A/C Limitations Flashcards
What is VMO?
The max speed that must not be deliberately exceeded in flight (Vne)
What are the following?
- VFe
- VLe
- VLo
VFe: Max flap speed
VLe : Must not exceed this speed with the landing gear extended
VLo: Max speed to operate the extension/retraction of the landing gear
What is Vmcg?
Is the minimum control speed ground.
It is the CAS during the T/O run at which if the critical engine fails, it is possible to maintain control of the a/c using only the primary aerodynamic controls (rudder) without nose wheel steering, to enable the T/O to be safely continued.
What is Vmcg established with?
- A/C in the most critical T/O configuration
- Max available thrust/power
- Most unfavourable CoG (aft as less arm CoG-rudder)
- A/C trimmed for T/O
- Most unfavourable weight
- Must not deviate laterally along centreline by more than 30ft
What is Vmca?
Is the minimum control speed airborne.
Is the CAS when the critical engine fails, that it is possible to maintain straight flight and maintain control of the a/c with an AoB of less than 5*
What is Vmca established with?
What speed must it not exceed?
What heading change is max?
- Must not be more than 1.2Vs
- Max power available
- Most unfavourable CoG
- A/C airborne with negligible ground effect
- A/C trimmed for T/O
- Max sea level TOW
- A/C in most critical T/O configuration airborne (except with LDG gear retracted)
The a/c must not assume a dangerous attitude or require exceptional piloting & strength to prevent a heading change of more than 20*
What is Vmcl?
Minimum control speed landing.
Is the CAS if the critical engine fails it is possible to maintain control of the a/c and maintain straight flight with an AoB of not more than 5*.
What must Vmcl be established with?
- Most unfavourable CoG
- A/C trimmed for approach with all engines running
- GA thrust set on engines
- A/C in most critical approach config with all engines operating
Lateral control for Vmcl must be sufficient to roll a/c from initial steady flight through 20* in less than 5s in the direction of the live engine.
What is Vmu? How does it differ with n-1?
What will occur before Vmu in a short vs long a/c?
Minimum unstick speed.
Is the CAS at and above the a/c will safely lift off the ground.
Vmu < Vmu(n-1)
A short a/c will stall first where as a large a/c will tail strike first.
What is Vs and Vs1g? Illustrate on a diagram
Vs is the minimum steady flight speed/calibrated stalling speed at which the a/c is controllable with zero thrust setting/idle. LF<1.
Vs1g is at Cl Max just before lift begins to decrease. LF=1.
What relationship is there between Vs & Vs1g?
How is V2(min) certified depending on the V speed used?
Vs= 0.94Vs1g
A/C certified to Vs, V2(min)=1.2Vs
A/C certified to Vs1g (fly by wire), V2(min)=1.13Vs1g