Landing Flashcards
What is the landing distance available?
The distance of runway designated by authorities as suitable for landing. It does not include a stopway.
However worth noting a stopway can also be considered a clearway.
What is defined as the approach funnel?
Draw the diagram
60m from threshold begins a 300m wide line expanding at 15*.
What if there is an obstacle in the approach funnel? How does this affect LDA?
Draw out the diagram
A displaced threshold considering a 2% plane and a 60m margin.
LDA is from the threshold
What is VLs?
Is the lowest selectable speed that must be maintained until 50ft above RWY. VLs=1.3Vs=1.23Vs1g
What is Vapp?
What is it limited by?
The final approach speed 50ft above RWY with flap/slat in LSG configuration and gear extended.
Must be equal to or greater than VLs.
What is the margin usually applied to VLs?
Is applied to get Vapp.
Vapp=VLs+wind correction
Wind correction is 5kt min and 15kt max
Is 1/2 steady air + 1/2 gust factor
Ie) 10G20=15kt
What defines the actual landing distance?
For a manual landing, the a/c certification ALD is the horizontal distance from 50ft above RWY to come to complete stop. It considers:
- A/C in LDG configuration during stabilised approach
- CAS of VLs till 50ft
- Standard temp (actual if contaminated)
- Not excessive vertical speed
- Level, smooth, hard and dry RWY
- Acceptable braking
- Braking other than wheels (reversers/spoilers) only considered if safe/reliable. Not considered on dry runways.
How does a manual LD compare to an auto LD?
Auto LD are longer
What conditions surround an approach climb (after go around)?
- (N-1)
- TOGA thrust
- Gear retracted
- Slat/slot in app config
- 1.23Vs1g\/Vmcl
What are the minimum approach climb gradients with one engine out?
Twin: 2.1%
Quad: 2.7%
What conditions surround the landing climb?
- All engines
- Gear extended
- Slat/flaps in LDG configuration
- Thrust available 8s after initial movement from idle to TOGA
- 3.2% gradient
- 1.13Vs1g < V < 1.23Vs1g. & V < Vmcl
How does an increase in the friction coefficient and increase in precipitation drag affect landing distance?
Increase Cf will decrease landing distance
Increase Dp will decrease landing distance
How does bleed air affect climb gradient?
It will decrease the climb gradient
What is the required landing distance?
It is assumed the a/c will land on the most favourable RWY in NIL wind conditions, expect it will land on the RWY likely to be assigned by the wind speed/direction.
RLD is the minimum distance for landing required based off forecast weather conditions and weight.
How does slope affect RLD?
What about a a/c system failure before dispatch?
Slope only needs to be accounted for if greater than 2%.
If the particular failure will affect landing distance then apply the coefficient in the MEL.
What is the RLD(dry)?
RLD(dry) is either (both the same equation)
ALD/0.6 < LDA
ALD 1.667 < LDA
In other words, must be able to land within 60% of LDA.
What is RLD (wet)?
- 15RLD (dry) < LDA
1. 92ALD < LDA
What is RLD (contaminated)?
Greater of:
ALD(contaminated) x 1.15
RLD (wet)
Where v speed at 50ft above threshold is:
1.23Vs1g < v < 1.23Vs1g + 10kt
What is RLD auto (dry)?
Greater of
ALD auto x 1.15
RLD manual
When must a fuel jettison system be installed?
Must be installed unless:
The a/c can be proven to meet approach/landing climb (hence below max go around weight) requirements at MTOW less the weight of a 15min circuit (take off/approach/land)
What is the standard approach gradient for a CAT II/III approach?
What 2 types of max landing weights is there? Which one is used?
Is the lesser of MLW due to performance (LDR/GA) or structural (MLW)
What is Vref?
Reference speed used for performance calculations. Is the steady landing approach speed at 50ft for a landing config.
Vapp= Vref + Vinop (if there is a system malfunction requiring increase in speed).