Tarsus & tibia Flashcards
Seger, JAVMA 2024
Pantarsal arthrodesis stabilized with circular external skeletal fixators in 8 dogs (2010-2022)
-what was the mean duration of fixator application?
-what % excellent outcome?
-what % complications?
what angle of extension?
Fixators on for 11 weeks
75% excellent outcome
50% complications
125 degrees extension
Anesi, vet surg 2020
Long-term outcomes after pantarsal arthrodesis with medial plate fixation without external coaptation in 30 dogs
- total complication rate?
-major I (surgical) and major II (medical) complication %?
58% total complications
31% major I, 31% major II
Holroyd, VCOT 2023
Risk Factors Associated with Plantar Necrosis following Tarsal Arthrodesis in Dogs
-what was location of the intermetatarsal channel (perforating MT artery)?
-what % of screws that risked damaging the artery developed plantar necrosis?
proximal 25% of MT III
8% of screws risking damaging artery developed plantar necrosis
[no significance in screw position and plantar necrosis]
Von Pfeil, vet surg 2024
Outcomes of 15 dogs and two cats with metabone fractures treated with fluoroscopically guided normograde metabone pinning
-Median time to bone union?
-Median time for coaptation?
-Median isthmus fill of IM pin?
-Major complication rate?
-radiographic abnormality at follow up?
6 weeks to union
14 days coaptation
median isthmus fill 96%
major complication rate 0%
subchondral bone sclerosis in 23%
Beamonn, vet surg 2022
Effect of calcanean bone-tunnel orientation for teno-osseous repair in a canine common calcanean tendon avulsion model
-which bone tunnel for CCT reattachment yielded at highest load?
Vertical tunnel
transverse tunnel
Modified tunnel
Transverse tunnel
other than yield load, no differences between the three techniques
Luescher, vet surg 2020
Biomechanical comparison of knotted and knotless stabilization techniques of the tarsal medial collateral ligament in cats: A cadaveric study
-Tested bone tunnels with prolene suture, polyethylene cord and knotless suture anchors with polyethylene cord.
Which performed best?
knotless anchors, no difference to intact controls.
Eby, vet surg 2020
Influence of barbed epitendinous sutures combined with a core locking-loop suture to repair experimental flexor tendon lacerations
Which barbed epitendinous suture improved biomechanical properties?
Stratafix (bilateral barbs, level with each other). (equivalent to monofilament)
Schulz, vet surg 2019
Clinical outcomes after common calcanean tendon rupture repair in dogs with a loop-suture tenorrhaphy technique and autogenous leukoreduced platelet-rich plasma
-What was the major complication rate?
17% (2/12).
outcomes very good (owners scored 95%)
Baroncelli, VCOT 2021
Use of a transarticular calcaeno-tibial locking plate for temporary immobilisation of the tarsocrural joint following surgical repair of common calcaneal tendon rupture in eight dogs
-what angle was hock fixed at?
-what duration was plate on for?
hock fixed at 150 degrees
plate maintained for 6 weeks
Carbonell Buj, VCOT 2021
Isolated articular fractures of the canine talus: Diagnosis and signalment in fourteen dogs
-most common aspect of talus fractured?
-13 dogs had radiographs first. What % of these was the fracture visible in?
lateral ridge of talus
38% radiographs frcature visible
Goh, JSAP 2022
Surgical management of superficial digital flexor tendon luxation in dogs: 48 cases (2005-2020)
-what % cases had a successful clinical outcome?
-what % had reluxation
-% complicatinos?
-what factors increased risk of surgical failure?
73% successful outcome
15% reluxation
71% complications
Surgical failure 60% greater if absorbable suture used.
Failure more common if non rigid immobilisation post op (57% failure) compared to rigid immobilisation (19%) - NOT SIGNIFICANT
Duffy, vet surg 2021
Biomechanical evaluation of a novel barbed suture pattern with epitendinous suture augmentation in a canine flexor tendon model
-What was the difference in percentage yield when the epitendinous suture was added?
-difference in failure mode between 3LP and epitendon barbed suture versus no epitendon suture
80% yield
3LP and EP failed by tissue breakage distal
3LP alone failed by suture pull through
Jury, JSAP 2021
Surgical repair for luxation of the superficial digital flexor tendon using a temporary restraining pin
-what was the most common breed affected?
-Major complication rate?
-Minor complication rate?
shetland sheepdog
13% major complications
35% minor complications
Gunstra, JAVMA 2019
Description and outcome of prosthetic ligament placement for stabilisation of medial or dorsomedial tarsometatarsal joint luxation in dogs and cats: 16 cases (2004-2017)
-what was the main complication?
bandage associated dermatitis @ 31% (left in place 4 weeks)
Haussler, JFMS 2023
Retrospective multicentre evaluation of common calcaneal tendon injuries in 66 cats. Part 1: study population, injury specification and classification
-% closed injuries?
According to Meustege classification,
-what was most common injury for acute presentation?
-what was most common injury for subacute/ chronic lesions?
Overall, what was the most common meustege type injury?
70% closed, 30% open.
-meustege type I for acute
-meustege type 2c for subacute/ chronic
meustege type 2c most common (53%)
Type I: complete tendon tear, including all parts of the CCT.
Type IIa: musculotendinous ruptures
type IIb: include ruptures of the AT with intact paratenon
type IIc: gastrocnemius tendon (GT) avulsions with an intact superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT).
Type III: tendinosis or peritendinitis.