Targeting Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Joint Targeting Process?
To create desired effects in the Operational Environment (OE) to support achievement of the Joint Force Commander’s (JFC’s)objectives through the prioritization, integration,
synchronization, and application of fires and other capabilities
Create desired effect
What is a target?
An entity that performs a function for the enemy considered for possible engagement
What is an HVT?
High Value Target
A target the enemy requires for the successful completion of the mission
Expected to seriously degrade important enemy capabilities
What is a HPT?
High Payoff Target
A target whose loss to the enemy will significantly contribute to the success of friendly COA
What types of targeting are there?
Deliberate: placed on Joint Target List
Dynamic: prosecutes targets of opportunity
-F2T2EA: Find, Fix, Track, Target, Engage, Assess
What types of deliberate targets are there?
Scheduled: proseuted at a specific time, in the ATO
On-call: dedicated capabilities planned against them but not a specific time. Assets will be weaponeered to achieve Commander’s desired effect. BETTER THAN IMMEDIATE REQUESTS
What are the types of dynamic targeting?
Unscheduled targets: known to exist the OE but not nominated or approved on the JIPTL
Unanticipated targets: unknown or unexpected
What are the steps of D3A?
Decide: what, where, when and how to employ our capabilities against targets
Detect: targets
Deliver: appropriate capabilities to create desired effects
Assess: effects of the engagement
What systems detect / track?
FO, Scouts, UAS, Weapons locating radars, RW assets, FW assets,SOF, SIGINT, satellites, other national assets
What do we use to attack targets?
Maneuver units, mortars, artillery, naval surface fires, RW, FW, standoff weapons, UAS, SOF, EW, cyber warfare
What are components to BDA?
Physical damage assessment
Functional damage assessment
Target system assessment