Class 7,8,9 - Cognitive Transitions Flashcards
Genetic Epistemology questions
How does new knowledge emerge?
How to appraise growth, progress?
Piaget’s “Genetic Epistemology”
genetic means devolopmental - deals whith problems of knowlage
later forms of knolage are better than eariler forms of knowlage if it is a product of devolopment (more powerfull, articulated, compsate for bias)
Piaget’s Novel
Recherche - sabastian in novel carves out an intellectual problem - how do we know we’re making progress in pholosipy and math?
New powerful forms of knowledge can arise out of less powerful forms
“Science of organization” - Can figure out why older is better than younger thinking - can be formally the same for why one philosophy is better than the other
Piaget’s Core Epistemological Concepts
Space, Memory, Time, Perception, Number, Reality, Causality, Logic, Morality, Geometry
form, organization, pattern
intelligence is structure - is organization to intelligence
to Organize and to Adapt
biological function
assimalte - info when absorb into current way of thinking
accomodation - some point assimlate leads to controdictions, cognativve thinking is in disequlibum, forces us to change way of thinking (part of operations list)
accommodations drive change
Piaget’s Core Biological Concepts
Piaget’s Core Biological Concepts
Piaget’s “definition” of intelligence
is instructive
“…a form (Structured, organized “schema”)
of equilibrium (The pattern of thinking allows adaptation to social & physical environment)
towards which all organisms tend” (Equilibria are temporary, unstable, And “tending” described in terms of “stages” –> final” equilibrium is the last stage, Perfect adaptation)
Five Main Features of Piaget’s Theory
Invariant sequence
Transitions via “equilibration”
Logical structures
(1) Growth of knowledge, the “epistemic subject”, not individual child
Invariant sequence
(2) Stage development shows constant order of succession
don’t skip stages - if alreay resoning at stage don’t go back to resoning at an eariler stage
Transitions via “equilibration”
(3) assimiliation-accommodation
move from stage to stage in equlibration - when resolve disequlibum between assimlation and accomidation
Logical structures
(4) There is an organization & structure to intelligence
(5) Against “empiricist” and “nativist” perspectives
the child constructs their own inteleges by the operations performed on enviorment (child is nieve scientst) - helps to build cognative structures
all learning is medated by own cognative activity - pepole of differnt ages see world differently
Piaget’s Cognitive devolopment stages
think of Stages as species of reasoning based on structural characteristics
Concrete Operations
Final Operational
last for about two years (has 6 substages)
Coordination of sensory schemas - “reciprocal assimilation” infants get by sensory information - may have organized way of looking and a way of grasping but the two are not cordinated - a go along - become cordinated
Lack of object permanence - wont look for absent objects because not know exist if not looking at it
Gradual internalization of action (prefoemed in past, make mental simples)
Origin of thought is not language
Interiorization of action schemes
Achievements & Limitations
age 2 - 7 ish
Classify on basis of a single property
Group objects into classes
Concept of number (“cardinal principle”)
Arrange objects in a series
Egocentrism: perspective-taking (hard time thinking about others feelings, thinking, etc. so attribute to the other their own perspective)
Fail “conservation tasks”
fail to conserve identty of something when you conserve it (ex. liquid quanity, number ammount)
Achivements of Concrete Operations
school aged
Can conserve “identity” of attributes when transformed
Mentally undo transformations, inverse sequence of steps, or perform opposite operations
e.g., addition/subtraction, multiplication/division
Logic of Hierarchical Classes
“class inclusion” problems (ex. more dogs or cats preoperational child - can group into classes and can count - can solve task. or more dogs or animals - need to know about logical addion and subtraction. concreat operational - can solve - mental activity is operational - reverable.
Final/formal Operational
Theoretical Reasoning- Apply logic of classification, conservation, serial order to relationships not observable
Combinatorial- All conceivable combinations or permutations of abstract items
Proportional- State and interpret functional relations in math form
Control of Variables- Experimental design
Probabalistic & Correlational- Recognize relationships in spite of variation
Limitations of Concrete Operations
Reasoning is “concrete” (beakers and clay, things you can manipulate, not work with abstract, theoretical)
Children think in organized, logical fashion mostly on concrete tasks they perceive directly
Their mental operations work poorly when applied to abstract ideas.
Or “contrary-to-fact” propositions
Changes in Cognition going though childhood to adolescences (Cognative Devolopmental Hypothisis of adolsence)
- Thinking about possibilities (Hypothetical thinking, deductive reasoning)
(1) Underwrites idealism, crushes, move between actual and possible, generate alternative possibilities, make comparisons. - Thinking about abstract concepts
(2) Politics, morality, religion, democracy, friendship - Thinking about thinking (“metacognition”)
(3) “Adolescent egocentrism” (Imaginary Audience, Personal Fable) - Thinking about multiple dimensions
(4) Complex explanations (“Civil War”), self-descriptions, sarcasm - Relativism
(5) Don’t accept facts on face value or in absolute terms
2-5 in Formal Operations