Take Off Flashcards
What is the critical engine?
The engines who’s failure would most adversely affect performance & handling.
Is the outer most engine on a quad jet, a twin does not necessarily have one.
Define Vef
The CAS at which the critical engine is assumed to fail at, which is selected by the applicant but must not be less than Vmcg.
Define V1
Is the decision speed defined as the max speed at which the crew must take first action to reject the T/O to ensure the a/c stops within RWY limits.
Again is selected by the applicant and the CAS must be no less than Vef+1s (where 1s speed gained in time between failure and pilot recognition & action
List in order from fastest to slowest…
Vmcg, V1, Vef
Vmcg < Vef < V1
Define Vr
What must it be greater than?
Rotation speed, the speed at which the pilot makes the initial rotation (3*/sec).
The CAS must not be less than :
-105% Vmca
-the speed which allows V2 before 35ft above RWY
-a speed that is a/c is rotated at max practicable rate will result a satisfactory Vlof (Vlof is lift off speed at which a/c becomes airborne).
What is the relationship between Vlof and Vmu/Vmu(n-1)
Vlof>/ 1.1Vmu
Vlof >/ 1.05Vmu(n-1)
What is V2?
Is the minimum climb speed that must be reached at a height of 35ft above RWY in case of engine failure.
Must not be less than:
-1.13Vs1g (JAR) or 1.2Vs (FAR) for TJ. Vs1g=Vsr
-Vr+speed attained before 35ft
Define Vmbe
Max brake energy speed, must be able to slow a/c from V1 to stop
Speed has a greater effect than mass due Ek equation.
Define Vtyre
Max ground speed in order to limit Cff and heat which can damage the tyre.
What defines the TOD on a dry RWY with no clearway?
Is the greater of the following:
- TOD(n-1): from brake release to point 35ft above RWY, assuming critical engine fails at Vef and recognised/action taken at V1.
- 1.15TOD: from brake release to point 35ft above RWY, assuming all engines (115% of distance).
What defines TOD on a wet RWY with no clearway?
Higher of the following values:
- TOD dry runway
- TOD(n-1): brake release to point 15ft above RWY, assuming V2 still met at 35ft and the critical engine fails at Vef and recognised at V1.
What defines TOR on a dry RWY with clearway?
The greater of the following values:
- TOR(n-1): brake release to point where main gear equidistant from Vlof to point 35ft above RWY, assuming critical engine fails at Vef and recognised at V1.
- 1.15TOR: 115% of distance from brake release to point where main gear is equidistant from Vlof to 35ft
What defines TOR on a wet RWY with a clearway?
Greater of the following:
- TOR(n-1): brake release to point 15ft above RWY ensuring V2 by 35ft and critical engine fails at Vef and recognised at V1. (Is equal to TODn-1 wet)
- 1.15TOR: 115% of distance from brake release to point where main gear is equidistant from Vlof to 35ft, assuming all engines.
Difference between TODA & TORA?
How do TOR/TOD differ with no clearway?
How does a clearway affect TOD/TOR (n-1)?
TORA is the ground run available whereas TOD is TORA+clearway.
Hence when there is no clearway, TOD=TOR.
On a wet RWY, TOD(n-1)=TOR(n-1) so provides no performance benefit.
TOR will always be more limiting.
What is the ASD on a dry RWY equal too?
Greater of the sums of the following: -ASD(n-1): —Accelerate to Vef with all engines —Accelerate Vef-V1 without CE, assuming failure at Vef and first action at V1 —Come to full stop —2s extra at V1
—Accelerate to V1 with all engines and reject at V1
—With all engines come to full stop (but can’t certify using thrust rev)
—2s extra at V1
What is the ASD on a wet RWY?
Greater of the following values:
- ASDdry
- ASDn-1 wet: definition same asASDn-1 dry
- ASDwet: definition same as ASD dry
On a wet RWY however, use of the thrust reversers is permitted for certification as long as safe and reliable.
Define TORA and what it is equal too
Length of RWY deemed appropriate by authorities as suitable for the ground run of an a/c T/O.
Is equal to RWY left hand or distance from RWY entry point.
What is TODA?
Define the characteristics of a clearway.
A clearway must be:
-Centrally located about the extended centreline and under control of airport authorities
-Upwards slope of not more than 1.25%
-Not less than 152m (500ft wide)
-No protruding objects/terrain except for threshold lights if less than 0.66m (26in) and on side of RWY.
How is TODA limited by TORA and clearways?
TODA(max)= 1.5TORA
So that means CWY is max 1/2 of TORA
What is an ASDA?
TORA + stopway
A stopway at the end of the runway should be:
-At least as wide as the RWY and centred about the extended centreline
-Able to support a/c in aborted T/P without structurally damaging the a/c
-Designated by the airport to assist in decelerating the a/c in aborted T/O
What factors affect the loss of RWY due alignment?
What determines how much TODA/ASDA is lost?
Taxiway intersection angle, a/c size, a/c steering ability.
TODA lost is from the start of the RWY to main wheels.
ASDA lost is from start of RWY to nose wheel.