TB - Ch 3 Flashcards
social redefinition
The process through which an individual’s position or status is redefined by society.
age of majority
The designated age at which an individual is recognized as an adult. legal age
adolescence as beginning in _ and ending in __
biology, culture
___ best markers to see if adolences has gotten longer
mensuration and marrage
2010 2x as long as 1950
Theorists who argue that the period of adolescence is mainly a social invention.
stated adolencence did not exist untill the industral revolution
child protectionists
Individuals who argued, early in the twentieth century, that adolescents needed to be kept out of the labor force in order to protect them from the hazards of the workplace. (inc. in schooling, adult supervized youth clubs, age disrimination)
A term popularized about 50 years ago to refer to young people; it connoted a more frivolous and lighthearted image than did adolescent.
seen as increased affluence and economic freedom, showed they reperesent important consumer group
Today, a term used to refer to individuals ages 18 to 22; it once referred to individuals ages 12 to 24.
5 main fetures of emerging adulthood
- the exploration of possible identities before making enduring choices;
- instability in work, romantic relationships, and living arrangements;
- a focus on oneself and, in particular, on functioning as an independent person;
- the feeling of being between adolescence and adulthood; and
- the sense that life holds many possibilities.
Emering adulthood univerality
no many peole cant afford to delay tranition, some also do by choice not economics
Psychological Well-Being in Emerging Adulthood
majority of emergin addults is poitive and imporving mental health (yet 1/5 peole this age suffer from mental health)
psychological functioning in childhood and adolescence is highly predictive of success later in life
success in one stage (doing well in high school) usually leads to success in the next stage
initiation ceremony
The formal induction of a young person into adulthood.
status offense
A violation of the law that pertains to minors but not adults.
juvenile justice system
A separate system of courts and related institutions developed to handle juvenile crime and delinquency.
criminal justice system
The system of courts and related institutions developed to handle adult crime.
experiences in __ but not in ___ linked to changes in well being
experiences in the domains of work, romance, and citizenship—but not in the domains of school or finances—were especially linked to changes in well-being
issues in drawing legal line for adulthood
problem is compounded by the fact that we draw the boundary at different places for different purposes
so rapid and so variable between individuals that it is difficult to know at what chronological age a line should be drawn between legally
adolences may be incompetent to stand trial (in similar way that mental ill adults are considered)
a group of individuals born during the same general historical era
The Process of Social Redefinition
series of events occur over long time
Common Practices in the Process of Social Redefinition
Real or Symbolic Separation from Parents
Emphasizing Differences Between the Sexes
Passing on Information from the Older Generation
info that is passed on from older generations
1 maters important to asults but limited ulity to children
2 maters nessary to adults but unfit for children
3 maters concerning the history or rituals of family or community
The intentional creation of scars on some part or parts of the body, often done as part of an initiation ceremony.
demetions in with societs differ in the prosses of social redefinition are
the explicitness (clarity) and smoothness (continuity) of the transition
the passage into adulthood has greater clarity when
When transitions into adult work, family, and citizenship roles occur close in time and when most members of a cohort experience these transitions at about the same age