Stifle Flashcards
Brincin, vet surg 2023
The value of routine radiographic follow up in the postoperative management of canine medial patellar luxation
-what % cases had radiographic abnormalities at follow-up?
-for dogs without owners concerns, what % did radiographs lead to a change in plan?
3% radiographic abnormalities
3% change in plan
Walker, vet surg 2022
Evaluation of a modified radiographic union scale for tibial fractures scoring system in staged bilateral tibial plateau leveling osteotomy procedures and comparison of first and second side radiographic bone healing
-for what mRUST score had 99% subjectively healed
> 10/12, 99% subjectively healed.
Johnson, vet surg 2022
Outcome of cranial cruciate ligament replacement with an enhanced polyethylene terephthalate implant in the dog: A pilot clinical trial
-what percentage of implants were intact at 6 months following surgery?
20% implants were intact at 6 months.
Katz, vet surg 2022
The significance of the meniscal flounce sign in canine stifle arthroscopy
-which type of meniscal tear was present with a flounce sign?
-what percentage of stifles WITHOUT meniscal flounce had a meniscal tear?
radial tear was present despite flounce sign (4/89 = 4% had radial meniscal tear, remaining 96% did not)
-93% WITHOUT flounce had meniscal tear.
Longo vet surg 2022
Three-dimensional volume rendering planning, surgical treatment, and clinical outcomes for femoral and tibial detorsional osteotomies in dogs
-what was the major complication? and what rate?
9%, iatrogenic abnormal femoral internal torsion
Mazdarani, vet surg 2022
Effect of center of rotation of angulation-based leveling osteotomy on ex vivo stifle joint stability following cranial cruciate ligament transection and medial meniscal release with and without a hamstring load
-at what angle did the CBLO fail to neutralise CTT?
-what improved stability?
140 degrees
hamstring loads of 20%
Whitney, Vet surg 2022
Ex vivo biomechanical comparison of four Centre of Rotation Angulation Based Levelling Osteotomy fixation methods
- which construct was stiffest?
- which construct had the highest yield load and ultimate load?
-no difference in stiffness between constructs
-CBLO with tension band wire and headless compression screw
Pownall, vet surg 2021
The influence of the choice of pre-emptive analgesia on long-term postsurgical pain after tibial plateau leveling osteotomy in dogs
-what % dogs had scores consistent with chronic pain following TPLO?
-what factor increased likelihood of chronic pain?
Increased bodyweight increased likelihood of chronic pain
Alexander, Vet surg 2021
Influence of radiographic examination findings on recommendations made during routine clinical re-evaluation of dogs with uncomplicated tibial plateau leveling osteotomy
-what % dogs with no client concerns did radigoraphs change the plan?
-abnormal radiographs alone changed plan in what %?
-what factor was associated with radiographic abnormalities?
4.1% plan changed based on rads if no exam/ client concerns.
abnormal rads alone changed plan in 3.7%
administration of analgesia at the time of follow-up was associated with radiographic abnormalities and a change in plan
Geier, vet surg 2021
Evaluation of the risk of patella fracture as the result of decreasing tibial plateau angle following tibial plateau levelling osteotomy
-what was median TPA for patella fracture group?
-what increased odds of patella fracture?
median TPA 1.4
22% increase in odds of patella fracture for every 1 degree decrease in TPA
Jeong, vet surg 2021
Subsequent meniscal tears following tibial tuberosity advancement and tibial plateau levelling osteotomy in dogs with cranial cruciate ligament deficiency: An in vivo experimental study
-what was the prevalence of medial meniscal tear in TTA at follw-up?
-prevlaence of lateral meniscal tear in TTA at follow up?
-OA scores different between surgeries at 12 weeks?
100% medial meniscal tears at final check
80% lateral meniscal tears at final check
OA scores higher for TTA at 12 weeks
Matchwick Vet surg 2021
A retrospective evaluation of complications associated with forkless tibial tuberosity advancement performed in primary care practice
-complication rate?
-LMI rate?
-what factor was linked to LMI?
15% complication rate
LMI 3%
LMI increased if cage size to body weight ratio <0.25
McDougall vet surg 2021
Timing of and risk factors for deep surgical site infection requiring implant removal following canine tibial plateau leveling osteotomy
-rate of deep SSI?
-risk factor for explant?
male dogs and GSDs were risk factors for explant
Olivencia Morell vet surg 2021
Evaluation of the clinical value of routine radiographic examination during convalescence for tibial plateau leveling osteotomy
-what % cases with no owner complaint had a change of plan following radiographs?
2% change of plan
Biskup vet surg 2020
Long-term arthroscopic assessment of intra-articular allografts for treatment of spontaneous cranial cruciate ligament rupture in the dog
-what allograft used?
-what % grafts survived at 12 months?
DDFT allograft
45% grafts survived at 12 months
Clark, vet surg 2020
Influence of administration of antimicrobial medications after tibial plateau leveling osteotomy on surgical site infections: A retrospective study of 308 dogs
- what factors associated with SSI and abx resistance?
Prolonged surgery/ anaesthesia asociated with SSI and abx resistance
Cradic, vet surg 2020
Morphometric measurements to predict meniscal size in skeletally mature dogs for meniscal transplantation
- which measurement was proportional to meniscal size?
hock to stifle length was proportional to meniscal size
Gleason, vet surg 2020
Meniscal click in cranial cruciate deficient stifles as a predictor of specific meniscal pathology
-what meniscal tear is a click associated with
bucket handle tear
Schlag, vet surg 2020
Center of rotation of angulation-based leveling osteotomy combined with a coplanar cranial closing wedge ostectomy to manage cranial cruciate ligament insufficiency in dogs with excessive tibial plateau angle
-what was complication rate?
21% complication rate schlag
Terreros, vet surg 2020
Modified cranial closing wedge osteotomy to treat cranial cruciate ligament deficient stifles with excessive tibial plateau angles: Complications, owner satisfaction, and midterm to long-term outcomes
-major complication rate?
10% major complications terreros
Hawbecker, VCOT 2023
Influence of Kirschner-Wire Insertion Angle on Construct Biomechanics following Tibial Tuberosity Osteotomy Fixation in Dogs
-what angle of insertion performed best for yield, peak and failure loads?
0 degree better than 30 for yield peak and failure load
[stiffness and failure mode did not differ]
Beer, VCOT 2023
“Comparison of Hindlimb Conformation in Cats with and without Medial Patellar Luxation”
-what factors were altered in cats with MPL
aLDFA, Proximal Anteversion angle, Tibial torsion, Tibial tuberosity displacement and Trochlear depth : Patella thickness were significantly less in cats with high-grade MPL
Worden, VCOT 2023
Radiographic Comparison of Virtual Surgical Corrective Options for Excessive Tibial Plateau Angle in the Dog
-which surgery had the least TLAS and distalisation of tuberosity?
-Which surgery had greatest TLAS and cranial translation of tuberosity?
TPLO/CCWO least TLAS and distalisation of tuberosity
Coplanar CBLO had greatest TLAS and cranial translation
Agnello, VCOT 2022
Arthroscopic Caudal Cruciate Ligament Damage in Canine Stifles with Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease
-what percentage of stifles had caudal cruciate damage?
-what was the most common type of damage?
-what factor was associated with degree of caudal cruciate damage?
-longitudinal tear
-synovitis associated with caudal cruciate damage
Cieciora, VCOT 2022
Ex Vivo Evaluation of the Cranial Tibial Artery and Its Compression through Fragment Rotation during Tibia Plateau Levelling Osteotomy: An Angiographic Three-Dimensional Reconstruction
-what % decrease in diameter of the cranial tibial artery occurred with rotation of the TPLO fragment?
81% decrease in cranial tibial artery size with TPLO rotation
Cinti, VCOT 2022
A New Generation of Osteochondral Autograft Transfer System for the Treatment of Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Femoral Condyle: Clinical Experience in 18 Dogs
-what major complication rate?
-minor complication rate?
-% sound at 3 month follow up?
-% sound at 6 months? how many with OA at 6 months?
0% major complications
15% minor complications
75% no lameness at 3 month follow-up
90% sound at 6mo, 30% with OA
Eskelinen, VCOT 2022
Tibial Tuberosity Transposition Fixation with a Locking Plate during Medial Patellar Luxation Surgery: An Ex Vivo Mechanical Study
-what was the predominant failure method of pin&TBW and plate&pin&tbw?
pin&tbw failed by fracture
plate&pin&tbw failed by patella ligament rupture.
[P&TBW resisted lower loads than plate&pin/ plate&pin&tbw constructs]
Laube, VCOT 2021
Prevalence and risk factors for bilateral meniscal tears identified during treatment for cranial cruciate ligament disease via tibial plateau levelling osteotomy in dogs
-what was the rate of bilateral meniscal tear in dogs with bilateral CCL dz?
-what were risk factors for bilateral meniscal tear?
48% bilteral meniscal tear
-rottweiler, age (older), smaller size, complete cruciate tear
Peress, VCOT 2021
Comparison of Intra- and Postoperative Complications between Bilateral Simultaneous and Staged Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy with Arthroscopy in 176 Cases
-Incidence of major complications for simultaneous and staged bilateral?
-which major complication was encountered in the simultaneous group? and what frequency?
10% major in simultaneous, 4% major in staged.
tibial tuberosity fractures in 2% of simultaneous group, none in staged.
[overall complication rate 48% vs 20%]
Tanegashima, VCOT 2021
Functional Anatomy of the Craniolateral and Caudomedial Bundles of the Caudal Cruciate Ligament in Beagle Dogs
-where does the caudomedial band originate?
-where doe the craniolateral band originate?
-what is the pattern of insertion?
-which band is under more tension between angles 180-135
-caudomedial band originates on medial condyle
-craniolateral band originates intercondylar fossa
-craniolateral band inserts cranial and medial to caudomedial band on tibia
-caudomedial band under more tension
Terreros, VCOT 2021
Prospective evaluation of a citrate-based biomaterial wedge for a modified maquet procedure in the treatment of cranial cruciate ligament rupture in dogs
-rate of major complication? what was it?
-rate of minor complication? what was most common?
20% major, all SSI
60% minor, most common was cortical hinge fracture
Yasukawa, VCOT 2021
Morphological analysis of bone deformities of the distal femur in toy poodles with medial patellar luxation
-in which region of the femur was hypoplasia present (and the main morphological abnormality) in toy poodle with grade 4 MPL?
cranial and middle compartment of the distal femur was primary morphological abnormality in grd 4 toy poodle MPL
Brioschi, VCOT 2021
Computed Tomographic Assessment of Block Recession Trochleoplasty and Partial Parasagittal Patellectomy in Cats
-what was the reduction in bone volume post parasaggital patellectomy?
-what was reduction in patella width post parasaggital patellectomy?
20% reduction bone volume
40% reduction patella width
Cox, VCOT 2020
Investigation of Variables Associated with Surgical Site Infection following the Management of Canine Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture with a Lateral Fabellotibial Suture
-what factors were linked to SSI? (2)
bodyweight and propofol
Fox VCOT 2020
Average Tibial Plateau Angle of 3,922 Stifles Undergoing Surgical Stabilization for Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture
-what was average TPA
-What factor was linked to higher TPA
neuterred dogs had higher TPA
Jensen, VCOT 2020
Modelling the Effects of Cranial Cruciate Ligament Transection, Medial Meniscal Release and Triple Tibial Osteotomy on Stability of the Canine Stifle Joint
-to what angle did TTO stabilise the stifle to?
125 degrees
Murakami, VCOT 2020
Effect of Limb Position on Measurements of the Quadriceps Muscle Length/Femoral Length Ratio in Normal Beagle Dogs
-what radiographic position increased the QML/FL ratio?
hip extended stifle flexed
Nagahiro, VCOT 2020
Segmental Femoral Ostectomy for the Reconstruction of Femoropatellar Joint in Dogs with Grade IV Medial Patellar Luxation
-what was mean % femoral length was removed
14% (which was 12mm)
Ocal, VCOT 2020
Comparison of Insall-Salvati index and its modification in normal dogs from four different body weight groups
-what were two influential factors for the IS index and the modified index?
sex of dog and presence of osteophytes at patella apex
[larger breeds had gradual increase]
Terhaar, VCOT 2020
Contribution of Habitual Activity to Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Labrador Retrievers
-which labradors were at increased risk of CCLD?
-yellow labradors, overweight
Vezzoni, VCOT 2020
Use of a Modified Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy with Double Cut and Medial Crescentic Closing Wedge Osteotomy to Treat Dogs with Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture and Tibial Valgus Deformity
-what intra-operative complications?
-what was the post-op complication rate?
-2/52 over rotation and fissure of lateral cortex requiring adjunct fixation
-post op complicatino rate 0%
Zide, VCOT 2020
A Cadaveric Evaluation of Pin and Tension Band Configuration Strength for Tibial Tuberosity Osteotomy Fixation
-which fixation method was strongest?
-2 horizontal pins
-2 vertical pins
-2 horizontal pins and tbw
-2 vertical pins and tbw
-what was failure method for tbw techniques?
vertical/horizontal made no difference, tbw failed at higher loads.
tbw and control tibias failed patella lig rupture
Agnello, VCOT 2021
Arthroscopic Articular Cartilage Scores of the Canine Stifle Joint with Naturally Occurring Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease
-what was average MOS score of the stifle?
-which region had higher MOS score?
-what factor resulted in higher MOS score?
general stifle MOS 1
Proximal trochlear groove MOS 2
Higher synovitis score had higher MOS (meniscal tear had no impact)
De La Puerta, VCOT 2019
Prevalence, risk factors and outcomes of postoperative tibial tuberosity fractures in dogs undergoing triple tibial osteotomy surgery
-what was the rate of tibial tuberosity fracture?
-what factors reduced the likelihood of tibial tuberosity fracture?
22% tibial tuberosity fracture in TTO
Cortical Hinge Width of ≥ 5.5 mm or a cut-off value of CHW/TibialW of ≥ 0.21
Frank, VCOT 2019
Diagnostic ultrasound detection of changes in femoral muscle mass recovery after tibial plateau levelling osteotomy in dogs
-which region of the femur is most suitable for measuring femoral muscle mass post TPLO
proximal lateral thigh (2/3 distance from patella to greater trochanter)
Livet VCOT 2019
Comparison of outcomes associated with tibial plateau levelling osteotomy and a modified technique for tibial tuberosity advancement for the treatment of cranial cruciate ligament disease in dogs: a randomized clinical study
-what point during recovery did TTA rapid perform better than TPLO?
1 month post sx, symmetry index higher for TTA
Other than that no difference, all TPLO owners completely satisfied, only 11/13 TTA rapid satisfied.
Mcgregor, VCOT 2019
A Retrospective Study Using the String of Pearls Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy Locking Plate for the Treatment of Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease
-what was mean TPA change at 6 weeks?
-what was median grade osteotomy healing at 6 weeks?
-what was associated with improved osteotomy union?
-complication rate? major complication rate?
-TPA change 1 degree
-grade 2 (26-50% healed)
-improved union associated with 1) retention of antirotational pin , and 2) no TPA chance
-25% complications (7% major)
Rossanese, VCOT 2019
Complications Following Surgical Correction of Medial Patellar Luxation in Small-to-Medium-Size Dogs
-complication rate?
-what factor associated with decreased risk implant related complications?
-what factor associated with increased risk medial reluxation
-37% complications
- retaining distal tibial tuberosity attachment associated with reduced implant complications
-doing a medial release associated with increased reluxation
Tanegashima, VCOT 2019
Functional anatomy of the craniomedial and caudolateral bundles of the cranial cruciate ligament in Beagle dogs
-describe the attachment sites
-which ligament was most tense?
Caudolateral band originates craniodistal to CrM band on femur, and inserts slightly caudal to CrM band on tibia.
Craniomedial band more tense than caudolateral, always tense throughout ROM
Cappelle, VCOT 2019
Short-Term Complications following Single-Session versus Staged Bilateral Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomies Stabilized with Locking Plates for Treatment of Bilateral Cranial Cruciate Ligament Disease: A Retrospective Study
-what risk factor for major complicatinos was found?
-what was difference between groups in complication rate?
-increasing age
-no difference in complication rate between groups.
Colthurst, JSAP 2022
Comparison of incidence of medial meniscal injury in small dogs (≤15 kg) and medium-to-large dogs (>15 kg) with naturally occurring cranial cruciate ligament disease undergoing tibial plateau levelling osteotomy: 580 stifles (2015 - 2019)
-what factors were associated with meniscal tear at index surgery?
-rate of LMI in small and med/large dog?
degree of cruciate rupture, arthroscopy
small dog 1%<, med/large dog 8%
Hamilton, JSAP 2020
The natural history of canine occult Grade II medial patellar luxation: an observational study
-What % dogs with asymptomatic grade II MPL subsequently developed lameness or required surgery?
Coppola JSAP 2022
Traumatic stifle injury in 72 cats: a multicentre retrospective study
-What was the most common combination of ligament injuries?
-What factors were associated with poorer outcome?
-What factors associated with higher risk complications?
-% excellent outcome?
Both cruciates and lateral collateral
A significantly poorer outcome was observed in cats with medial meniscal injury, those undergoing revision surgery and those that had a TA pin post op for immobilisation.
TA pin left in situ post-op associated with a higher risk of complications (P = 0.018).
41% excellent
Boge JFMS 2020
Cranial cruciate ligament disease in cats: an epidemiological retrospective study of 50 cats (2011–2016)
-what % developed bilateral?
-What % had meniscal injury?
-What group of cats did better, surgical or conservative?
14% bilateral
47% meniscal injury
conservatively treated cats had a lower FMPI score, indicating less chronic pain, than those cats treated surgically
Lee, JFMS 2023
Biomechanical evaluation of three fixation methods in a feline transverse patella fracture model
-which construct was strongest?
Fibrewire (circumferential and figure of 8) more resistant to displacement than metal P&TBW or metal circumferential wire and fig-of-8 wire
StoneBurner JAVMA 2022
Conservative nonsurgical treatment for cranial cruciate ligament disease can be an effective management strategy in cats based on validated owner-based subjective assessment in some cases
-what % clinically normal by 3 months?
83% clinically normal by 3 months.
Owner followup 94% said good to excellent with non surgical management
Banks vet surg 2024
A mismatch of planning and achieved tibial plateau angle in cranial closing wedge surgery: An in silico and clinical evaluation of 100 cases
-At what level of distalisation did the magnitude of correction start to increase??
> 7.5mm from tuberosity
Keider, vet surg 2024
Caudal pole meniscectomy through an arthroscopic caudomedial portal in dogs: A cadaveric study
-descsribe the landmark for the caudomedial port
-what % area of the medial meniscus was excised?
-mean % articiular cartilage injury?
1cm caudal to medial tibial condyle using percutaneous trans illumination
4% articular cartilage injury
Sanders, vet surg 2024
Influence of antiseptic lavage during tibial plateau leveling osteotomies on surgical site infection in 1422 dogs
- what factors were linked to increased SSI rate? (3)
-what decreased the rate of infection?
single session bilateral (2.5x increase), increase in bodyweight.
Antiseptic lavage had greater proportion of infections compared to saline lavage (15% vs 9%)
Post-op antibiotics decreased infection rate
Story, vet surg 2024
Morphologic impact of four surgical techniques to correct excessive tibial plateau angle in dogs: A theoretical radiographic analysis
CBLO with coplanar wedge
prox tib neutral wedge osteotomy
which had greatest TLAS?
which had greatest tibial shortening?
-CBLO greatest TLAS
-TPLO/CCWO greatest shortening
Niida, vet surg 2024
The impact of surgery resident training on the duration of tibial plateau leveling osteotomy surgery
- what factors were associated with longer surgery duration? (5)
1st year resident
meniscal tear treatment
surgery on the right stifle
increasing patient weight
Rocheleau, vet surg 2024
Short-term outcomes of 43 dogs treated with arthroscopic suturing for meniscal tears associated with cranial cruciate ligament disease
-% complications?
-what factor had significant impact on outcome?
-out of 44 meniscal repairs, how many failed
-34% complications
-stabilisation technique - success rate of TPLO and internal brace (93%) vs TPLO alone (71%)
-6/44 (14%) meniscal repairs failed
Evers, Vet surg 2023
Accuracy of needle arthroscopy for the diagnosis of medial meniscal tears in dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture
-what was the sensitivity and specificity of needle arthroscopy to detect meniscal tears?
-what factors were different between needle arthroscopy and standard?
95% sensitivity and 100% specificity
Needle arthroscopy: lower visibility, shorter procedure time, harder to probe lateral meniscus
McKay, vet surg 2023
Biomechanical evaluation of three adjunctive methods of orthopedic tension band-wire fixation to augment simulated patella tendon repairs in dogs
- which method of patella tendon repair augmentation was most effective?
combined transpatellar and circumpatellar tension band wire required greater load for gap formation to occur.
Redolfi, VCOT 2024
Complications and Long-Term Outcomes after Combined Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy and Tibial Tuberosity Transposition for Treatment of Concurrent Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture and Grade III or IV Medial Patellar Luxation
-what was the major complication rate?
-what was the most common major complication?
SSI (3) and recurrent grd 2 MPL (1)
[95% sound at follow up
96% no reluxation]
Mclean VCOT 2024
Effect of Plate Inclination and Osteotomy Positioning on Rock-back following Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy in Dogs
-what % rockback?
21% (mean increase 3 degrees)
no studied variables correlated with rockback
Dallago, VCOT 2023
Effect of Plate Type on Tibial Plateau Levelling and Medialization Osteotomy for Treatment of Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture and Concomitant Medial Patellar Luxation in Small Breed Dogs: An In Vitro Study
-what medialisation did the 4mm offset plate create?
-what medialisation did the 6mm offset plate create?
-what combination of dog size and plate may create problem with bone contact?
3mm medialisation with 4mm offset plate
5mm medicalisation with 6mm offset plate
6mm plate in a dog <10kg may result in insufficient bone apposition
Looi, VCOT 2024
Effects of Angled Dynamic Compression Holes in a Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy Plate on Cranially Directed Fragment Displacement
-which variable was altered by the angled compression hole plate?
-craniocaudal displacement was altered (0.85mm) without altering TPA [this equates to increased cranial compression]
there were no significant differences in proximodistal displacement.
Reduced interfragmentary distance across the osteootmy
Onis, VCOT 2023
Evaluation of Surgical Technique and Clinical Results of a Procedure-Specific Fixation Method for Tibial Tuberosity Transposition in Dogs: 37 Cases
-what was the major complication rate?
-minor complication rate?
-what was the most common complication?
-what was the rate of reluxation?
-rate of tuberosity avulsion fracture?
-major complication rate 8%
-minor complication rate 35%
-reluxation most common complication
-rate of reluxation 18%
-no tuberosity avulsion fracture
[rapid luxation plating system]
Murakami VCOT 2023
Examination of Proximodistal Patellar Position in Dogs with the Stifle at Full Extension
-which factors were associated with patella alta?
-which factor most important?
greater full extension angle, greater patella ligament length, shorter trochlea.
greater full extension angle
Alvarez, VCOT 2024
In Vitro Assessment of Compression Patterns Using Different Methods to Achieve Interfragmentary Compression during Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy
-which method lost caudal compression?
-which method produced most even osteotomy compression?
-kerns distal lost caudal compression
-pointed reduction forceps across top and plate hole most even compression.
[addition of kerns to forceps and plate hole compression lost caudal compression and gained cranial compression].
Anderson, VCOT 2024
Permanent Iatrogenic Fibular Nerve Injury following Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy
-what were the examination findings?
-what was the common factor for fibular nerve injury following TPLO?
-cranial tibial muscle atrophy, absent hock flexion, mild lameness.
-drill hole caudal aspect of tibia, immediately caudal to osteotomy
Worden, VCOT 2023
Radiographic Comparison of Virtual Surgical Corrective Options for Excessive Tibial Plateau Angle in the Dog
-which surgery resulted in the greatest TLAS?
-which surgery resulted in greatest tibial shortening?
-which surgery had least effect on tibial morphology?
CoCBLO greatest TLAS
-CCWO greatest tibial shortening
(Note - Story vet surg 2024 didnt include CCWO, TPLO/CCWO had greatest shortening
TPLO/CCWO had least effect on tibial morphology
Murphy, VCOT 2024
The Prevalence and Risk Factors of Contralateral Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Medium-to- Large (>15kg) Breed Dogs 8 Years of Age or Older
-What is the rate of second side CCLR in dogs over 8 years?
-What factors were significantly associated with second side rupture?
19% at median 13 months
Age, labrador and golden retriever associated with second side rupture.
Nicetto, VCOT 2024
Trochlear Ridge Prostheses for Reshaping Femoral Trochlear Ridges in Dogs with Patellar Luxation
-what was the overall complication rate?
-what % of dogs were fully functional at follow-up?
5% complications (2 minor, one MPL recurrence)
95% full function
Pacheco, JAVMA 2023
Cranial tibial translation measurements for radiographic diagnosis of cranial cruciate ligament rupture in dogs
-What DPOI (distance between points of origin and insertion of cranial cruciate ligament) ratio can be used as a cut off for diagnosis of CCL rupture on radiographs with tibial compression?
> 1.18
Ericksen, JAVMA 2023
Dome trochleoplasty for correction of patella alta and patella luxation in dogs > 20 kg
-overall complication rate?
-major compication rate?
-what were main major complications?
overall complication rate 50%
major complication rate 44%
pin migration and recurrent luxation were major complications