taxonomy unit 2 Flashcards
study the diversity of life
recognize name without language barriers
better understanding of evolution
more complete picture of how life evolves
binomial nomenclature
species scientific name composed of the genus and the species in latin
(domain) kingdom, Phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
designation occurs naturally because organisms decide who they mate mate and reproduce with under natural conditions.
dichotomous keys
used to identify species
chart or statements
2 pathways
1 less pair of statements than the number of species
bacteria and cyanobacteria- single cells that are prokaryotic. went into two separate groups eubacteria and archaebacteria which have differences in their cell eubacteria have peptidoglycan and archaebacteria don’t have peptidoglycan in their cell walls
amoeba, unicellular EUKARYOTIC
mushrooms, mould. non motile and cannot photosynthesize heterotrophic. different cell wall and reproduction
photosynthesize- contain chloroplasts and a cell wall that contain cellulose, autotrophs
multicellular, depend on material for food and produce gametes, mobile
viruses- nonliving unicellular and evolve to produce drastic changes in organisms. composed of protein coat surrounding RNA or DNA
evolutionary history of an organism.description of the history of descent of a group of organisms and their common ancestor.
phylogenetic tree- shows the history of an organism- nodes on the tree show the time of speciation
group of evolutionary species that consists of all evolutionary descendants of a common ancestor
named clades and species
derived trait
differs from its form in common ancestors of a lineage- NODE indicates derived features
includes common ancestor and the some but not all of the descendants
does not include the common ancestor of the group
includes the common ancestor and all the descendants of that ancestor. the group can be removed from the tree with a single cut
the more similar the DNA of two organisms is, the more recently they shared and ancestor.
molecular clock
use clomadograms and estimate the times of divergence of lineages
change in the DNA they can be positive, negative or neutral
6 taxons
domain kingdom phylum class order family genus species
6 kingdoms
archaebacteria-cell walls don’t have peptidoglycan, unicellular, autotroph and heterotroph prokaryotes
eubacteria- prokaryotic, unicellular, heterotroph or autotroph cell walls do have peptidoglycan
protista-eukaryotic, some cell walls have cellulose and some have chloroplasts cellular and unicellular, autotroph or heterotroph amoeba
fungi- eukaryotic, cell walls made of chitin, multicellular or unicellular, heterotroph, mushroom
planate-eukaryotic, cellulose in cell walls and have cell walls, multicellular, autotroph, tree
animalia- eukaryotic, no cell walls or chloroplasts, multicellular, heterotroph, mammals fish me
3 domains
archaea-cell wall doesn’t have peptidoglycan, membranes have unusual lipids, extremophiles prokaryotic cells
bacteria-cell wall has peptidoglycan and they are diverse prokaryotic cells
eukarya- all organisms that have a nucleus. contains the four kingdoms plantae animalia fungi and protista
population that shares characteristics and can breed with one another to produce fertile offspring
binomial nomenclature
developed by carols linnaeus and it is a two part name composed of the genus and the species a genus being a group of closely related species. first part is the genus second part is the species which describes a particular characteristic
each level of the hierarchal system of the 7 classifications
ranked above genus and often grouped into sub families
broad order of taxonomic categories and is composed of similar families
composed of similar orders for example mammals- warm blooded feed milk to young etc
several different classes make up a phylum and share important features and internal functions
second largest all animals are in animalia
largest composed of 3 archae, bacteria and eukarya and it is very inclusive
evolutionary relationships among organisms and groups organisms into categories. its like evolutionary classification- what species evolved from what ancestor. all members in genus share a common ancestor for them to be similar, and all animals in the same class did as well it was just farther in the past. higher level of taxon, the common ancestor is farther in the past
barnacles and limpets
underwent convergent evolution because of similar environments
barnacles- larvae different, jointed limns, body divided into segments, shed/ molt external skeleton
limpets- have internal anatomy more similar to snails, do shed skeleton
derived characteristic
characteristics that appear in recent pairs of lineage but not the older members derived characteristics can make cladogram
shows evolutionary relationships among group of organisms
what do genes do
of many organisms show important similarities at a molecular level. these help determine evolutionary relationships and classify organisms. the more similar the genes the more closely related
DNA evidence
evolution and how species have changed if the DNA is similar such as the same mutations, they diverged more recently but the more different the DNA is the farther in the past the organisms diverged
molecular clocks
uses DNA comparisons to estimate the length of time that two species have been evolving independently- such as mutations which are slight changes in the DNA- neutral mutations can accumulate in the DNA of different species and can reveal how similar or dissimilar some species are.
domain- eukarya- eukaryotic cells
kingdom- animalia no cell walls multicellular heterotrophic
phylum- chordata- notochord- spinal chord sub phylum vertebrata
class- mammilia- warm blooded can feed young hair
order-primate- frontally directed eyes flat finger nails
family homindae
genus homo
species sapient