Climb & Obstacle Limitations Flashcards
What is defined as the T/O flight path?
From 35ft above the T/O surface to the highest of:
- 1500ft above RWY
- Transition from T/O to enroute configuration (clean & MCT) and final T/O speed reached
Draw the T/O flight path (n-1) and draw a table of the requirements for each of the 4 stages
Refer pg 63/64
You better go learn it!
When must V2 be reached by and maintained till? What about after?
A/C must reach V2 by 35ft above the RWY SFC and must fly at least V2 until 400ft. From 400ft the available climb gradient must no be less than 1.2% (twin) or 1.7% (quad).
What is the max acceleration height?
Max thrust (TOGA) is certified for 5min (all engines) or 10min (n-1). During phase 3 flaps/slats are retracted and MCT can be selected after in enroute config (clean & green dot)... but no later than 5/10min. MCT is limited by 10min, this is therefore the max acceleration height.
When can turns be made after T/O? (FAR/JAR)
Under JAR: track changes not allowed until net flight path has achieved 1.5 wingspan from the ground but not less than 50ft AGL above the end of TORA.
Under FAR: it is assumed a/c not banked before 50ft and a max bank angle thereafter of 15*.
What is the max bank angle for given heights?
Under JAR:
- Below 200ft 15*
- 200-400ft 15*
- Above 400ft 25*
Difference between gross and net flight paths?
Gross T/O flight path is the ‘actual path’ flown by the a/c, determined by taking the mean path of a fleet. Used in climb gradients.
The net T/O path is the gross T/O path less a mandatory reduction. Used for obstacle clearance.
How much is the net flight path reduction?
How much must the net flight path clear obstacles by (S/L and turn)?
0.8% twin and 1.0 quad.
The net path:
Must clear all obstacles by 35ft vertically if less than 15AoB.
Must clear all obstacles by 50ft vertically is more than 15AoB.
If this is not met, must reduce weight to increase climb gradient.
Draw the take off funnel under JAR (straight and turn)
What numericals must be remembered?
The net flight path must clear all obstacles by 90m + 0.125D, where D is the distance from end of TODA (straight) or TOD (turn) and 90m is lateral (75m NZ).
If the intended flight path has no track changes (less 15) obstacles outside of 300m laterally do not need to be considered (if required nav acc achieved) other its 600m.
If intended flight path requires track change of more than 15 obstacles outside of 600m laterally do not need to be considered (if nav acc met) otherwise 900m.
Draw the take off funnel under FAR.
What numericals must be remembered?
Assumes no banking.
Turbine powered a/c must not operate above a weight that does not allow net flight path obstacle clearance within 200ft (inside airport boundaries) or 300ft (past airport boundaries).
What outside elements must be considered for T/O?
- Not more than 50% HWC or 150% TWC
- PA
- Ambient temp
- RWY slope in direction of T/O
- SFC type/condition
What affect does PA and OAT have on TOD, CG & MTOW?
What about OAT on Tref?
Increase PA: increases TOD, decreases MTOW, decreases CG (less thrust available)
Increase OAT: increases TOD, decreases CG.
TOGA thrust not affected by OAT until Tref then decreases.
What slope are Airbus a/c certified to fly on?
How does an upwards slope affect TOD, LD & ASD?
Increases TOD.
Decreases LD & ASD… so sometimes if ASD is the limiting factor on T/O, MCTOW can be increased on an upwards slope.
Define a dry RWY
Neither wet or contaminated. Includes RWY with grooves or porous to give ‘dry braking’ even if moisture present.
Difference between a damp and wet RWY?
Damp: not dry but moisture on surface does not give shiny appearance.
Wet: surface covered with water or equivalent, with depth less than or equal to 3mm OR surface give a shiny appearance due to moisture without significant standing water.
Define a contaminated RWY
More than 25% of required surface area of runway is covered by standing water with a depth of greater than 3mm (or equivalent).
What are hard and fluid contaminants?
Fluid: water, loose snow, slush etc (reduce friction forces and cause aqua planning/precipitation drag)
Hard: compact snow and ice (reduce friction forces)
What is precipitation drag?
Composed of:
- Displacement drag; displacement of fluid from tyre path
- Spray impingement drag; spay of water onto fuselage.
Improves stopping in case of aborted T/O and worsens T/O distance.
What causes aqua planning? What equation can be used to find the speed at which this occurs?
When water can’t be squeezed from between tyre and RWY so a/c sits on a layer of water. Traction decreases so poor braking action and ineffective steering. Is worse at higher speeds.
Vap(kt)= 34(Pt/ø)^0.5
Where Pt is tyre pressure (kg/cm^2) and o is specific gravity of contaminant
What consequence is there of a lower screen height on a wet/contaminated RWY?
As the screen height is 15ft not 35, the gross path starts at 15ft whereas the net flight path begins at 35ft. So in the first part of a T/O if engine failure occurs it is possible to clear an obstacle by only 15ft.
Why might the MTOW be increased on a wet or contaminated RWY?
As thrust reversers are allowed and a screen height of 15ft is to be used in calculations for TOD and ASD, it may result in a lower distance so MTOW can be increased as a result. However, the MTOW of a wet RWY must not exceed that of a dry RWY in the same conditions.