TBI Flashcards
Closed head injury
Motor Vehicle accidents
Contusions, bruises, DAI, Bilateral Asymmetrical injuries, skull fractures, subdural and epidural hemorrhage, tentorial herniation, coma, brief loss of consciousness
*most common, wide range of damage
Open Head injury
Gun shot wounds, fragments from exploding objects, FALLS
Focal neurological symptoms and post traumatic seizures, localized areas of damage
Glasgow Coma Scale
- quantifies severity of TBI
- establish a baseline
- predicts the outcome for the patient
Assesses: motor, verbal responses and eye opening
Decorticate Posturing
results from damage to corticospinal tracts - arms ADD and Flexed, wrist and fingers flexed, legs are stiffly extended and internally rotated with plantar flexion of the feet
Decerebrate posturing
results from damage to the upper brain stem - arms are abducted and Extended, wrist pronated and fingers flexed, legs are stiffly extended with plantar flexion of the feet
Method used to categorize level of consciousness after TBI
Glasgow Coma Scale:
1) motor responses,
2) verbal responses,
3) eye opening
Criteria to determine the severity of TBI
length of amnesia, depth and duration of coma
Ranchos Los Amigos Scale of Cognitive Functioning
used to determine effective intervention for Cognitive and BEHAVORIAL ASPECTS of recovery
the medical and OT interventions that are necessary during the emergency & acute phases of TBI
- Glasgow Coma Scale, BP, HR, temperature, ICP
- Rehab begins when vital signs are stable
-positioning for contracture prevention, and bed sore prevention, monitoring of HR/BP OX sat, ICP PROM, sensory stim program.
Ranchos Los Amigos Scale Level I.
No response - deep sleep, completely unresponsive to any stimuli
Ranchos Los Amigos Scale Level II
Generalized response - reacts inconsistently and non purposefully to a stimuli in a non-specific manner - may be delayed
OT Tx in Level 2
Stim program with olfactory enhancement - really strong scent, and PROM
Ranchos Los Amigos Scale Level III
Localized response - reacts specifically but inconsistently to stimuli - follow simple commands in an inconsistent and delayed manner
OT Tx in Level 3
Continue stim program, simple gross motor actions, one step commands with no choice, basic self care, simple reality orientation (In front of mirror)
Ranchos Los Amigos Scale Level IV
Confused Agitated - a heightened state of activity with severely decreased ability to process information, not able to cooperate directly with treatment efforts, gross attention to environment for a very short duration, confabulation may be present, ST recall is lacking, behavior is bizarre and non-purposeful relative to the environment