Tajfel Flashcards
Why was Tajfel lucky to study in France
rest of his family died in the Hollocuast back home
What was Tajfel in WWII
French soldier & Prisoner-of-war
Who did Tajfel work for
OSE & UN Refugee Organisation
What led Tajfel to be interested in the plight of refugees
His experiences in war
What was Tajfel interested in?
the way people act and are treated is often determined by group membership
Recognised the self is not just personal but also
What were the minimal conditions
• Categorisation into two distinct groups
• Real decisions about the distribution of rewards or penalties
– Distribution is NOT based on scarce resource
• No advantage for the individual making a distribution choice
• No knowledge of identity of ingroup/outgroup members
• No face-to-face interaction
• No advantage of belonging to a particular group
• No logical reason for holding a negative attitude against the outgroup
– No normative/consensual discrimination
Who were the participants
64 boys, aged 14-15 years, from a comprehensive school in a suburb of Bristol
What was a matrice?
a booklet of matrices and told that their task was to assign rewards to anonymous members of each group
What was the value of each point
0.1 of a penny
What strategy did the boys adopt
a compromise between fairness and maximum differentiation in favour of the ingroup
What was more important: relative or absolute group gain
• Relative group gain more important than absolute group gain and maximum overall gain, i.e. doing better than them is more important than doing well per se
What is a sufficient condition to create intergroup discrimination
social categorisation
What is negative interdependence
• Competition over scarce resources
What are some explanations for Tajfel’s findings
Generic (competitive) norm
Positive Distinctiveness
self-esteem hypothesis
When do things contribute
if it adds to positive distinctiveness
When is the effect eliminated
when participants role-play
How are there demand charcteristics
• As there are two teams, they can infer that they need to do something alongside the teams
What is the role of similarity
- Participants work on the assumption that they are more similar to ingroup members than outgroup members (e.g., similar dot estimation/art preference)
- Similarity – Attraction Principle
What is the role of interdependence
- No direct self-interest (no self-reward option)
* BUT: Perhaps participants expect other ingroup members to act in terms of ingroup favouritism
What was the main finding
Participants would rather give less money to an ingroup member than risking a situation in which an outgroup member receives more money
What was Tajfel fundamentally opposed to
– Reductionism
– Individualism
– A-contextualism