TB,AIDS,Malaria Flashcards
TB is an infection caused by the bacterium ______________ tuberculosis. It usually affects the ______ but can go on to affect other parts of the body.
How is TB spread?
TB bacteria are coughed or sneezed into the air by people who have active TB disease. They are carried in the air. If a person breathes these in then the bacterium may multiply in the lungs.
Why do most people in good health not develop active TB?
This is because their immune system kills or inactivates the bacterium before it can spread.
Active TB occurs in ____ in 20 people who breathe in TB bacteria. The bacteria multiply in the lungs and cause a bad cough that lasts longer than _ weeks, chest pains and coughing up _______
or _______. TB is most likely to affect people that are already in poor health.
But some people develop active TB ______ or ______ after a minor infection has been halted. Some bacteria can remain inactive for many years. These TB bacteria may start to multiply if the body’s immune system _______later in life. People most at risk are the elderly or frail, the malnourished and people suffering from diabetes or AIDS.
True or false
You normally need close contact and heavy exposure with an affected person to catch TB
Can TB be cured?
Yes with a combination of a 3 or 4 antibiotics, it is vital that medication is taken correctly .
Where is TB most common?
In poorer areas of the world with overcrowding,poor sanitation and poor housing increasing the risk.
What is MDR-TB?
Is a type of TB that is resistant to some antibiotics.
When can MDR-TB occur?
When patients don’t take their medication as prescribed.
The increased incidence of TB in the UK is thought to be due to the ________ of a previous TB infection which was at first controlled by the _________ _________.
Immune system
What is malaria?
A disease spread by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito.
Malaria is an example of disease caused by neither a virus nor bacteria, but a _________. The microbe responsible is a tiny single-celled parasite _______.
When a mosquito bites an infected person, Plasmodium passes into the blood together with ______. It then invades the red blood cells and live cells. In these cells it multiples producing many more ________.
What are the symptoms of malaria?
- Regular bouts of fever (bursting of red blood cells and release of more parasites)
- Chills
- Heavy Sweating
The most dangerous form of malaria involves the red blood cells _______ together. This blocks the blood supply to important ______ like the brain and can cause death.
Name 4 control measures of malaria:
- Using insecticides to kill mosquito larvae in ponds
- Stocking ponds with larvae
- Draining ponds which mosquitoes use as breading areas.
- Surrounding beds with nets treated with insecticide
Name 3 human control measures of malaria:
- Using anti-malarial drugs
- development of vaccines
- use insect repellents on the skin
What is quinine?
Anti-malarial drug which prevents the parasite from spreading throughout the body.
What is AIDS?
AIDS is a collection of disease which result from a weakening of the immune system.
What is AIDS caused by?
By a virus called HIV.
What HIV do? And effect do this have on the body?
It attacks and destroys white blood cells that help us to fight infection. The body is then not able to fight disease.
What are symptoms of AIDS?[5]
- Swollen glands
- High temperature
- Weight loss
- Cancer
- Decrease in Brain function
How is HIV transmitted?
Through the blood stream.