Task 1 - M&M Flashcards
Keyword: Cognitive science
- interdisciplinary study of mind and intelligence, embracing philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology
- how we can study cognition over the aspects of human and further intelligence; how we can use technology to model human behaviour
Keyword: Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- ability of non-biological mechanisms to accomplish goals
- display intelligent behaviour
- rationality
- take best action to achieve a specific goal
implies the synthetic or human-designed rather than the naturally derived; “artificial” of AI involves mechanics, electronics, or computers
ability to accomplish complex goals
Keyword: Prediction
ability to take information you have and generate information you didn’t previously have
Keyword: Prediction - how does it relate to AI?
- task that makes AI abundant and inexpensive
- key function of AI: forecasting significant events, appropriately characterizing the uncertainties inherent in such forecasts, and effectively communicating those probabilistic forecasts to stakeholders
What are the 3 laws of robotics?
- Never hurt a human being
- Always obey orders unless in conflict with law 1.
- A robot must protect its own existence unless in conflict with law 1 and 2.
What is the influence of AI on PSY?
- Counseling : Simulation of a psychotherapist (ELIZA, PAARY and Eli);
- virtual human patients used in clinical training and skill acquisition;
- can be used in assessment, psychological treatments and testing;
- virtual avatars providing info about mental health resources
- AI health screening
- Therapeutic computer games and exposure therapy
- AI: Super clinicians (–> better than humans; with advanced sensory technologies; able to analyze subtle facial expressions) –> conduct sessions by themselves or as a help to human therapist
Advantages of AI
-clinical training and skill acquisition: receiving adaptive and customized training that is highly realistic and also available to the trainee at any time and freeing up humans to play a more advanced role
-virtual reality avatars: could be accessed remotely to provide psychological services to anywhere where there is an Internet connection;
persons who are concerned about privacy and the stigma associated with seeking care in person may be more willing to seek help from a virtual care provider in the comfort of their home;
it’s more interactive and engaging than websites
- AI assessments: more efficient and sophisticated because of the capability to process complex data, customize to the individual, and reduce uncertainty in screening outcomes
-can identify patterns, trends, and meaning from complex data that are too complex to be processed by humans or other computer-based technologies
-reduces human errors
Disadvantages of AI
- induced unemployment, socioeconomic inequality, growing technological dependency, and human de-skilling
- data security and privacy
- power and influence that can be abused
- lacks human qualities e.g. wisdom and compassion
- interpersonal warmth and empathy are important for therapy
- cultural differences must be considered
- dangerous if AI becomes more intelligent than humans
- automatized weapons and cyberwar
What is machine learning?
-one technique of AI
-involves just one component: prediction
-not the same as automation (–> automation also involves AI to be involved with data collection, judgment and action)
- we teach to exhibit human intelligence
-reinforcement learning, decision trees
==> Human- involved
What is deep learning?
- one technique of machine learning
- ability of computers to learn without being explicitly programmed
- data-up approach: learns things by itself without being programmed by experts first
- deep: multiple layers of neurons
- more intelligent than our human understanding
Supervised learning
learns how to generalise from e.g. several pictures given
Unsupervised learning
learns things by itself
Reinforcement learning
Reinforced through human e.g. this match is good, this is not
What are 7 reasons why humans are bad at prediction?
- Overestimate it in short- run but underestimate it in the long- run
- You cannot refute an argument that its not magical –> not scientific and not falsifiable
- Narrow competence
- Misleading that people think it will be super fast, you need to prepare it by humans
- Exponential; performance has to stop at some point
- We ignore that the whole world is gonna change too; speed of development is slowed down
What are different levels of AI?
- specific AI
- Super AI/Super human