Talking About Success And Failure Flashcards
He has made a breakthrough in his maths this year
پیشرفت سریع وقابل توجه
A remarkable achievement
دستاورد چشمگیر
A dramatic improvement
پیشرفت قابل توجه
Crowning achievement
اوج موفقیت
He has an excellent grasp of french
روی چیزی مسلط بودن
This will come in useful
بدرد بخور وکارآمد
He will take an advantage of
فرصت وبهره وری از چیزی
To exploit sth/someone
استثمار کردن
Passing his exam
His success in next year is guaranteed
He has made good progress
پیشرفت خوب
Gaining/getting good marks
نمرات خوب گرفتن
A great success
Highly effective
To make a useful contribution
ارائه خوب داشتن
He has the ability to explain
Some effective way of
A brilliant success
موفقیت درخشان
To enjoy the fruit of his hard work
It has brought out the Best
بهترین ها را بیرون آورد
To fail miserably
A spectacular failure
شکست دیدنی
His play flopped
شکست خورد
Hope were dashed
امیدها بر باد رفت
To be failing their exams
It went badly wrong
To doom to failure
محکوم به شکست
A dismal failure
شکست غم انگیز
To go out of business
از تجارت خارج شد
It’s a recipe for disaster
قطعا با شکست مواجه شده
Lost his nerve
اعصابش را از دست داد
To miss the point
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