taking charge of your health Flashcards
what is health?
not just the absence of disease; emphasizes social and personal (mental) resources and physical capacities
what is wellness?
expanded idea of health; ability to live fully with vitality and meaning; dynamic process of change and growth
how many dimensions of wellness are there? what are they?
- physical, interpersonal/social, intellectual, occupational, emotional, environmental, spiritual
what is chronic disease?
develops/worsens over time
what is infectious disease?
transfers from one person to another. spread is due to lack of clean water, poor sewage removal, crowding, lack of sanitation
what is morbidity and motality?
morbidity is illness/disease and mortality is death
what are the major chronic diseases in canadians?
cancer, heart disease, stroke
what is the average life expectancy for males and females? which one is higher?
males is 80 years, females is 84 years. females have a higher life expectancy
what is the best course of action in relation to chronic diseases?
what are the leading causes of preventable death?
smoking, poor diet, inactivity, alcohol use
what is self efficacy?
belief in your ability to successfully take action
what are the steps in the transtheoretical model for behaviour change?
precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, termination
what is precontemplation in the transtheoretical model for behaviour change?
no intention of changing behaviour within next 6 months
what is contemplation in the transtheoretical model for behaviour change?
aware of the problem, sees themselves taking action in the next 6 months - unsure how to proceed
what is preparation in the transtheoretical model for behaviour change?
plans to take action within month, may have already started to make small actions
what is action in the transtheoretical model for behaviour change?
implemented their plan, changes made and sustained for around 6 months, risk of reverting back
what is maintenance in the transtheoretical model for behaviour change?
maintained for over 6 months, lasts up to 5 years, increase in confidence and self efficacy
what is termination in the transtheoretical model for behaviour change?
existed the cycle and extablished new habits, no longer tempted with old habits, new self image and completed self efficacy
what is the locus of control?
who one believes controls their life
what are factors that influence wellness?
health habits, environment, heredity, access to health care