TA07 - TOF/TENR Flashcards
What is the principle of TENR
Safety is success
-victim, public and employee safety are paramount and every effort made to MINIMISE HARM AND MAXIMISE SAFETY
When does a tactical options report need to be submitted?
By the end of shift or up to 72 hours with supervisor approval
Must be submitted when there is use of force .To explain the incident where force was used or shown
Eg subject behaviour, PCA, reason for using chosen tactic and incident outcome
What does TENR stand for and mean?
Threat- the threat is assessed
Exposure - who/what is exposed to the threat? What is the potential for harm?
Necessity- to act now , later or not at all
Response -response is timely, proportionate and appropriate based on considered risk assessment of threat, exposure and necessity.
Justification for UOF -sections
S39- UOF to effect an arrest S40- UOF avoiding arrest/prevent an escape S41- prevent suicide or serious injury S42- UOF breach of the peace S48 -UOF self defence or of another S62 - excessive force
What is reasonable use of force?
Amount to overcome resistance of offender.
Includes force that is necessary and proportionate given all the circumstances known at the time
What is the purpose of TOR REPORT?
- helps improve staff and public safety
- triggers automatic NIA alerts
- provides accountability for individuals and company
Which tactical options does a “show of force” have to be reported on a TOR?
Taser and firearm only