Humerus & elbow Flashcards
Pierrot, JAVMA 2023
Presumed concurrent medial coronoid process fracture is a frequent radiographic finding in dogs and cats with humeral condylar fractures
-incidence of MCP fracture?
-what factor increased likelihood?
-comminution of fracture had positive effect on presence of possible fractured MCP
Danielski, JAVMA 2023
Lower body weight and increasing age are significant risk factors for complications following bi-oblique proximal ulnar osteotomy in dogs
-what was the most common major complication?
-most common minor complication?
-osteotomy non union
-delayed union
Low, VCOT 2024
Long-Term Outcome and Complications after Transcondylar Screw Placement for Canine Humeral Intracondylar Fissure
-what factor associated with DECREASED risk of complications?
-total complication rate?
-increasing age associated with decreased risk of complications.
-17.5% complication rate
Condon, VCOT 2024
Humeral Condylar Fractures in French Bulldogs—Inciting Cause and Factors Influencing Complications of Internal Fixation in 136 Dogs
-complication rate?
-what factor increased risk of complication?
-22% complication rate, third of which were major
-comminution increased risk of complication
[fixation method did not]
Payne, VCOT 2024
Computed Tomography Topographical Analysis of Incomplete Humeral Intracondylar Fissures in English Springer Spaniel Dogs
-in ESS, where does the HIF originate?
typically originates approximately 57 degrees caudal to the supratrochlear foramen in the sagittal plane and may propagate in a segmental fashion with lesser propagation through the proximal intracondylar region.
Fuchter, VCOT 2023
Biomechanical Comparison of Cortical Lag Screws and Cortical Position Screws for Their Generation of Interfragmentary Compression and Area of Compression in Simulated Lateral Humeral Condylar Fractures
-which method of screw placement generated most compression?
forceps compression with 3.5mm lag screw
Scharpf VCOT 2023
Assessment of Outcome of Arthroscopic Subtotal Coronoidectomy in Treating Medial Coronoid Disease and Effect of Concurrent Autologous Conditioned Plasma in Dogs Using Force Plate Analysis
-how long did it take for PVF to normalise?
-what parameters had not normalised at this point?
-what was effect of ACP?
-26 weeks
-braking parameters
-ACP did not affect outcome
Vernier, vet surg 2024
The use of lateral arthroscopy portals for the management of a fragmented lateral coronoid process in an English Bulldog
-what was the treatment?
abrasion arthroplasty
Von Pfeil, Vet surg 2024
Outcomes of 11 dogs with short radius syndrome treated with acute arthroscopically assisted ulnar shortening
-to the closest mm, to what extent were radioulnar values improved by?
-humero ulnar?
-median time to bone healing?
3mm radioulnar
2mm humeroradial
1mm humeroulnar
8 weeks
no major complications
Quinn, vet surg 2024
Adjunctive fixation of the humeral epicondyle in a lateral condylar fracture model: Ex vivo comparison of pins and plates with a novel composite (AdhFix)
-what was the difference in stiffness between adhfix and plate?
- what is the composite?
-how does it harden?
none, both stiffer than 1.6mm k-wire.
2 resin components and hydroxyapatite
-dental acrylic lamp (high energy visible light)
Danielski, vet surg 2024
Influence of oblique proximal ulnar osteotomy on humeral intracondylar fissures in 35 spaniel breed dogs
-what percentage of HIF showed partial or complete healing?
-what impacted the increase in hounsfield units in HIF?
-what happened to HU of rest of condyle
-what % fissures did not heal and had complications as a result?
-how many elbows went on to fracture?
-most common complication?
80% partial or complete healing (55% complete, 25% partial)
-young dogs showed greater increase in hounsfield units
- rest of condyle showed decrease in HU
-8% did not heal and had complications as a result
- 2/51 fractured
-pin migration
Carwardine, vet surg 2024
Medial versus lateral transcondylar screw placement for canine humeral intracondylar fissures: A randomized clinical trial
-what was a risk factor for complications?
-most common complication?
-complication rate for mediolateral and lateromedial groups?
-what factor was linked to dogs with a major complication?
-L-M had 3.2x risk complications compared to M-L
-SSI most common complication
-LM 62%, ML 19% complications.
**Implant area moment of inertia (AMI), normalized to bodyweight, was lower in dogs with a major complication **
Gall, JFMS 2022
Analysis of feline humeral fracture morphology and a comparison of fracture repair stabilisation methods: 101 cases (2009–2020)
-what factor correlated with time to radigoraphic union and time ot acceptable function?
-what was most common fixation for humeral diaphysis fractures?
-what was assocaited with more minor complications?
-bodyweight correlated with time to union and time to acceptable function
-ESF most common for diaphysis
-open diaphyseal fractures associated with more minor complications
ESFs with more complications as expecterd
Walton JSAP 2020
A humeral intracondylar repair system for the management of humeral intracondylar fissure and humeral condylar fracture
-what was transcondylar screw?
-major complications?
headless self compressing screw (HIRS)
and comes with stepped drill bit
void packed with DBM
2/34 HIF, 2/14 fractures had major compliations
all cases had some degree of continuity of bone opacity across condyle
Carwardine, JSAP 2021
Outcomes, complications and risk factors following fluoroscopically guided transcondylar screw placement for humeral intracondylar fissure
-complication rate?
-what made complications more likely?
-factors protective of complication?
45% complications, 15% needed revision surgery.
complications more likely earlier in study and with increasing bodyweight
longer surgery and being female were protective re complications