory tract for trunk and LE proprioception, vibration, two-point
discrimination, and graphesthesia
Spinocerebellar tract (dorsal):
sensory tract that ascends to the cerebellum for ipsilateral
(I/L) subconscious proprioception, tension in muscles, joint sense, posture of the trunk
and LEs
Spinocerebellar tract (ventral):
sensory tract that ascends to the cerebellum, with some
fibers crossing and subsequently recrossing at the level of the pons for I/L subconscious
proprioception; tension in muscles; joint sense; and posture of trunk, UEs, and LEs
Spinothalamic tract (anterior):
sensory tract for light touch and pressure
Spinothalamic tract (lateral):
sensory tract for pain and temperature sensation
Corticospinal tract (anterior):
pyramidal motor tract responsible for I/L voluntary, discrete, and skilled movements
Corticospinal tract (lateral):
pyramidal motor tract responsible for C/L voluntary fine
LOCF stands for
Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Function
LOCF Levels
I No response
II Generalized response
III Localized response
IV Confused and agitated
V Confused inappropriate
VI Confused appropriate
VII Automatic appropriate
VIII purposeful appropriate
I No response
Total assistance
II. Generalized
- Total assistance
- Inconsistent and nonpurposeful response to stimuli
- Responses may be physiological changes, gross body movements, or vocalization
IV. Confused
and agitated
- Maximum assistance
- Heightened state of activity with bizarre, nonpurposeful behavior
- Unable to distinguish between people and objects
- Unable to cooperate directly with treatment
- Verbalizations are incoherent and confabulatory
- Gross attention is limited
- Lacks short- and long-term recall
V. Confused,
- Maximum assistance
- Responds to simple commands fairly consistently
- If commands are complex, responses are nonpurposeful or random
- Highly distractible
- Verbalization is inappropriate and confabulatory
- Inappropriate use of objects
- Able to perform previously learned tasks with structure
VI. Confused,
- Moderate assistance
- Goal-directed behavior depending on external input or directions
- Follows simple directions and shows carryover
- Responses are appropriate but may be incorrect due to memory
- Past memory better than recent
VII. Automatic,
- Minimal assistance
- Appropriate and oriented responses
- Goes through daily routine automatically but robotlike
- Shows carryover for learning
- Needs structure for social activities
- Judgment is impaired
VIII. Purposeful,
- Standby assistance
- Oriented
- Recalls and integrates past events
- Completes familiar tasks
- Over- or underestimates abilities
- Shows a decreased ability compared to premorbid state in terms of abstract reasoning, stress
tolerance, and judgment
How many stages are there in Brunnstrom Stages of recovery ?
Stage 1 Spasticity/ Synergy
None, flaccid/ None
Stage 2 Spasticity/ Synergy
Beginning/ Synergy appears, weak associated movements
Stage 3 Spasticity/ Synergy
Peak spasticity/ Start to perform synergy voluntarily, mass synergy movement patterns
Stage 4 Spasticity/ Synergy
Decreasing/ Begin out-of-synergy movements
Stage 5 Spasticity/ Synergy
Decreasing/ Independent out-of-synergy movements, nearly free of synergy
Stage 6 Spasticity/ Synergy
Minimal except during rapid
Free of synergy; awkward, isolated joint movements with coordination
Stage 7 Spasticity/ Synergy